Day: October 25, 2017

ABET Recognizes ECM Program

Dear ECM-ers from 2015-present,

 Yesterday was the culmination of the on-site visit by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET).  Evaluators were here assessing programs in both the college of engineering and the school of technology.  At the exit meeting, two strengths were noted across all programs.  The first was the Early Career Management Committees and the second was the Enterprise program.

I wanted to share with you how significant this is.  For the last 6 years, departments and programs have been completing their assessments which culminated in a report submitted to ABET this last summer for their review.  Their questions during their visit this week largely originated from those reports.  Enterprise was of course emphasized everywhere in the report, but the Early Career Management Committees would not have been.  Thus, it was the mention of this program during the opening session on Monday at 8 am and discussions with all of you that reinforced in the ABET evaluators minds what an asset this program has been.

Each of you have played a meaningful and significant role in cultivating and supporting our own talent.  Each of you have contributed to creating a place where we all love to work and can thrive.  Each of you play a valuable role in creating the future of Michigan Tech.  Thank you for all of these things and the other tiny efforts in between.
While you are in the mindset of helping shape the future of Tech, please take the time to respond to the survey about working, living, and learning at Michigan Tech. Go to   There was an article in TechToday and only a tenth of us have responded.  Participating is key so that our administration can prioritize initiatives (like ECM) to support the growth and professional development of all of our faculty.
Thanks and congratulations for the recognition of a program you have helped make very impactful!