Day: February 28, 2012

Andrew Burton – Distinguished Teaching Award Candidate

Associate Professor Andrew Burton

Weigh in on Candidates for the Distinguished Teaching Awards – The Center for Teaching, Learning and Faculty Development  seeks input for its annual Distinguished Teaching Awards, which recognize outstanding contribution to the instructional mission of the University.

Based on over 50,000 student ratings, ten finalists have been identified for the 2012 awards. The selection committee is soliciting comments from students, staff, faculty and alumni to aid in its deliberation.

Associate Professor Andrew Burton from the School is a finalists for the Associate Professor/Professor Category.

Comments on the nominees are due by Monday, March 30, and should be sent to CTLFD at Faculty Award.

The process for determining the recipients from this list of finalists also involves additional surveying of their classes. The selection committee makes the final determination. The recipients will be announced in the fall.