Event Details
Thursday, November 30, 5:00-6:30PM in Walker 120A
Guidance for (Land) Acknowledgements within Ojibwa Homelands
Honoring Land and Life within Ojibwa homelands is the shared responsibility of all peoples, including Michigan Tech community members. In this November’s national celebration of Indigenous Peoples’ Heritage, we center the spotlight on the Keweenaw’s history and landscape to learn more about the original stewards, the Anishinaabe Ojibwa, and their long-held and contemporary practices, as they have done since time immemorial. In this workshop, we will engage participants in ways Michigan Tech community members can be active in our responsibilities to honor land and life. Specifically, we will share information and resources on local history and tribal nation communities, as well as how to practice acknowledging our place within the Keweenaw as informed and respectful community members. We’ll also hear from students, staff, and faculty about their experiences in practices of acknowledging, share stories of personal growth, and provide space to address participant thoughts and questions in a good way. All are welcome to join this timely dialogue in celebration of Indigenous heritages and our shared commitment to Keweenaw lands and livelihoods.
Refreshments will be provided!
Sponsored by Institute for Policy, Ethics and Culture, Great Lakes Research Center, Office of Diversity and Inclusion, and the Van Pelt and Opie Library
Contact Kendall Belopavlovich, kybelopa@mtu.edu for more information.