Tag: transportation

Transportation & Civil Engineering (TRAC) Educator Workshop

OMichigan Tech will offer a Transportation and Civil Engineering (TRAC) Educator Workshop as a free program that provides teachers with curriculum-enhancing, hands-on lessons and tools for their math, science, engineering, and social science classes. The presenter will be Julie VanPortfliet, TRAC Program Manager, Michigan Dept. of Transportation (MDOT).

The workshop will feature motion detectors, photo gates, and magnetic levitation tracks as just a few of the fun activities that TRAC will introduce. TRAC includes teacher training, interactive software, replacement supplies, and opportunities for students to interact with engineers, and enter design competitions. Participants will experience seven modules, and choose two for their classroom.
– Bridge Builder
– Highway Development and the Environment
– Highway Safety
– Magnetic Levitation
– Motion and the Transportation Engineer
– Roadway Design and Construction
– Traffic Technology
Preview the 7 TRAC Modules: www.michigan.gov/mdot-trac

Date: Thursday, March 5, 2015
Time: 8:00 am – 3:30 pm
Cost: FREE (includes lunch & refreshments, 2 TRAC modules, 6 SCECHs pending)
Location: Room 104, Great Lakes Research Center, Michigan Tech

Link for More details and registration information for TRAC