CFRES Welcomes Returning Husky as New Outreach Coordinator

Sierra Williams in the greenhouse.
CFRES alumna Sierra Williams, shown here in the College greenhouse, returns to her alma mater as outreach coordinator, working with current and future Huskies.

The College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science (CFRES) welcomes alumna Sierra Williams as outreach coordinator. She steps into her new position at Michigan Tech eager to pass on her love for the natural world, dedication to education, and Husky spirit to current and prospective students.

Husky’s Passion for Learning Becomes a Passion for Teaching

Williams earned her undergraduate degree in applied ecology and environmental science in 2022 and her accelerated masters in geographic information science in 2023. She originally came to Michigan Tech from Bay City, Michigan, with plans to study environmental engineering, but her interest in nature and the outdoors led her down a different path.

“I was so curious about my surroundings because my family was not very outdoorsy growing up. I wanted to learn everything about the natural sciences world because I had so little exposure to it when I was younger,” said Williams. 

Williams began her progression to educator while still a student, working for the Center for Educational Outreach. She served as a student coordinator with the center, which works to spark curiosity in students of all ages through hands-on STEM activities and career exploration. She also was president of the center’s two student organizations: Tech Tutors and Mind Trekkers. Williams, one of the founding executive board members for Tech Tutors, recalls working with students at Chassell Township Schools as a key experience in her development as an outreach professional. 

Sierra in a human pyramid on the beach in front of the Mind Trekkers trailer.
Williams was previously a coordinator for Michigan Tech Mind Trekkers, a nationally acclaimed traveling STEM roadshow bringing high-energy, hands-on STEM festivals to communities around the country.

“You got the chance to connect one-on-one with a lot of students and build trust and relationships with them. It was a sort of mentorship that I didn’t really expect to experience,” said Williams. The experience was a huge help when she later worked for TRIO Pre-College Programs. “Chassell was one of the schools I’d worked with, so I’d already built relationships with the teachers and principals and was a familiar face to some students,” said Williams.

Knowing the Student Experience Firsthand

Williams understands what it’s like to be challenged and work hard while managing a busy schedule during your time at Tech. She credits her academic success to kind and supportive CFRES faculty and staff. She recalls always wanting to keep busy, but sometimes feeling overwhelmed by her many commitments. Professors who understood helped her along the way.

“Everyone just really wants to help everyone become their best selves, both personally and professionally,” said Williams. “When you are on the struggle bus with something, people are usually there to help hold you up. I can confidently say I would not have as successfully made it through my schooling without the support of the faculty and the extent that they went to help me.”

During her time as a student, Williams served on the executive board for Xi Sigma Pi and was active in the Society of Wetland Scientists (SWS).

While working on her accelerated master’s degree, she attended an SWS trip to the US Forest Service SPRUCE research station in northern Minnesota. The station features massive domes constructed over peat boglands that allow scientists to manipulate and measure the impact of increased carbon dioxide on the environment. Williams and her fellow students marveled as they explored the domes, the bogs, and observed 300-year-old black spruce trees up close.

“It’s really important research and I think it inspired all of us. It wasn’t an experience that we would have gotten without the wetlands club,” said Williams. “It sparked my curiosity all over again. I was at the end of my master’s degree, so I was dragging. It was nice to have something inspiring again.”

Her experiences at Tech also included club sports. Williams became a founding member of the Women’s Ultimate Frisbee Club, which competed in national championships twice during her time as a student. The team is largely composed of CFRES students and formed a big part of her core friend group. 

“We became a force to be reckoned with as a D3 ultimate frisbee team. There’s still a team on campus and they’re still a force to be reckoned with. They are very gritty players,” said Williams.

Sierra on a mountain with others in the background.
Sierra Williams found her own outdoor adventures during her time with the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, including this trek to South Sister, the third tallest peak in Oregon. (Image courtesy Sierra Williams)

After graduation, Williams’ passion for science and teaching led her to a nine-month position at the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, where she was an outdoor instructor teaching children about the John Day Fossil Beds National Monument in the Oregon desert. Williams returned to Michigan Tech and the Center for Educational Outreach after her time in Oregon ready to apply her new experience with TRIO and then as a coordinator for Mind Trekkers. Both roles provided profound insights.

“It was honestly life-changing,” said Williams, “I think I’m a pretty empathetic person, but I learned so much about patience and kindness and understanding from working with high schoolers so closely for so long.”

Now Williams brings her experiences as both a Husky and an educator to CFRES. She’s happy to be part of this welcoming community again, joining faculty, staff, and students who support each other’s personal and professional growth.

“I enjoyed my education so much, and I think I may be a little overly passionate about that,” said Williams, smiling. “This position is the best combination of all that I have previously done and enjoyed. I’m excited to be able to help other students find a home here for their college experience.”

So, What does an Outreach Coordinator do?

In her role with the College, Williams works with youth and prospective students to help them explore the field of natural resources and learn about natural resources careers. She attends recruiting events and hosts tours for interested prospective or accepted students and families.

Williams will also continue to be a part of educating kids through Michigan Tech’s Summer Youth Programs and other educational experiences that give young people a chance to get into new environments, from tracking plant life in bogs to holding a fish for the first time. 

“I love teaching, especially to children and youth but to anyone who is also new to learning things about the natural world, because I was so curious about it,” she said.

Williams is also here for current students.

She works closely with academic advisor Kat Hanson, providing additional guidance for Huskies who want to learn more about CFRES beyond academic and course planning for the College’s seven bachelor’s degree and five graduate degree programs. What clubs are there? Where do students hang out on weekends? What’s it like to study and play at Tech?

She can offer guidance on student organizations that could be a good fit. She helps students plan events and also coordinates larger events for the College. She’ll be at conferences to support students attending while representing CFRES and Michigan Tech. Williams said her role is all about making connections and helping Huskies feel at home. Students seeking guidance, recommendations, or just someone to talk to about all the things college students think about are welcome to reach out to her. And—good to know—she also geeks out on science.

“I love to talk about anything related to ecology, so if you just want to talk, there’s that,” said Williams. 

Williams, who stepped into her role in February, is just starting to chart her course. No doubt there will be new and fun developments to announce in future blogs as she follows her own curiosity about what the future can hold for current and future CFRES Huskies. When she’s not out and about connecting with current students and educating natural resources stewards of the future, you can find her in the U.J. Noblet Forestry Building. Stop by and say hi!

About the College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science

Michigan Tech’s College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science brings students, faculty, and researchers together to measure, map, model, analyze, and deploy solutions. The College offers six bachelor’s degrees in forestry, wildlife ecology and conservation, applied ecology and environmental science, natural resources management, sustainable bioproducts, and environmental science and sustainability. We offer graduate degrees in applied ecology, forest ecology and management, forest molecular genetics and biotechnology, and forest science. 

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