Category: Pre-Chiropractic

Click to learn more about the student experience in the pre-chiropractic program at Michigan Tech University. Learn about ways to get experience by shadowing medical professionals, volunteering in the local community (EMT, hospice, social organizations), doing undergraduate research, studying abroad, and so much more.

Full Circle: A Tech Alumna and Local Chiropractor Returns Home

Dr. Amanda (Crane) Deyaert

Dr. Amanda (Crane) Deyaert, DC, CACCP, knew she wanted to become a chiropractor when she was just a teenager. At the age of 14, she was a dedicated athlete participating in basketball, volleyball, figure-skating, and track when she first started receiving adjustments for various sports injuries. Over the next few years, she was treated by local chiropractors Dr. David Hill, Dr. Kemmy Taylor, and Dr. Mischa Doman. It was then her interest in kinesiology—the study of movement—was born.

A Chiropractor’s Academic Journey

After high school graduation, Dr. Amanda (as she likes to be called) started her BS in Exercise Science at Michigan Tech. As one of the most common undergraduate majors chosen by pre-health students, she said the degree made sense with its focus on kinesiology and integrated physiology. Supporting her continued fascination with body movement, the Motor Development and Biomechanics of Human Movement courses were her favorites. And because an exercise science degree could also prepare students for careers in physical therapy, athletic training, occupational therapy, respiratory therapy, etc., Dr. Amanda said she chose it to keep her options open just in case her interests changed during her undergraduate studies. They didn’t.

After graduating from Tech, Dr. Amanda attended Northwestern Health Sciences University in Minnesota and received her Doctorate of Chiropractic in 2016. She said her coursework at Tech adequately prepared her for her graduate school experience, and that “the combination of lecture and laboratory classes in anatomy and physiology, and other pre-health subjects gave [her] a solid foundation to build upon in the chiropractic program.” However, in addition to preparatory coursework, Dr. Amanda also recommended shadowing local health professionals to get a greater sense of the profession. She herself had this opportunity when she shadowed Dr. Kemmy (who is also MTU’s Pre-Health Programs Director) and Dr. Mischa of Superior Family Chiropractic almost 15 years ago as an MTU student. The ultimate result? An invitation to join the practice almost a decade later.

Clinical Practice and Specialized Training for Chiropractors

Dr. Amanda treating a young patient

But first Dr. Amanda had to leave her beloved hometown of Chassell. She studied and worked in Minnesota for many years, garnering the most important perspectives and experiences a big city offers: diversity and specialization. Dr. Amanda practiced in Shakopee, MN, for almost four years and had clinical rotations with the Salvation Army Harbor Light Center (a healthcare program at the homeless shelter in downtown Minneapolis) and the Pillsbury House Integrated Health Clinic: a student-run, free holistic healthcare clinic. She brought this training back to the UP. 

These experiences in the Twin Cities widened her eyes to the challenges of living in a small town. For example, access to specialty care can be very difficult in remote towns and rural areas. Between the length of time for referrals and great travel distances, many patients are frustrated. She finds it very meaningful to be able to provide a specialized service to her community.

Chiropractic Care From Pregnancy To Pediatrics

Dr. Amanda offers pregnancy care

And the services she offers in chiropractic health are specialized.  She is one of the few pediatric and prenatal chiropractors offering services in the UP right now, and she said the local response has been overwhelming as many people are looking for natural healthcare. Dr. Amanda is certified in the Webster Technique for Pregnancy and CACCP, a pediatric certification through the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA). As both a practitioner and the mother of two young daughters, she says the benefits of pediatric, prenatal, and postpartum chiropractic care are undeniable. As children grow fast, they might experience injuries or pain during a growth spurt. Using a variety of low-force adjustment techniques can remove nerve irritation as a child grows.

Pediatric chiropractic care has also been proven to encourage brain and nerve development, assist with colic and reflux, and help with constipation and bedwetting issues, among many other benefits. And as women’s bodies also change quickly during and after pregnancy, chiropractic care can help with optimal pelvic alignment, decreased back pain, and more comfort while breastfeeding. Dr. Amanda is proud to have fostered strong relationships with local midwives and pediatricians who encourage these types of treatments and adjustments.

Serving the Specific Needs of a Local Community

Dr. Amanda offers chiropractic care for youngsters

Dr. Amanda and Dr. Mischa have also developed strong relationships with the Veterans Administration (VA) community. Since they are both in network with the VA, many veterans now have access to chiropractic services. As a chiropractor, Dr. Amanda’s highest belief is that chiropractic care such as alignment and adjustments are helping your body function better, as well as improve the effects of physical and emotional stress.  “Chiropractic care is about so much more than just spinal misalignments,” she says. “When adjusting the spine, we are affecting the nervous system, which controls everything in the body. By removing irritation, we are allowing the body to heal the way it was designed to, without any interference, or the need for drugs or invasive procedures.” She wants her patients to feel well, naturally.

