FINESST Research Grant Application Writing Support

by Graduate School

The Graduate School is providing writing support for current and prospective graduate students who wish to apply for Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology (FINESST) research grants.

Participating divisions: Earth Science, Planetary Science, Astrophysics, Heliophysics, and Biological and Physical Sciences.

The proposal must present a well-defined research problem/activity and a justification of its scientific significance to NASA, as well as a detailed approach for its solution/conduct. Proposals should explain how the research is relevant to the particular Science Mission Directorate division that will review the proposal. Eligibility and evaluation criteria can be found in the solicitation.

The maximum amount of a FINESST award is $50,000 per 12 months and up to $150,000 total for a maximum period of performance of up to 36 months.

Applicants should contact Michigan Tech’s Sponsored Programs Office and Sarah Isaacson as soon as they know they will apply.


  • All nontechnical documents due to Sponsored Programs: Tuesday, Jan. 30
  • All technical documents due to Sponsored Programs: Tuesday, Feb. 6 at 7 a.m.
  • Proposals due to NSPIRES: Tuesday, Feb. 6

Questions? Contact Sarah Isaacson at

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