by Pavlis Honors College
Pavlis Honors College (PHC) is currently accepting applications to the Undergraduate Research Internship Program (URIP) for the 2023-24 academic year. The internship program will run from September 2023 through mid-March 2024 and is open to any undergraduate student on campus with an identified faculty research mentor. Faculty and students who are already working together are welcome to apply.
PHC will provide $960 in funding for the student intern, with the expectation that faculty will provide equivalent matching funds to be dispensed concurrently, resulting in a total of $1,920 paid hourly over the course of the internship. Faculty may make use of research funds, IRAD and startup packages, or consult their chairs, deans or center/institute management to identify the source of their match.
Details regarding the application process can be found on the Pavlis Honors College website.
The deadline to submit applications is 5 p.m. March 24. Faculty need to supply a letter of support as part of the application package. If you have questions about the submission process, please email Rob Handler at rhandler@mtu.edu.
URIP is made possible with support from PHC and generous donations from the Portage Health Foundation and the DeVlieg Foundation.