Author: Karen Johnson

The Michigan Tech College of Computing offers a full range of undergraduate and graduate degrees in the Computing disciplines.

Jenny Apriesnig Quoted in TV6 Story about C-CHARM Project

Jenny Apriesnig, Assistant Professor of Economics (COB), was quoted by WLUC TV6 in a story about the “C-CHARM project,” which centers on the Michigan Tech-led Center for Climate-driven Hazard Adaptation, Resilience, and Mitigation. The center’s mission is to bring stakeholders from local communities, governments and researchers to improve community durability against the impacts of abnormal weather. MTU announced the center’s creation in an October 2023 press release.

Interest Session: Online TechMBA and MEM Graduate Programs

Mari W. Buche, College of Business, and representatives from the Michigan Tech Global Campus will present a 45-minute virtual interest session highlighting two innovative online 30-credit graduate programs: the TechMBA® and the Master of Engineering Management (MEM).

The interest session takes place Wednesday, July 17, 2024, from 11:30 am to 12:15 pm via Zoom.

Register to attend.

During the session, attendees will learn about the TechMBA®, which equips graduates with foundational business skills, and the Master’s in Engineering Management, which bridges the worlds of business and engineering. Attendees will also discover which program best leverages their technical skill set and aligns with undergraduate degree, goals, and possible career paths.

Questions? Please contact Amanda Irwin at or Mari Buche at

We look forward to seeing you there!