Climate Discussion Tonight

During the Nov. 3, 2016, Climate Café event, Robert Handler of Michigan Tech’s Sustainable Futures Institute discusses energy efficiency and ways to mitigate climate change. (Video by Keweenaw Now)

The fourth in a series of discussions on climate change will take place from 6 to 8 p.m. tonight at the Orpheum/Studio Pizza in Hancock.

The purpose of this fourth event in the series is to continue the discussions about what activities and topics we should focus on as a local community when we think about climate change impacts and our responses to those impacts.

There are lots of potential strategies to mitigate or adapt to the impacts of climate change, and we want to gather a community of interested people who will help plan the future priorities for our grassroots organization. We will have a few five minute presentations from local people who are developing responses to climate change, and then we will break into groups according  to your interests, and start making plans.

The series is organized by the Keweenaw Climate Community, sponsored by the local chapter of the American Chemical Society and the Department of Social Sciences at Michigan Tech.

More can be found out by reading this story in Keweenaw Now.
