Family Engineering Events In Detroit for May 10-12, 2022

Family Engineering Event Locations

Date School /Address/Tel Grades Student # Contact
4-6 PM, Tues, May 10 Mackenzie Middle School
10147 W Chicago, Detroit 
 (313) 416-6400
5-8 70 registered Christine Brownfield, science teacher
3-5 PM, Wed, May 11 Clippert Multicultural Magnet Honors Academy
1981 McKinstry St, Detroit
(313) 849-5009
6-8 90 registered  Tracy Ortiz, science teacher
6-8 PM, Thurs, May 12 Adams Middle School
33475 Palmer Rd, Westland
(734) 419-2375
7 40 registered Kathleen O’Connor, Science Department Chair

4-6 p.m., Tuesday, May 10

4:00 p.m. Short Opener Engineering Activities (All ages) ~ Cafeteria

Glue is the Clue
Inspired by Nature
Picture This
Shifting Shapes

Domino Diving Board
Let’s Communicate
Solid Ground
Can You Soundproof A Package?

Who Engineered It?
Boxing Beans
Hoop Glider
Showerhead Showdown

4:30 p.m. Engineering Challenges

  1. Stop & Think – Why was this object designed? What need did it address? Can you make it better?
  2. Team Up – Discover why engineers work in teams. What helps a team work well together? How can we address challenges?
  3. Give Me Hand – How can an engineer help a person who has lost their hand, or some other part of their body?

6:00-6:30 p.m.

FREE Pizza for Families in the Cafeteria

Coordinated By

MTU Center for Science and Environmental Outreach and Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering
In partnership with Michigan Tech DEIS Advisory Board and College of Engineering
and funding from OHM-Advisors

Volunteer Assistant Schedule May 10-12

Name Email Phone Position Major Where: Mackenzie Middle School – 10147 W Chicago, Detroit 

Students: Grades 5 – 8

When: (3:30 – 6:00 PM Tuesday, May 10th)
Where: Clippert Multicultural Magnet Honors Academy – 1981 McKinstry St, Detroit

Students: Grades 6 – 8

When: (2:30 – 5:00 PM Wednesday, May 11th)
Where: Adams Middle School – 33475 Palmer Rd, Westland

Students: Grade 7

When: (5:30 – 8:00 PM Thursday, May 12th)
Lindsey Hakala 810-360-8141 project engineer B.S. Architecture, B.S. Civil Engineering x
Liz Whiddon 734-709-7520 Engineer B.S. Earth & Environmental Science, MS Civil and Evironmental Engineering x x
Audrey Stahrr 734-512-9493 Engineer B.S. Civil Engineering, B.S. Environ Engin x
Ray Lillibridge 734-306-1506 Senior Technical Leader B.S. Applied Ecology& Env Sci (MTU 2004) x x x
Jessica Katers 248-760-2302 Principal BSE Civil Engineering x
Nicholas Bayley 734-913-0713 Project Manager BSc, Civil Engineering Structural x
Logan McMillan 810-242-9626 Engineer B.A.Sc. Chemical Engineering (MTU 2021, NSBE) x x
Luke Cinader 586-216-1233 Engineer B.S. Civil Engineering (MTU 2015) x
Austin Downie 330-550-8345 Client Representative B.S. Civil Engineering x
Sally Bos 262-389-9577 Client Representative B.S. Civil Engineering (MTU 2013) x
Susan Knepper 561-568-2425 Engineer B.S. Environmental Engineering x
Michael Morianti 248-444-9840 project engineer B.S. Economics and Env. Sci., MS Env. Engin. x
Francesca Ortisi 586-530-8443 GIS Specialist B.S. Geography and Sustainable Planning x
Daniel Morehouse 248-804-5049 Human Resources Generalist B.A. Business, Hospitality Business x x x
Ron Cavallaro V.P. Michigan Civil Engineering (MTU  alum, CEEPAC) x
Otha Thornton (MTU alum/DEIS Adv Bd) 571-329-9353 Lt. Colonel, retired M.S. Communications x x
Doris Strong (MTU alum/DEIS Adv Bd) 5868170917 Branch Chief, US Army DEVCOM/GVSC/CE-MHE Mechanical Engineering MS&BS x x
Aurora White (MTU Watersmeet alum) 9062842098 Mechanical Engineering MS&BS Control Systems Engineer / Stellantis x
Bri Tucker 313-910-0304 MTU Enterprise Program Coordinator B.S. Communications x x x
Joan Chadde 906-369-1121 MTU Center for Science & Env Outreach and Dept of Civil, Environmental & Geospatial Eng MS Water Resources, BS Science Education x x x
Total 10 10 10