Adrienne Minerick, dean of the School of Technology and professor of chemical engineering at Michigan Tech, has been named a Fellow of ASEE, the American Society of Engineering Education.
A global society founded in 1893, ASEE is the pre-eminent authority on the education of engineering professionals, advancing innovation, excellence and access at all levels of education for the engineering profession.
Minerick was cited for contributions to ASEE and the engineering education community via outstanding leadership, educational scholarship, teaching effectiveness and championing diversity and inclusion within the community. Minerick has (co)authored over 40 ASEE and education publications. She served in numerous positions in the New Engineering Educators, Chemical Engineering, and Women in Engineering Divisions including Division Chair, Programming Chair, Webmaster, Treasurer and Newsletter Editor before being elected as the PIC I Chair, VP PICs and First VP 2013-2016. She also served as ASEE’s Diversity Committee Chair through the Year of Action on Diversity and the start of SafeZone Workshops.
Minerick is among 11 fellows chosen this year. The grade of fellow in ASEE is reserved for members with extraordinary qualifications and experience in engineering or engineering technology education or an allied field who have made important individual contributions. No more than one-tenth of one percent of individual ASEE membership may be elected fellow in any given year.