On Friday, December 9th , the student chapter of ASCE inducted fourteen students and two professional engineers into the Order of the Engineer. Those who participate in The Order of the Engineer take an obligation to uphold the standards and dignity of the engineering profession. The guest speaker was Bill McCarthy of McCarthy and Smith, Inc. McCarthy and Smith, Inc. has been a construction management and general contractor for over 57 years. Bill has been President since 1996. Bill spoke to the importance of honest relationships with clients and the need for continuous learning to fulfill client’s needs, serve humanity, and make the best of Earth’s precious wealth-key principles of the Order of Engineer. Bill was joined by his wife Deb and both participated in the ceremony. Congratulations to the new inductees, who are: Hailey Bedard, Abigail Bethune, Aynaz Biniyaz, Michelle Bollini, Sean Bonner, Malina Gallmeyer, Edziu Kosiara, Jonathan Lobsinger, Jonah Meyer, Lavender Achieng’ Oyugi, Kaitlyn Pascoe, Kimberley Mary Peter, Arman Tater, Kevin Tran, Bill McCarthy, and Deborah McCarthy. Thank you to the faculty who performed the ceremony, including Drs. Kris Mattila, Audra Morse, Andrew Swartz, and Mohammad Sadeghi. Thank you to Matthew Paavo who organized and coordinated the