Yu Cai (SoT) and his team are recognized as featured curriculum authors as part of the National Security Agency (NSA)’s National Cybersecurity Curriculum Program (NCCP). In the 2017 fiscal year, NSA awarded 54 grants to universities to build courses and modules in high need cybersecurity areas. All curriculum has undergone a strenuous multi-faceted review before being released. In the recognition note sent by the NSA NCCP program manager, it says “Curriculum developed by your institution has been released nationally in this unique and transformative effort as we work to secure our nation by strengthening the cyber workforce. We congratulate Cai and appreciate the institutional support provided to him for his hard work in developing this curriculum.”
Yu Cai is the principal investigator of two NSA NCCP grants. The goal of these projects is to integrate concepts and best practices of cybersecurity into undergraduate IT/Computing curricula.
Published in Tech Today, March 11, 2019