Email to Students: COVID-19 Things to Think About

By Bonnie Gorman, Dean of Students and Vice President for Student Affairs

Dear Huskies—

As you know all too well, we are in uncharted territory with COVID-19, and the pace of change is dramatic. Since Monday, the Governor has issued executive orders that required us to close some of the busiest buildings on campus (like the SDC and the library) and reconfigure dining services to grab-and-go. In town, bars are temporarily closed and restaurants are take-out only.

You’re also likely aware that the federal government has restricted international travel. While no domestic restrictions have been announced, I think it’s safe to say we should at least consider it a possibility. With this in mind, all students should assess their living situation and determine if remaining in Houghton is the best option.

Regardless of whether you choose to stay in the area or go to your permanent residence, you’ll need to take care of yourself (this is stressful), stay grounded, and focus your attention on remote learning. It’s different from going to class every day. 

Be Flexible and Patient

Professors have responded in a brief period of time to deliver courses remotely, and the opportunity to learn hasn’t changed. Still, if things aren’t quite clear or you need some additional information, ask. Keep in mind, though, it may take a day or two for a reply. Everyone is trying their best and a little patience will go a long way. 

Stay on Track

It’s super easy to think, “Oh, I’ll do my class later,” and then later never comes. It is very important to make a plan and organize yourself so you stay on track. The Waino Wahtera Center for Student Success has put together some useful tips and information to get you going. Even though things are online, we’re all still here to help.

Looking to Launch Your Career

In this environment, it might be a challenge to keep your job search front and center. Career Services can help with your resume, offer interview tips, or talk through a negotiation strategy. Appointments are available virtually and can be made on Handshake. Also, co-op information and registration forms for summer co-ops can be found here.

Take a Breath—A Really Big One

If you are feeling anxious about all that’s going on, be sure to take time for yourself. Exercise (it’s easier to do at home than you think), sleep, and eat well. In addition, social distancing can foster some loneliness. Find a few friends you can stay connected to regularly. If you need to talk with someone about your concerns, you can reach out to Counseling Services at 906-487-2538. If you are in a crisis, text “START” to 741-741 to reach the Crisis Text Line. To reach the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, call 1-800-273-TALK (8255). 


Sometimes #tenacity just isn’t enough. If you need a little help, increased emergency resources are available now. Huskies watch out for Huskies. Let’s stick together to support one another and our community. 

Stay Healthy, 

P.S. Keep an eye on the Michigan Tech COVID-19 website for updated information.