Tag: Due March 2025

Freddy Miranda Access Scholarship

Amount: $1,000


  • Applicant must be attending a high school or college/university in Iowa that is a member of Iowa ACAC. If the applicant is a high school senior, both the current high school and future college must be members of Iowa ACAC.
  • Applicant must have a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 or higher on a 4.00+ scale and current transcript must be provided.  
  • Applicant must renew each year with preference given to previous award recipients; a limit of four (4) awards per student; an award in one year does not automatically result in an award the following year.

Application Requires the Following:

  • Application
  • Short Answers
  • Proof of registration/enrollment
  • A copy of the applicant’s transcript (official or unofficial)

Submit ApplicationsClick here to apply

Deadline: March 1, 2025

Please note: This is an outside scholarship. Michigan Technological University is not affiliated with this scholarship. Michigan Tech does not endorse any specific website and are not responsible for the content on the website. We simply provide these links as a courtesy to you

PCI Scholarship Application

Amount: $5,000


  • Must be enrolled or scheduled to enroll in the upcoming academic calendar year in a two or four-year technical school, four-year university, or graduate program
  • Must be a citizen or permanent resident of the United States, Canada or Mexico – application must be submitted in English
  • Must maintain a grade point average of 2.5 or above

Application Requires the Following:

  • Application
  • Transcript
  • Letter of Recommendation from Faculty Member

Submit ApplicationsClick here to apply

Deadline: March 14, 2025

Please note: This is an outside scholarship. Michigan Technological University is not affiliated with this scholarship. Michigan Tech does not endorse any specific website and are not responsible for the content on the website. We simply provide these links as a courtesy to you

Society of American Military Engineers Detroit Post Scholarship

Amount: $2000


  • Must be a US Citizen
  • Must be an Undergraduate Student

Application Requires the Following:

  • Application
  • Nomination Form
  • College Transcript
  • Letter of Recommendation from SAME Detroit Post Member or College Advisor
  • Written Submission Describing Scholastic and Short-term and Long-term Career Goals
  • Proof of U.S. Citizenship

Note: There are two scholarships available. One is for ROTC members and one is for the at-large student body

Submit Applications: See the attached forms below to apply

Deadline: March 31, 2025

Please note: This is an outside scholarship. Michigan Technological University is not affiliated with this scholarship. Michigan Tech does not endorse any specific website and are not responsible for the content on the website. We simply provide these links as a courtesy to you

Fremont Area Community Foundation

Amount: Varying Amounts


  • Must be a current college/university student who attended a high school or homeschool in Newaygo County, Mecosta County, or Osceola County or be a current college/university student residing in Newaygo County, Mecosta County, or Osceola County

Application Requires the Following:

  • Your most recent GPA and transcript
  • Your Student Aid Index (SAI) from your FAFSA and a list of other scholarships you have received
  • Two essays: Explain your choice of major/career and how you became interested in it, and share your plans as you move into the workforce after graduation.

List of Available Scholarships: Click here to see the list

Submit ApplicationsClick here to apply

Deadline: March 1, 2025

Please note: This is an outside scholarship. Michigan Technological University is not affiliated with this scholarship. Michigan Tech does not endorse any specific website and are not responsible for the content on the website. We simply provide these links as a courtesy to you

MSES Scholarship

Amount: Varying Amounts


  • Must be a Minnesota Resident or attend Michigan Technological University
  • Must be enrolled in Civil or Structural Engineering
  • Must have junior or senior undergraduate standing during the entire 2025-2026 academic year
  • Must maintain an academic load of at least 12 credits per semester during the entire 2025-2026 academic year
  • Must plan to pursue a career in the Minnesota transportation infrastructure industry

Application Requires the Following:

  • Application
  • Transcript
  • Video/Online Interview (if selected)

Submit ApplicationsClick here to apply

Deadline: March 7, 2025

Please note: This is an outside scholarship. Michigan Technological University is not affiliated with this scholarship. Michigan Tech does not endorse any specific website and are not responsible for the content on the website. We simply provide these links as a courtesy to you

The Clarence and Lillian Constantakis Scholarship Fund

Amount: $250 – $7,500


  • Must be residents of Wayne, Oakland, Macomb, Monroe, Washtenaw, Livingston or St. Clair counties at the time of high school graduation, with preference given to candidates who were residents of these counties during the four years they attend high school.
  • Must be graduating high school seniors entering college as a freshman with plans to earn a degree in environmental science, conservation, or a related field at Michigan State University, Michigan Technological University, or Wayne State University.
  • Employees of the Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan and their dependents, and members of the Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan Board of Trustees and their dependents, are ineligible for scholarship consideration.
  • Must file FAFSA

Application Requires the Following:

  • Application
  • Essay

Submit ApplicationsClick here to apply

Deadline: March 15, 2025

Please note: This is an outside scholarship. Michigan Technological University is not affiliated with this scholarship. Michigan Tech does not endorse any specific website and are not responsible for the content on the website. We simply provide these links as a courtesy to you

Striving Solo Parent Scholarship

Amount: $1,000


  • Must be enrolled at an accredited college or university in the United States for the Fall 2024 semester
  • Must be a permanent resident or citizen of the United States
  • Must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • Must be a single parent who is returning to school to pursue a college degree

Application Requires the Following:

  • Application
  • Essay
  • Transcript

Submit ApplicationsClick here for more information.

Deadline: March 12, 2025

Please note: This is an outside scholarship. Michigan Technological University is not affiliated with this scholarship. Michigan Tech does not endorse any specific website and are not responsible for the content on the website. We simply provide these links as a courtesy to you.