Register for the North America Qualifier (NAQ) Programming Contest

Student are invited to complete in the North America Qualifier (NAQ) Programming Contest on October 5, 2024, from 2-7 pm ET online and in person in Rekhi 112. The NAQ contest is a practice competition for the ACM North Central North America (NCNA) Regionals later this fall. Please register for the NAQ by Tuesday, October 1, at 6 pm. NAQ teams should be three people, but two-person teams are also accepted.

Looking for teammates? Please complete the form to be included in an informal competition in one of the Rekhi Hall labs.  

The official regional contest is scheduled for November 9 from 1-6 pm CT. If you are interested, please register by Monday, October 7. This year’s contest will be held at Lake Superior State University. Teams will travel to LSSU Friday afternoon, stay overnight, and travel back late Saturday after the contest.

Find more information and resources.

What are programming competitions? 
Programming competitions are team events (groups of 3 students) testing your skills at answering programming questions, correctly and quickly.  Top teams at the various events can go on to compete against top teams in the nation and world. 

Why do you want to participate?
The programming contest tests your skills against other teams and universities, helps in developing problem solving skills, and can aid in preparation for job interviews (practice solving problems quickly).

When and how can you participate?
Multiple programming competitions will be run this Fall.  Student eligibility rules are listed here. (The rules boil down to: you can only compete a max of 5 times at the regional levels, started college 2020 or later, and been born 2001 or later.)  Note, first year graduate students may be able to participate under these rules.  Exceptions are made for students who completed military service and other instances that impact your education. 

Questions? Please contact Dr. Brown (,.