Assistant Professor Audrey Mayer has received $5,000 from Oak Ridge Associated Universities for a one-year project, “Regional-Scale Impacts of Bioenergy and Carbon Sequestration Policies for Nonindustrial Private Forests in Michigan and Tennessee.”
The Board of Control at their April 29, 2011 meeting, approved John Vucetich’s promotion to Associate Professor with tenure!
John has a BS degree from Michigan Tech in Biological Science (1994) and a PhD in Forest Science (1999)
Congratulations, John.
Associate Professor John Vucetich and Assistant Professor Joseph Bump, members of the Conservation Ethics Group (CEG), were recently awarded the 2011 Michigan State University Phi Kappa Phi Excellence Award in Interdisciplinary Scholarship . The award specified the highly unique collaboration between the social and ecological sciences with ethics, the large amount of community engagement, and the highly productive research and publication record of CEG members as especially impressive and the main reasons for the award.