CEE Senior Design Colloquium

IMG_0455The Civil and Environmental Engineering Department held the fall 2014 senior design team presentations at the Memorial Union Building Alumni Lounge. This semester students in four sections have undertaken a wide range of interesting projects to fulfill the Department’s design project requirement on December 9th and 11th, 2014.  

Flyer: Senior Design Colloquium Fall 2014

CEE Photo Gallery
Tuesday, December 9th:
8:00—10:00 am

UP Luge Club-Lucy Hill Luge Improvements
UP Luge Club-Lucy Hill Luge Improvements

UP Luge Club-Lucy Hill Luge Improvements


  • Building Designs & Master Plan—LEED Consultants
    Jacob Edwards, Project Manager
    Trevor Ehredt, Aaron Lee, Weicke Dai
  • Roads/Parking/Utilities/Surveys—
    ABKM Engineers and Surveyors
    Brent Moore, Project Manager
    Matt Smith, Adam Tupancy,
    Kevin Bennett
  • Bridges and Pedestrian Access—JAMN Bridge Services
    Alex Brown, Project Manager
    Nick Toomey, Jay Hansen, Mengchan Wang


7:00—9:00 pm

Portage Lake Golf Course Improvements
Portage Lake Golf Course Improvements

Portage Lake Golf Course Improvements


  • PAR-T Engineering:
    Paige Lentovich, Project Manager
    Richelle Grosskopf, Tanner Kragenbrink, Alyssa Myers
  • Greens Architect:
    Derek Brandt, Project Manager
    Tyler Brown, Ali Dahlbacka, Xiaojun Guo
  • C3—Copper Country Consultants:
    Nick Snow, Project Manager
    Ashley Cline, Hanqing Song, Nelson Weinke
  • RMZ
    Chris Roell, Project Manager
    Matt Messina, Qishen Zhang


Thursday, December 11th:
8:00—10:00 am

Development Plan: Piers Gorge Unit of the Menominee River State Recreation Area
Development Plan: Piers Gorge Unit of the Menominee River State Recreation Area

Development Plan: Piers Gorge Unit of the Menominee River State Recreation Area


  • Master Plan
    Dylan Byington
    Brent Cousino
    Deanna Occhietti
  • Transportation Elements—KDNC
    Dylan Byington, Project Manager
    Nina Bonnano, Chelsea Dubreuil, Kaitlin Learmont
  • Environmental Elements—
    Keweenaw Environmental
    Brent Cousino, Project Manager
    Sophia Bainbridge, Nicole Iutzi
    Joe Kalcyznski, Jiaxun Liu
  • Structural Elements—River View Engineering
    Deanna Occhietti, Project Manager
    Alex Chizmadia, Wanbing Bai,
    Sam Kolesar


7:00—9:00 PM

Panama—International Senior Design
Panama—International Senior Design

Panama—International Senior Design


  • Water System—Filo Verde
    ABC’s Inc.
    Alyssa Smith, Project Manager
    Caitlin Wotruba, Rebecca Green, Zichao Wang
  • Water System—Bajo Gavilan
    Reasonable Engr.
    Kevin Madson, Project Manager
    Claira Hart, Megan Farrish, Erika Poli, William Tillmans
  • Water System—La Ensenada/Nidori
    Bolen Consultants
    Madeliana Martin, Project Manager
    Tia Scarpelli, Kelli Heiden, Adam Tuff, Logan Anderson


Senior Design Colloquium Fall 2014

CEE Faculty for Senior Design Program: David Watkins, William Leder, Michael T. Drewyor
CEE Faculty for Senior Design Program: David Watkins, William Leder, Michael T. Drewyor