Amazon to Host Career Fest Events

Amazon will host several events during Career Fair on Wednesday, September 11, and Thursday, September 12.

With 167 Huskies working at Amazon, the company ranks as the tenth largest employer of Michigan Tech talent, aqlongside legacy companies like GM, Ford, Dow, Stellantis, and Caterpillar.

View the full Career Fest event echedule.

Ace Your Technical Interview

Wednesday, September 11 | 5-6 pm and 7-8 pm | Rekhi G009

A lot of Silicon Valley companies use interview techniques that are different than traditional behavior-based interviews. Bring your brain and be ready to simulate the situations you may experience in a technical interview! In order to help you prepare, Amazon will be conducting an interactive workshop. During this hour, you will get a chance to demonstrate how you would solve a coding problem at a dry erase board. Hiring managers and engineers from Amazon will help you understand what they are looking for in your answers and how you can improve! Be prepared to explain your work and provide feedback to other students in this highly interactive, informal event.

Registration Links

Office Hours

Thursday, September 12 | 1-4 pm | Career Services, Admin Bldg., Room 220