From Houghton to Ecuador: Scholarship Winner Shares Internship Experience

Person standing next to waterfall giving a thumbs up gesture.

Scholarship winner Quinn Riordan explored Ecuador this summer—and did research and outreach with a non-governmental agency that works alongside community farmers. (All images courtesy Quinn Riordan)

Quinn Riordan knew she’d have to land scholarships in order to pay for school. The applied ecology and environmental science major went for the Obama-Chesky Voyager Scholarship for Public Service from the Obama Foundation—and won!

In addition to receiving up to $25,000 per year in last-dollar financial aid for her junior and senior years, covering Riordan’s remaining tuition after other federal, state or institutional aid is applied, the scholarship also included a $10,000 stipend and free Airbnb housing to fund a six-week Summer Voyage between her junior and senior year. For her Voyage, Riordan chose to focus on sustainable agriculture and access to agricultural knowledge.

Quinn and other people working in the garden.
Riordan learned from community farmers as well as the agency she volunteered with.

Riordan lived and traveled in Ecuador this summer as an intern for EkoRural, a non-governmental organization that works alongside communities working to increase their capacity to improve food production, income generation, and community health. Her goals included learning about highland agriculture from Ecuadorian farmers, learning from communities about their important connection to agriculture, and learning conversational Spanish.

During her first week, Riordan lived on the farm of an EkoRural director, where she began to adjust to both the altitude changes and life in Ecuador. She spent time in the EkoRural office translating English soil science experiment instructions into Spanish. “These documents are used by EkoRural to test soils sent in from farmers in the Quito area, or can assist farmers when testing their own soil health,” Riordan said. 

Riordan moved from the farm to downtown Quito after the first week, where she took Spanish classes from LatinoSchools and learned about the history of Ecuador. 

When her Spanish classes were completed, it was time to move again, back to the Cumbaya neighborhood that’s closer to the EkoRural Quito office. Riordan spent five weeks organizing soil samples and performing base experiments on the soils to learn about the health and quality of soils from volcanic regions. She processed 45 different samples from three different regions near Quito. She completed four experiments for each soil sample. All experiments required completely dried soils. The first experiment looked at the soil color and could help determine organic material. The second looked at soil aggregates and how water soluble they were. The third experiment examined oxygen content in the soil, and the fourth experiment focused on active microbes in the samples. 

Quinn working in lab with another person.
Riordan worked in the lab with team members and also performed soil tests in the field.

During this time, Riordan had the opportunity to attend team meetings with employees from all of the different offices, a useful way to meet the team and learn about the work they were doing for rural farmers in the highland regions. 

She went to an activity day with team members to help youth from the Salcedo area brainstorm ideas for a project to document Ecuadorian history and landmarks for tourism. She attended the International Potato Center conference on the International Day of Potatoes. There she met scientists and talked to farmers about the ways they’re improving soil quality in the highlands and marketing highland potato varieties for large-scale shopping. 

Riordan also spent a day in the field with a graduate student from Michigan Tech to help him take comparative measurements in a peatland to investigate if wetland improvement projects were working properly. 

On the weekends, Riordan spent her time exploring different regions in Ecuador like Baños del Santa, Mindo, and Otavalo. Learning about the landscape and history of Ecuador through tours and museums helped her understand more about the culture. 

At the end of her time in Ecuador, Riordan spent two weeks in the field with EkoRural coworkers in Riobamba and Salcedo. She helped facilitate interviews with indigenous farmers about their practices with farming in the highlands. She learned about farming in the Andes largely from women farmers and their families.

Quinn standing next to a colorful sign that reads Rio Bamba.
Riordan in Riobamba.

Most of the activities facilitated by EkoRural were about healthy eating, and talking to farmers about how much of their crops they consume instead of selling. They also helped farmers complete projects on their farms to improve soil quality without chemicals or pesticides. One of the most important parts of food culture in Ecuador is having organic, chemical-free food. 

“Overall, what I learned the most after this summer was about the strength and loyalty of rural farming communities in the Andes,” said Riordan. “They have a strong sense of sharing, kindness, and trust in each other. They also have a lot of trust in the EkoRural employees and their ideas. They allowed us to help where we could. One thing that definitely helped build trust was allowing the farmers to come to their own conclusions and lead their learning. This definitely helped the farmers trust EkoRural more. We also always came with food or gifts and made sure to respect their space.” 

Riordan said she grew personally as well as professionally through the experience. “I learned a lot about asking for help. I struggled at the beginning of my trip with figuring out how much I could lean on my coworkers and my family at home for moral support,” she said. “I learned that living in one place and creating a routine to get to know the community is my preference. I liked getting to know my Airbnb host and her family, and having a daily routine at the office.” 

