Tag: Oliver Gailing

Promotion and tenure announced

Congratulations to the following faculty who were recently approved for promotion and tenure by Michigan Tech’s Board of Control :

Andy Burton, promoted to Professor with tenure
Rod Chimner, promoted to Associate Professor with tenure
Oliver Gailing, promoted to Associate Professor with tenure
Audrey Mayer, promoted to Associate Professor with tenure
Chris Webster, promoted to Professor (already tenured)

New Funding – Busov, Gailing and Yordanov

Associate Professor Victor Busov, Assistant Professor Oliver Gailing and Post Doc Yordan Yordanov received the following news that their recent proposal has been funded: The review panel of the AFRI Biology of Agricultural Plants Program has announced that  that your proposal  entitled “Role of Lateral Organ Boundary Transcription Factors in Regulation of Wood Formation in Poplar, has been recommended for funding by the review panel. We will be able to fund the proposal at 100% of your request at $499,916 for three years.

It was selected in one of the toughest nation-wide competitions ever in the history of the program  with over 400 submitted proposals.

Congratulations Victor, Oliver and Yordan!

Research Excellence Fund Awards Announced

The Vice President for Research has announced this year’s recipients of the Research Excellence Fund Awards, which total $502,378 among 27 people.

Recipients from the School from the School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science nd their respective award categories are:

Mentoring Grants Oliver Gailing

Research Seed Grants – Michael Falkowski  and Oliver Gailing

Infrastructure Enhancement Grants Andrew Burton, “Improving Michigan Tech’s Ability to Quantify Stable Isotopes of Water”

Forty-six proposals, totaling $1.2 million, were submitted. “We thank all of the members of the review committee for their important role in this process,” said David Reed, Vice President for Research.