Chem-E Car Going to AIChE Annual Challenge

A team of six chemical engineering students will represent Michigan Tech in the 2012 National Chem-E Car Competition in Pittsburgh, Penn., on Oct. 28. They are one of 32 student teams competing in the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) annual challenge.

Chem-E cars are small vehicles, about the size of a shoebox, powered by chemical reactions.

Co-leaders of Tech’s 2012 team are David Hutchison and Christian Dale, both second-year chemical engineering students. Other team members are Justin Levande and Benjamin Veenstra, both second-year chemical engineering students; Ross Koepke, a third-year chemical engineering student; and Ben Markel, a senior in chemical engineering. Interim faculty advisor is Tony Rogers (CEE).

The team took first place in the North Central Region Chem-E car regional competition last April to earn their place in the lineup at next weekend’s national event. The Tech team’s car also won an award for creativity in the regional competition at the University of Akron.
