What: Info Session: ICPC Programming Competition
When: Thursday, February 11, 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.
Where: Zoom

An information session about the ICPC Programming Competition will take place this Thursday, February 11, from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.
ICPC Programming Competition, North America North Central Regionals, will be held, Saturday, February 27, 2021. The contest will be held remotely using the Kattis contest system and Zoom for team communication.
Practice contests will be organized prior to the event.
Please contact Associate Professor Laura Brown (lebrown@mtu.edu), Computer Science, with questions.
What are programming competitions?
Programming competitions are team events (groups of 3 students) that test student knowledge through the answering of programming questions, correctly and quickly. Top teams at the various events can go on to compete against top teams in the world.
Why do you want to participate?
The programming contest tests your skills against other teams and universities, helps in developing problem solving skills, and can aid in preparation for job interviews, offering practice in solving problems quickly.
When and how you can participate?
The programming contest is usually held in the Fall, but runs virtually in spring 2021. Student eligibility rules are listed here: https://icpc.baylor.edu/regionals/rules, which basically indicate that the student 1) can compete a maximum of five times at the regional levels, 2) started college in 2016 or later, and 3) was born 1997 or later. First year graduate students may be able to participate under these rules.
Forming teams
Students who are interested and eligible may sign up to form teams of up to three students.
If you are unable to attend the information session, please complete the form linked to below to indicate your interest, register teammates, or notify organizers that you are looking for teammates.
Fine more information and resources at https://bit.ly/3aLiu1O.