You can get more details about the scholarship Riordan won and scholarship tips that could help you land money for school (and maybe travel experiences!) on Stories From Husky Nation.

About the College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science

Michigan Tech’s College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science brings students, faculty, and researchers together to measure, map, model, analyze, and deploy solutions. The College offers six bachelor of science degrees and graduate degrees in Applied EcologyForest Ecology and ManagementForest Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology, and Forest Science.

Questions? Contact us at Follow us on FacebookInstagram, and X for the latest happenings.

CFRES Invites Community to Celebrate Expansion at Ford Center

Aerial view of the Ford Center.

Our Ford Center is known for its beautiful surroundings. Recent improvements have made the facility itself more beautiful.

Michigan Tech students, faculty, staff, and the greater community are invited to a ribbon-cutting to celebrate the completion of the new Danis room and patio area at the Ford Center. The event takes place at 3 p.m. Tuesday, October 1 at the Ford Center in Alberta.

Please pre-register to help organizers know how many to expect.

The patio was made possible through a brick paver campaign that wrapped up July 4. The College appreciates the contributions of alumni and friends who purchased commemorative engravings for the spacious and welcoming addition to the Center.

Steve Danis holding a CFRES sweatshirt, standing next to David Flaspohler.
Dean David Flaspohler with Steve Danis.

The Danis room doubles the size of the previous meeting space to 80-plus seating capacity. The project also included technology upgrades, including three large monitors and a central, computerized operating system. It was made possible through the generosity of Steve Danis, ’53.

In addition to the students and faculty who make use of the Center, it provides vibrant spaces for both Michigan Tech and non-affiliated agency and community groups.

University leadership will be on hand to mark the occasion. Light appetizers will be served.

About the College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science

Michigan Tech’s College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science brings students, faculty, and researchers together to measure, map, model, analyze, and deploy solutions. The College offers six bachelor of science degrees and graduate degrees in Applied EcologyForest Ecology and ManagementForest Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology, and Forest Science.

Questions? Contact us at Follow us on FacebookInstagram, and X for the latest happenings.

Tara Bal Nominated to Society of Forestry Board of Directors

Tara Bal selfie photo with pine forest in the background
Tara Bal, Society of American Foresters Board of Directors vice presidential nominee, recently explored a forest in Sweden on a rainy day.

Tara Bal has been nominated to serve a three-year term on the Society of American Foresters (SAF) Board of Directors as Vice-President.

“It’s a great honor to be nominated,” said Bal. “SAF serves as an opportunity, for myself and others, to forge new connections, engage on diverse topics, and give back to the forests that provide for us, by providing resources for the landowners and managers that take care of them.”

The board position is structured in a three-year succession: serving one year as vice president, one year as president, and one year as immediate past president. The election will be held throughout September, with the terms of elected board members beginning January 1, 2025.

“I aim to create a positive and meaningful impact across diverse forests and communities and would be honored to continue to do so as SAF’s Board Vice President.”

Tara Bal, assistant professor of forest health, College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science
researcher Tara Bal inspecting oak tree with their fingers
Bal checking the wound on tree for oak wilt vectors

Bal is an assistant professor of forest health in CFRES where she explores problem-solving strategies for mitigation of issues that affect our forests and forest products, and conveys the latest science to students, industry, and the public. She is an SAF-certified forester who has been a member of the organization since 2003. Bal has served several roles with SAF, most recently as a board of directors District V representative. 

“I always describe myself as a forester, first and foremost,” said Bal. “I am passionate about forestry education as the foundation of our field, across all the various disciplines inherent to promoting healthy and productive sustainable forests.” Bal finds inspiration and motivation in recruiting and advocating for a diverse range of students and young professionals. Bal mentors research graduate students, advises Master’s of Forestry students and is co-director of Women in the Academy (WIA).

About the College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science

Michigan Tech’s College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science brings students, faculty, and researchers together to measure, map, model, analyze, and deploy solutions. The College offers six bachelor of science degrees and graduate degrees in Applied Ecology, Forest Ecology and Management, Forest Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology, and Forest Science.

Questions? Contact us at Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and X for the latest happenings.

Steve Mintz is the marketing and communications manager for the College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science at Michigan Tech.

February & March 2023 Photo Contest

Starting 2023, CFRES is holding a photo contest. These photos are from students (undergraduate or graduate). If you’re a student and you’d like to submit images, here are the following guidelines:

  • Any undergraduate or graduate student can submit a photo
  • Photos of students in class, in labs are welcome as well as other subjects
  • Photos should be taken during the month in which the contest is being run
  • Each student can submit no more than 5 photos per month
  • Photos taken within the Keweenaw region are preferred
  • By submitting your photos, you agree to allow CFRES to reproduce them (with attribution) in future web or print materials
  • Email Sarah Atkinson ( up to three photos per student per month by the end of the month.

