One of the greatest needs facing mankind today is the safety and availability of water. Water scarcity driven by climate change and other factors presents major challenges to next-generation water infrastructures dealing with both planned and unplanned wastewater reuse.
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Drought in the southwest has left only a trickle running through irrigation ditches on farms outside El Paso, Texas. The Rio Grande — called Rio Bravo in Mexico — is what supplies that trickle, struggling to meet water demands in three US states and five in Mexico.
As drought continues, and demand grows, researchers like Alex Mayer from Michigan Technological University are looking to new models to improve the region’s drought resiliency. Mayer, a professor of environmental engineering at Michigan Tech, is part of a unique team looking at water resources along a section of the Rio Grande. The National Institute of Food and Agriculture, part of the US Department of Agriculture, has awarded the project a $4.9 million grant to study water shortage and climate change for the next five years in the region.
Wind turbines appear simple, but it’s the complex engineering behind the technology that makes harnessing the wind seem like a breeze. Bridging the gap between mechanical details and large-scale infrastructure needs of wind turbine technology is also no easy feat.
But that’s the research focus of Antonio Velazquez, who earned his PhD from Michigan Technological University last fall, and Assistant Professor Andrew Swartz, Velazquez’s advisor in civil and environmental engineering. Their forward-thinking research on better monitoring systems for wind turbines earned the duo this year’s Bhakta Rath Research Award.
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Water is perhaps the most controversial natural resource in the US. Alex Mayer recognizes that, for all its controversy, water is essential to life and society. Mayer holds the Charles and Patricia Nelson Presidential Professor in civil and environmental engineering at Michigan Technological University and studies water resources. For his dedication to studying water quality and scarcity — and his unique approach to these complex problems — Mayer won Michigan Tech’s 2015 Research Award.
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Jennifer Fuller (center) Civil and Environmental Engineering
Developing a Sustainable Process for Removal of Synthetic Hormones in Wastewater Treatment

Ruilong Han Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Seismic Performance Assessment Considering Aftershock Hazard

Co-Advisors: Judith Perlinger and Robert Owen;
“Characterization of Transport and Transformation of Air Pollutants Observed in the Free Troposphere Over Central North Atlantic”
More photos and information about the 2015 Graduate Research Awards
Fluorescent bands of color outline the Great Lakes on a new, comprehensive map of the region’s coastal wetlands. This publicly available map is the first of its kind on such a broad scale — and the only one to trump political boundaries. Both Canadian and US wetlands are shown along more than 10,000 miles of shoreline.
The Great Lakes is an important focus of Michigan Technological University research. The coastal wetlands map is an extension of that focus, expanding on previous maps created through the Michigan Tech Research Institute (MTRI).
The 8th Annual 2014 D80 Conference: “Engage in Community” was held Saturday, October 11 at Michigan Tech at the Dow Environmental Sciences & Engineering Bldg.
UPDATE: D80 Conference Website and Schedule
UPDATE: D80 Conference Agenda PDF
UPDATE: See Article D80 Conference: Students Step Up to Help the Poorest 80%
See the Photo Gallery of the 2014 D80 Conference at Michigan Tech
UPDATE: Videos of D80 Conference 2014
UPDATE: D80-Conference-Closing
Since the 1960s, Sun Belt states have built their roads using asphalt mixed with crumb rubber made from ground-up scrap tires. This rubberized asphalt not only provides a market for old tires, it is also quieter and longer lasting than conventional asphalt pavement. But will it work in a four-season climate? Especially in places where winter comes early and stays late?
The Michigan Tech Research Institute (MTRI) will be flying its unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) before thousands at the Intelligent Transport Systems World Congress in Detroit Sept. 7-11. More than 12,000 researchers, transportation agency and company representatives from around the world are expected to attend the meeting.
Yue Li, an associate professor of civil engineering at Michigan Technological University, specializes in earthquakes and natural disasters. He was awarded a Fulbright Scholar grant to work at a research center in Finland, seeking solutions to the ever-present threat facing nuclear power plants during natural disasters. He and his Finnish colleagues are focusing particularly on the nuclear plants’ performance during earthquakes.