If you have graduated, please disregard this message.
All graduate students must register and enroll every academic year semester (fall and spring) from entering a graduate program until the time they receive their degree.
January 4: Student bills are due on Thursday, January 4th by 5 pm. You must register, pay your bill, and confirm your enrollment on or before the deadline or you will be charged a $50 late fee. Supported students must pay their student fees (even if support has not yet been added to your account) to avoid late fees.
January 10: If you have not confirmed enrollment and paid your bill by 5 pm on Wednesday, January 10th, your schedule will be dropped and a $100 late fee will be assessed.
January 12: The last day to add courses on Banweb is Friday, January 12th. All courses added after this date require a signed late add form.
January 17: Students may drop courses on Banweb without penalty through Wednesday, January 17th. After this date, there are no longer refunds for dropping classes. You will be responsible for any additional charges (even if you drop and add a class resulting in the same number of credits). If you are a supported student, you will be responsible for any additional charges, unless these charges are approved and paid for by your department.
If you are considering withdrawing from Graduate School, please contact gradschool@mtu.edu.
April 15: Students completing a dissertation, thesis, or report need to submit their final document that addresses all corrections from their defense by 5 pm on this day to be eligible to complete their degree in spring 2024. This is also the deadline to submit paperwork to complete a coursework degree in spring 2024. The deadline to submit petitions to enter candidacy for summer is also on this date.
Registrar’s Office Academic Calendar: Important Academic Dates
Confirming Your Enrollment: You must pay the amount due to confirm your enrollment. If no money is due, confirm your enrollment by clicking the “confirm enrollment” button at the bottom of the online bill.
Changing to Off-Campus: Students who are earning an online degree, taking all ONLINE courses for a semester, or are completing their degree out of the area should contact their department/program to ensure that they are coded correctly for the semester. The department should contact the Registrar’s Office (registrar@mtu.edu) to authorize a change in campus code. All campus code changes must be done by Wednesday of Week 2 for the change to be made and the bill updated. If you have any questions or concerns, email registrar@mtu.edu.
Supported Students: You must be enrolled in 9 credits (full-time). If you are on partial support, you must still be registered as a full-time student. The 9 credits required for full-time status may include research credits, graduate, audited, PE, and undergraduate courses. You are responsible for paying the student-voted fees totaling $130 (experience tech fee – $80, graduate activity fee – $50) as well as international surcharges (if applicable) by the deadline (even if support has not posted to your account) to avoid late fees. Student-voted fees are not assessed if you are off campus, for example, online students (please contact your department if you are coded incorrectly). You can review your pay stubs in banweb. Click on the employee tab, click “pay information”, and click “pay stubs.”
Unsupported Students: You must be enrolled in at least 1 credit to fulfill the continuous enrollment requirement. Student-voted fees are not assessed if you are off campus (please contact your department if you are coded incorrectly).
Candidacy Students: Information on candidacy can be found on the Graduate School’s Candidacy web page.
Health Insurance: All enrolled graduate students, except for off-campus students, must have health insurance. Log into your mymichigantech account, on the payments tab you will see the pay insurance option. If you have questions, please contact the student insurance office at studentinsurance@mtu.edu or 906-487-1088.
Holds: If you have a hold please view the instructions and FAQs.