Bridging Communities Series Launches

Five women sit and speak with one another in front of an audience.

Michigan Technological University is proud to announce the launch of the Bridging Communities Series for the fall 2024 semester. This collaborative initiative brings together departments across campus to offer a wide range of programming aimed at engaging our community and enhancing campus culture.

About the Bridging Communities Series

The Bridging Communities Series at Michigan Tech provides students, faculty, and staff with valuable opportunities to engage in meaningful conversations that explore different perspectives and foster understanding. Through a variety of events including workshops, panels, and films, participants will develop skills for respectful dialogue and learn to navigate challenging conversations with empathy and openness.

Our goal is to build a stronger, more connected community at Michigan Tech by encouraging open dialogue and mutual respect among all members of our campus community.

Bridging Communities Events

The series features a variety of events designed to promoted engagement and understanding:

Courageous Dialogue

Wednesday, Sept. 11

Courageous Dialogue provides a safe and supportive space for students to explore their individual comfort with different conversations, learn effective communication strategies, and practice engaging in courageous dialogue.

High-Impact Strategies for Difficult Dialogue

Thursday, Sept. 12

High-Impact Strategies for Difficult Dialogue is a workshop designed for employees who want to learn high-impact strategies for facilitating respectful and productive conversations in various settings on campus, especially around contentious topics.

Talking Across Divides

Thursday, Sept. 12

Talking Across Divides is an engaging presentation by Dr. Ronald L. Jackson II to learn strategies for navigating difficult conversations and promoting civil discourse across differences. Students and the community can discover how to foster a climate of support, understanding, and respect in classrooms, on campus, and beyond.

National Voter Registration Day

Tuesday, Sept. 17, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

During National Voter Registration Day, tables will be located in the Memorial Union Building Commons, the Van Pelt and Opie Library, and Wadsworth Hall to check your voter registration status or register to vote.

Sharon McMahon: With Malice Toward None

An evening of Empathy, Civility, and Thoughtful Conversation

Thursday, Sept. 19, 7:30 p.m.

In a world of incredible polarization, how do we hold space for free speech and make sure that everyone feels safe and welcome? Join Sharon McMahon, the former high school government teacher known for her ability to break down complex political issues with empathy, respect, and clarity, for this compelling and timely discussion inspired by the words in Lincoln’s second inaugural address:

“With malice toward none;
With charity for all;
Let us strive on to finish the work we are in;
To bind up the nation’s wounds;
To care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow and his orphan.”

Sharon’s talk will be followed by a Q&A session moderated by Michigan Tech University Ombuds and Social Sciences Associate Professor Susanna D. Peters, JD.

Facilitating Difficult Conversations Workshop

Monday, Sept. 30, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. and Monday, Oct. 14, 10 a.m.-12 p.m.

Participants will attend both Facilitating Difficult Conversations Workshop sessions to gain foundational information for handling difficult work and/or peer conversations in a respectful and professional manner.

Academic Freedom Decoded

Tuesday, Oct. 1, 12:30-2 p.m.

Faculty are invited to attend Academic Freedom Decoded to learn about the principles of academic freedom and engage in dialogue about how academic freedom applies in a variety of campus contexts.

Advocates and Allies Fall Workshop

Friday, Oct. 11, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.

Event details and registration information will be shared soon.

Global and Community Engagement Conference and Volunteer Fair

Oct. 12, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

The Global and Community Engagement Conference is a dialogue and celebration of our efforts to solve issues that confront communities in need. The 2024 conference theme is “Igniting Change Through Generosity”.

Campus-Wide Collaboration

The Bridging Communities Series is made possible through the efforts of numerous departments across Michigan Tech. This multidepartment collaboration showcases our commitment to fostering an engaged campus community.

Key Collaborators

  • Engagement and Belonging
  • Equal Opportunity Compliance and Title IX
  • Humanities
  • Pavlis Honors College
  • Provost’s Office
  • Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts
  • Social Sciences
  • Student Affairs
  • Van Pelt and Opie Library

Build Bridges, Attend an Event

We invite all members of the Michigan Tech community to participate and contribute to the ongoing dialogue. By engaging with different perspectives and fostering mutual understanding, we can create a more vibrant campus environment for everyone.

For more information about specific events and to register, please visit the Michigan Tech events calendar or contact Engagement and Belonging.

Note: Some programs are partially sponsored by the Visiting Professor Program, funded by a grant to the Office of the Provost from the State of Michigan’s King-Chavez-Parks Initiative.