The winner for February was Ellie Rizk. The winning image can be seen below.

Light shining behind a tree covered in snow
Photo Credit: Ellie Rizk

The winner for March was Sam Kurkowski. The winning image can be seen below.

A man through a large chunk of ice at sunset
Photo Credit: Sam Kurkowski

Here are the other photos submitted in no particular order. Thanks to everyone who participated!

January 2023 Photo Contest

Starting 2023, CFRES is holding a photo contest. These photos are from students (undergraduate or graduate). If you’re a student and you’d like to submit images, here are the following guidelines:

  • Any undergraduate or graduate student can submit a photo
  • Photos of students in class, in labs are welcome as well as other subjects
  • Photos should be taken during the month in which the contest is being run
  • Each student can submit no more than 3 photos per month
  • Photos taken within the Keweenaw region are preferred
  • By submitting your photos, you agree to allow CFRES to reproduce them (with attribution) in future web or print materials
  • Email Sarah Atkinson ( up to three photos per student per month by the end of the month.

The winner for January was Sam Kurkowski, a graduate student here. The winning image can be seen below.

A person riding on a mountain bike on the lake coast.
Winner of the January 2023 photo contest, taken by Sam Kurkowski

Here are the other photos that students submitted, in no particular order. Thanks to everyone who participated!

New Degree Program: Natural Resources Management

The Presidents’ Council, State Universities of Michigan has approved Michigan Tech’s new Bachelor of Science degree in Natural Resources Management. The new program will start this fall.

“The value of this new undergraduate degree program in natural resources management is that it is interdisciplinary and thus complements our existing disciplinary programs in natural resources,” said Terry Sharik, dean of the School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science. “Thus, rather than focusing on a single renewable resource, such as wood, wildlife, water or recreation, it will integrate across these resource areas and include the ecological, social and economic dimensions of natural resource or ecosystem management. It will complement our other degree programs as the graduates of this new program will be tasked with overseeing teams of specialists to work on complex issues related to natural resources and the environment. Another plus for the new degree program is it is likely to attract students who might not otherwise be attracted to our existing programs.

“We know from national data that such programs tend to attract a higher proportion of females and under-represented minorities than more traditional natural resource programs focused on single resources, and thus our new program should increase the overall diversity of our student body,” Sharik went on to say.

Article by Jennifer Donovan

James B. Pickens Retires

Jim Pickens
Jim, talking fishing at his retirement party.

Professor James B. (Jim) Pickens is retiring from the Michigan Tech School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science after 30 years of teaching,research, and service to the school. Jim wore many hats during his time with the School—teacher, storyteller, graduate program coordinator for the School, University Senator, and developer and manager of our very successful Master of Forestry program.

When asked to reflect on his career, Jim says, “It was a hoot publishing lots of very theoretical mathematics papers, especially in the first 15 years here.” Another highlight: receiving the Hardwood Research Award from the National Hardwood Research Council for his development of a hardwood log-bucker training program for implementation in the eastern US. This award is only given out once a year and may be the only industry-sponsored award in forestry and wood products. Jim says his greatest achievement was not a paper or training program—it was his students. He focuses on how rewarding it was to develop the Master of Forestry program and help 47 students earn master’s degrees in the past 10 years. “I worked them twice as hard and gave them half the credit, and those are both good things,” Jim says, chuckling.

Jim had the fortune of ending his teaching career with a particularly good Forest Resource Management class. “This was a group of phenomenal students who worked hard, thought clearly, and excelled. They are great students who also melded to form a great class; one doesn’t necessarily lead to the other.”

In retirement, Jim looks forward to spending more time with his spouse, dogs, gardens, and orchard. His other goal is to “personally meet every fish in Michigan and . . . Montana.”

Biltmore stick-fishing pole
Biltmore stick-fishing pole, a quirky, but fitting retirement gift from Blair Orr.

Welcoming Mark Rudnicki to new Biomaterials position

The School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science has another new face. Mark Rudnicki has joined our ranks as Professor of Practice, Forest Biomaterials. This position was created in order to coordinate efforts between Michigan Tech and the statewide biomaterials initiative as the Michigan Forest Biomaterials Initiative develops and grows.

Rudnicki comes to us with extensive teaching background and experience in extension and outreach. Mark will be leading our school’s effort to support the developing Michigan Forest Biomaterials Initiative, which, in Mark’s words is “an ambitious endeavor to improve the quality of life for the citizens of Michigan by moving purposefully toward a future that takes responsible yet full advantage of Michigan’s renewable resources”.