The D80 Conference is a celebration of our efforts to solve issues that confront the world’s poorest 80%. Together we are creating a better future: Learn. Engage. Contribute
The Michigan Tech campus hosts this annual conference in the fall every year to give a platform to the voices of university students serving communities-in-need both domestically and abroad. Our conferences highlight service and research work done by students from Michigan Tech and elsewhere, and are open to anybody interested in development, design, and delight for the poorest 80% of humanity. The public is always invited to join us. This year’s conference was held during Family Weekend at Michigan Tech so many of our D80 students can share their experiences, stories, and motivations with the people who support them the most. 2013 theme: Ensuring Environmental Sustainability
- Keynote Presentation: “Technology for Sustainable Development: What and for Whom?”, Prof. James Boyce, University of Massachusetts
- Pavlis Institute in Ghana, 2013 (L. Harris)
- Engineers Without Borders – Water Supply for Communities in Rural Guatemala (S. Bainbridge)
- iDesign Panama – Del Puente Project (J. Broadbent)
- 3D Printing of Low Cost PV Module Racking (B. Wittbrodt)
- Workshop 1 (Fisher 139): Navigating Community Development as a Peace Corps Volunteer and Tech Researcher (M. Maggio)
- Smoke Signals: Using P3 – Kitchen 2.0 to evaluate stove and ventilation performance (J. Maggio)
- Sanitation in Rural Panama: Where do we go from here? (J. Midkiff)
- Into India with the Pavlis Institute (N. Saur)
- How Social Ties Influence Resource Flow (S. Rahman)
- Workshop 2 (Fisher 139): Solar-Powered Water Pumping for Drip Irrigation and Rural Community Water Supply (J. Gierke)
- Aqueduct System for Vallecito, Panama (T. Domagalla, V. Wilson)
- China’s Land Grabbing for Biofuel Crops in Africa (X. Yang)
- Participatory Approach to Sustainability Assessments for Natural Resource Management (A. Vaidya)
- Water Supply System for Cerro Piedra, Panama (N. Zgnilec)
- Workshop 3 (Fisher 139): Whose Development Counts? Addressing Conflicts of Local and Outsider Interests (S. Tubman)
D80 Conference 2013 Video Playlist on Michigan Tech Engineering Channel on YouTube
View photos on the College of Engineering Flickr Photo Gallery

An archive of past D80 Conferences