Dear Students,
I wanted to let you know of exciting course offerings that the Visual and Performing Arts Department will be giving in the Summer. All of our courses will be online and flexible for students to participate wherever they might be.
We have two classes that will be offered for the first time online in the summer.
New to our offering this year:
FA2110 Outdoor Sculpture (Track B): The class will focus on making works of art outside, and — because of the world we’re in — it will also include lots of opportunities for creating connections with community (even at a distance). We’ll learn from environmental artists and artists whose work brings people together, and you’ll make your own works of art, wherever you are.
This is on the HASS List.
FA 2701 Drafting for the Entertainment Industry (Track B): Focus on design and technical techniques for views such as: ground plans, elevations, sections, detail drawings, orthographic projections, scale perspective drawings. Introduces industry-specific CAD programs. A great introduction to computer aided drafting.
This course is on the STEM restricted list for General Education.
As in years past we are offering a number of courses that satisfy the HASS Goal 4 Core Requirements. This year we will have courses in art, music, and sound.
FA 2330 Art Appreciation (Track A)FA 2520 Music Appreciation (sections in Track A and B)
FA 2720 Sound in Art and Science (Track B)
Two other Art classes will give opportunities for students to study history or to work with studio art faculty in gaining skills in drawing.
All of these classes are on the HASS list.
FA2150 Creative Drawing Processes (Track B): Ever wanted to learn the skills of observation and drawing. This class will introduce you to a number of techniques that will lay a foundation for creative drawing that you can use throughout your lives.
FA3330 Art History Prehistory to the Renaissance (Track B)
Watching a lot of films during the COVID-19 quarantine?
Looking to diversify your playlists over the summer. Please consider a number of course in music that will be offered (all from the HASS list):
FA 2222 Film Music (Track A)
FA 3560 Music History (Track A)
FA 3625 History of Rock (Track A)
FA 3630 Beatles and Beach Boys (Track B)
We will also have private instruction in guitar/mandolin/bass/banjo or piano available as well (FA2570). These courses can count .5 credits towards co-curricular requirements for graduation.
We also have a one-credit offering that gives a broad overview of dramatic literature for the theatre,
FA3880 Readings in Dramatic Literature (Offered over the entire summer).
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions,
Jared Anderson, D.M.A.
Chair, Visual and Performing Arts Department
Michigan Technological University
209 Walker Arts Center
1400 Townsend Dr.
Houghton, MI 49931
(906) 487-2143
If you’re looking at some classes to take this summer, the two classes that I have attached flyers for are GREAT OPTIONS!
KIP1500: Foundations of Kinesiology is a required class that will introduce you to the various sub-disciplines of kinesiology and focus heavily on the core program areas of exercise physiology, biomechanics, and motor control/learning.
KIP3700: Lifetime Fitness is a class that introduces you to facets encompassing personal health & fitness and offers guidance to make lifestyle decisions to maintain or improve health status. This class is helpful for those that are looking to work with patients and changing their lifestyle choices (which is most of you!!)
If you have any questions don’t hesitate to email me!
Stay Healthy!– Tayler M. Haapapuro, MS
Academic Advisor & Outreach CoordinatorKinesiology & Integrative Physiology | (906) 487-3169
Hello Students,
I’m excited to announce that my class, Outdoor Sculpture (Track B, HASS, 3 credits) will move online this summer.
Outdoor SculptureFA2110Summer Track B, 3 Credits, HASS
The class focuses on making works of art outside. And — because of the world we’re in — it will also include many opportunities for creating connections with community (even at a distance). We’ll learn from environmental artists and from artists whose work brings people together, and you’ll make your own works of art, wherever you are.
There are no prerequisites.
No experience is necessary, and very few tools are required.. This is a HASS class. Everyone is welcome. Please see the attached flier for more information.
All the best,
Lisa Johnson de Gordillo
Pronouns: she, her, hers
Assistant Professor of Visual & Performing Arts
Artist-in-Residence, College of Forest Resources & Environmental ScienceCurator and Director of the Rozsa Galleries (906) 487-3096
Please see the attached flyer for more information:

The Michigan Tech Provost has issued guidance that due to MTU’s new COVID-19 policy, all university learning centers must remain closed to physical sessions.
The College of Computing Learning Center will be available online and staffed by undergraduate coaches according to the Spring 2020 schedule: (
We will maintain our online presence in two ways:
1. Zoom. We will use the following Zoom meeting as a landing point for students seeking help from Learning Center coaches: In this space, coaches will assess a student’s needs and either provide quick pointers or invite the student(s) into a Zoom meeting room for more targeted tutoring.
2. Canvas. We are setting up a special Canvas page where we can share information with students. We plan on posting short tutorials and quizzes to help students review topics required for their courses. If you have information you would like posted on our Canvas page, please send it to myself or Bonnie Henderson (
Students can self-enroll in the CCLC Canvas page here:
After that, link directly to the CCLC Canvas page here:
The CCLC coaches are looking forward to helping the campus community in new ways during this challenging time. Please be patient as we get things up and running.
Please direct any questions about the CCLC to Leo Ureel ( or Bonnie Henderson (
BME is offering a new course:
Numerical Techniques in BME 3 credits
BE4930 section 1 – open to juniors/seniors
BE5930 section 1 – open to graduate students
This course will cover the mathematical and computational techniques that are commonly used during the design of medical devices, including the numerical solutions of linear and differential equations, optimization techniques, finite analysis and finite difference methods, approximation and curve fitting methodologies and search algorithms. Applications of these techniques to real life problems will be demonstrated. At the conclusion of the class, students will be able to first translate a problem that is stated in English into a mathematical format, and then use the knowledge that they gained during the class to solve the problem using their computational skills.
Now accepting applications for summer 2020!
Nuclear Forensics Undergraduate Summer School
Program location: University of Texas-Austin
The Nuclear Forensics Undergraduate Summer School (NFUSS) is a six-week course, sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), designed to provide undergraduate students with comprehensive, experimental, hands-on training in topics essential to nuclear forensics. Through laboratory experiments and complementary lectures, students are introduced to the practice and technical aspects of nuclear forensic science. The NFUSS program will be held at the University of Texas-Austin and will also include a tour of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL).
Candidates must:
· Be at least 18 years old at time of application
· Be a U.S. citizen
· Be enrolled full-time as a degree-seeking student in a science, mathematics, or engineering program at an accredited four-year U.S. college or university
· Have completed at least two years of college-level coursework
· Have a minimum overall cumulative GPA of at least 3.0
You will receive a $5,000 stipend, and the program will cover your tuition, fees, housing, meals, and travel reimbursement for the program at the University of Texas-Austin and for the field trip to Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
How to Apply
Submit your application here:
Application Deadline
Applications must be submitted by March 6, 2020, at 3:00 p.m. ET.
Learn More
For additional information, please visit the NFUSS program website or contact