by Michael R. Meyer, Director, Center for Teaching and Learning
Congratulations to Todd Arney (AC), Paul Sanders (MSE), and all of the following 2021 Deans’ Teaching Showcase members selected to receive 2021 CTL instructional Awards! Mark your calendars for their fall semester presentations, which will share the work that led to their nomination. After each presentation concludes, the recipient(s) will receive formal recognition and $600 in additional compensation.
CTL Instructional Award Series Schedule:
Sept. 23 — Innovative or Out of Class Teaching: Smitha Rao (BioMed)
Oct. 19 — Large Class Teaching: Andrew Galerneau (Chem) and Teresa Woods (Math)
Nov. 9 — Curriculum Development or Assessment: Todd Arney (AC) and Paul Sanders (MSE)
These events will take place from 3:45-4:45 p.m. on the dates listed. Detailed presentation titles, topics and registration links will be circulated in anticipation of each event.
Many thanks to the previous CTL instructional award recipients who were instrumental in the selection process.
We’re looking for nominations for the upcoming (2022) Deans’ Teaching Showcase during spring semester. Please consider suggesting (to your dean or chair) instructors whom you’ve seen make exceptional contributions in curriculum development, assessment, innovative or out-of-class teaching, or large class teaching.