SFHI Transportation presents:
Jeffrey Lidicker
Ph.D. Candidate, University of California, Berkeley
Thursday, February 16
10:00 AM
Rekhi G06
In recent decades pavement management optimization has been designed with the objective of minimizing user and agency costs. However, recent analyses indicate that pavement management decisions also have significant impacts on life-cycle GHG emissions. This study endeavors to expand beyond minimization of life-cycle costs, to also include GHG emissions. We extend previous work on the single-facility, continuous-state, continuous-time optimal pavement resurfacing problem, to solve the multi-criteria optimization problem with the two objectives of minimizing costs and GHG emissions. Results indicate that there is a tradeoff between costs and emissions when developing a pavement resurfacing policy, providing a range of GHG emissions reduction cost-effectiveness options. Case studies for an arterial and a major highway are presented to highlight the contrast between policy decisions for various pavement and vehicle technologies.