A Commitment to Diversity

College of Computing, Rekhi Hall

“The founding of the College of Computing in 2019 presented an excellent opportunity for the College to reaffirm its commitment to student diversity,” says Linda Ott, emerita chair of the computer science department. And University goals underscore that: By 2045, Michigan Tech envisions a student body with many more women.

In its Broadening Participation in Computing (BPCnet.org) plan, the computer science department sets out its own diversity goals.

  • Goal 1: By 2025, increase the number of women who graduate from our degree programs and by 2030, match the overall graduation percentage at MTU.
  • Goal 2: By 2025, increase the percentage of African American, Hispanic, and Native Americans students in our BS programs.
  • Goal 3: Encourage more faculty involvement in BPC activities.