Assistant Professor Michael Falkowski has several new projects that have recently been funded.
Fuel Consumption and Carbon cycling in northern peatland ecosystems: Understanding vulnerability to burning, fuel consumption, and emissions via remote sensing of fuel moisture and radiative energy.
Program: NASA Terrestrial Ecology
PI: Michael Falkowski
Michigan Tech CoPIs: Evan Kane, Eugene Levin
MTRI CoPIs: Mary Ellen Miller, Nancy French, and Laura Bourgeau-Chavez|
Collaborating Institutions: Rochester Institute of Technology; University of Idaho; Florida Atlantic University
Amount: ~$650,000
Enhancing Tools and Geospatial Data to Support Operational Forest Management > and Regional Forest Planning in the Face of Climate Change
Program: NASA New Investigator Program in Earth Science
Title: Enhancing Tools and Geospatial Data to Support Operational Forest Management and Regional Forest Planning in the Face of Climate Change
PI: Michael Falkowski
Michigan Tech CoPIs: Linda Nagel; Robert Froese
Collaborating Institutions: US Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station; Portland State University; University of Idaho
Amount: ~$350,000
Remote sensing of conifer and mesquite encroachment into lesser prairie-chicken habitats
Agency: Natural Resource Conservation Service
PI: Michael Falkowski
Michigan Tech CoPIs: Joseph Bump
Amount $95,000