Dr. Amanda says she is “here for what [her] patients need.” If patients are seeking general wellness, she might see them on a monthly or quarterly basis. Or she might see small children with the most common ear infection or digestive problem. Whatever the issue, Dr. Amanda compares chiropractic care to untangling a kink in a water hose. Something is not flowing correctly in the spine and nervous system. Chiropractic adjustments help to clear this block. And with three chiropractors in the Superior Family Chiropractic practice in Chassell, MI, Dr. Amanda, Dr. Kemmy, and Dr. Mischa are all here to help.

Chiropractic Care for Chassell Offers Meaning

And being able to help people in her hometown has probably been the most meaningful aspect of her job. After starting her family in Minnesota with her husband, a Michigan Tech civil engineering alum, the couple decided it was time to come home. Leaving the Houghton area after graduation wasn’t easy since Dr. Amanda has deep roots in this community. Her family owns the Crane Berry Farm, and they have been integral to both personal and professional relationships in the area for decades.

Staying Local for College

But when asked what the benefits of staying local for college were, she didn’t hesitate to respond. “Local students have such an amazing opportunity for a high-quality education right in our own hometown! The size of the campus at Michigan Tech [is] also a benefit because [you don’t] feel like a number. I felt seen and heard as an individual student.” Dr. Amanda also recommends living on campus–versus commuting from home—if possible. It’s a great way to become immersed in the college atmosphere, even if you’re still close to home. Dr. Amanda fondly remembers her Tech experience and looks forward to mentoring students in the future–making them feel just as seen and heard as she did.

Advice for Aspiring Chiropractors (and Other Medical Professionals)

Looking back on her college career, Dr. Amanda did say she would do a few things differently. Most pre-health students don’t realize they will most likely own their own business or practice one day. Because of this, she strongly suggests taking electives in business classes such as marketing and accounting. She credits Michigan Tech’s Small Business Development Center (SBDC) for helping her set up her LLC and Tax ID #. The SBDC is available to Tech students, alumni, and the local community. 

And owning her own business, she says, has “afforded her the flexibility to work in a career she loves, while still being able to spend as much time as possible with family.” Returning home has facilitated a beautiful work-life balance for her entire family, and she credits her time at Michigan Tech for fostering many of the experiences and relationships necessary for her rewarding career in chiropractic care.

About the Michigan Tech pre-health program

The Michigan Tech pre-health program is an excellent entree to a rewarding career in health. We prepare you for graduate health programs like medical school, dental school, pharmacy school, and many other allied healthcare professional programs. You receive help navigating the application process and obtaining experiential learning opportunities, like clinical experience. You obtain the prerequisite courses you need in order to apply. All of this has led to a 70% acceptance rate into all graduate health programs for Tech graduates (nearly twice the national average). Learn more about the student experience on the Pre-Health Blog.

Healthcare job growth projected at 16%; Michigan Tech Pre-Health professions helping to meet demand

It’s no secret the older we get the more we need healthcare. And the U.S. is getting older. Currently, 16.5% of the U.S. population of 328 million people, or 54 million, are over the age of 65, according to the latest census. By 2030, that number will rise to 74 million, a 37% increase. And the number of people over the age of 85, who generally need the most care, is growing even faster.

So it comes as no surprise that healthcare is expected to create jobs at a faster clip than the rest of the economy. The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates 16% growth across all healthcare professions. And these professions pay very well, too. The table below lists just some examples.

SOURCE: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook 2020
Occupation Projected
Job Growth
Audiologists 16% $81,030
Chiropractors 11% $70,720
Dentists 8% $164,010
Optometrists 9% $118,050
Occupational Therapists 17% $86,280
Physical Therapists 21% $91,010
Physicians Assistants 31% $115,390
Podiatrists 2% $134,300
Speech Pathologists 29% $80,480
Veterinarians 17% $99,250

Michigan Tech’s Pre-Health professions minor has been preparing tomorrow’s healthcare leaders and helping to fill the growing demand for healthcare professionals. Pre-Health professions features helpful faculty and staff ensuring students: meet academic requirements for professional programs, receive valuable clinical experience and successfully navigate the application process. All of which results in a 70% acceptance rate into all health professional programs. For Tech students applying to medical school, they have a 65% acceptance rate (approximately twenty-five percentage points above the national average).

Students can pair this minor with any degree/major they choose at Tech. Popular pairings are made with Human Biology, Medical Lab Science, Biomedical Engineering, Exercise Science, Chemistry, and Psychology. While students can choose any major, these are the most common! 

But don’t let us tell you. Hear from our students first-hand how they prepared for the health professional program of their choice.

Listen to Jill Poliskey describe how a study abroad program in Ireland helped her decide to change her focus and her major and decide to go to medical school to become a doctor.

