Join an IPEC Research Area: New Form

IPEC has five research areas

  1. Social Media and Society
  2. Human Machine Culture
  3. Justice and Security in Energy Transitions
  4. Ethics in STEM
  5. Algorithmic Culture

All of our research areas invite graduate students and faculty to join by filling out our new interest form. More information about each research area can be found on IPEC’s website.

The institute brings together a diversity of knowledge holders–faculty, postdoctoral scholars, graduate students, staff, and community members–to collaborate on and engage in research and scholarship that responds to the emerging techno-social environment.

The institute supports members through activities, such as, but not limited to, identifying funding opportunities, helping researchers develop externally funded research proposals, assisting in the creation and management of multiple investigator proposals and project teams, assisting with post-award project management and compliance, providing seed funding to support research development, supporting research activities with awards, and providing opportunities to promote collaboration internally and externally.