Listen to Abigail Botz describe how getting involved in research on campus and working as a peer health advocate has helped to strengthen her application.

Learn about Alyssa Meinburg’s progression from MTU’s prehealth program to prosthetics and orthotics school.

Emma DeBaeke shares her journey from Tech into into Physcial Therapy school.

And Karmyn Polakowski talk about her entrance into med school thanks to Michigan Tech’s Early Assurance Program (EAP) with Michigan State University.
Learn more about Pre-Health at Michigan Tech or contact Nicole Seigneurie, Director, Pre-Health Profession directly at 906.487.2850 or

Nick Carlson’s Advice To Get To Chiropractic School

Nick Carlson
Nowadays, most aspects of the medical field are moving from treating the disease/problem/injury/etc. after it happens to prevent the disease/problem/injury/etc. from happening in the first place through the use of things like exercise, nutrition, and lifestyle choices in general. The chiropractic field isn’t really any different, rather than just adjusting joints every time they go out of alignment, many chiropractors look to prevent this from happening in the first place. The field of chiropractic medicine is also gaining ground every year, allowing chiropractors to do more with each passing year. It’s not just about adjusting and manipulating the spine anymore, it’s about nutrition and disease and muscle function and looking at disease, injury, and the entire human body holistically.
The Exercise Science program, in which I’m pursuing an undergrad, and curriculum at Michigan Tech embodies the transition both in the medical field as a whole and in the field of chiropractic medicine. It teaches you about the anatomy and physiology of the human body while also teaching you about nutrition and exercise and other aspects of preventative medicine. Also the “capstone” of the Exercise Science Program is the internship. It’s a three-credit class, where you spend 126 (or more) hours working with a professional in a field of your choosing (whatever you’re planning on going into). Honestly, my experience was by far more rewarding than pretty much any other experience I had at Tech.  I did my internship with a local chiropractor, and my patient interaction skills and my knowledge of treatments and holistic medicine grew so much, I can’t even begin to explain it.
I had almost limitless resources to use at Michigan Tech. The ones that I feel helped the most were Career Services and the Pavlis Honors College (PHC). I first went to career services during like my second week at Michigan Tech to revamp my resume from my “high school/college application” to my “college/real life” version. Not only did it give me a good outline for what my resume should look like, but it also opened up my eyes to what opportunities and experiences I was lacking in and what I should be looking for. The PHC was also huge for my development from a high school student to a graduate-school ready adult. It helped me to learn how to talk about myself and reflect on the experiences that I’ve had and the things that I’ve done (one of their big things is reflections). It also pushed me to do more and get more out of my time at Michigan Tech.
Michigan Tech, whether you’re in an engineering program or not, develops your analytical thinking skills and teaches you to ask questions and solve problems.
I will be attending the College of Chiropractic at Northwestern Health Sciences University (NWHSU) beginning in January of 2019. The Chiropractic program at NWHSU is based on scientific evidence rather than tradition and is designed to integrate basic knowledge and chiropractic technique throughout the program. These two programs meshed well for someone like me, who approaches problems from an analytical perspective. NWHSU also has programs for Massage Therapy, Acupuncture, Nutrition, and Chinese Medicine, allowing for tons of opportunity to learn about other aspects of holistic medicine. NWHSU was also the closest chiropractic school to my home (Mohawk, Michigan), so that was an added bonus.
My best advice is to not worry about it too much. I spent months worrying about doing the application before I actually submitted it. In reality, the thought of doing it is worse than actually doing it. I don’t know what the official stance is, but from my perspective application to chiropractic school is not very similar to applying to other graduate schools. While it is more competitive than most undergraduate programs, it’s not like trying to get into medical school or physical therapy school. Your GPA doesn’t need to be perfect and you don’t have to have a resume full of awards and clubs and achievements and projects.
My feeling was that the process was a lot more personal than what your resume and grades say about you. It’s about who you are as a person, about your commitment and effort and interest.
Don’t get me wrong, any chiropractic program is still intense and takes years of hard work and, to use one of Michigan Tech’s favorite words, tenacity to make it through; it’s not a cakewalk, and it shouldn’t be. Basically, take the process and schooling seriously because it’s not a joke, but remember that you’re going into a field that’s about the person, not about the numbers and definitions.
I was pretty heavily involved in the Student Athletic Training Internship program. Basically, it’s just an option for students with an interest in athletic training and sports medicine to get hands-on experience assisting the athletic trainers during practices and games. I learned a lot from this program, including how to tape and how to perform treatments like ultrasound. It allowed me to get more experience with handling people in a more professional setting. It’s also something that looks great on a resume. Also they’ve recently restructured the program so that it’s a series of classes, each with different goals and milestones, like how to fit crutches or do ultrasounds. It sounds like it’s going to be a great program. The goal by the end of the program is for the students to basically be able to handle the basic needs of an athletic team on their own, at least that’s what I gathered.