Day: October 28, 2011

Student News Briefs: October 28, 2011



FILM BOARD:  This week Film Board is showing Cowboys & Aliens in Fisher 135.  It will be shown on Friday, October 28 and Saturday, October 29 at 6:00, 8:30, and 11:00 pm.  Tickets are $3 each and concessions range from 25 cents to 75 cents.  If you have any questions, please contact Film Board’s Publicity Chair, Carissa Lindeman, at”

Next week’s movie is Harry Potter 7: Parts 1 & 2.


LATIN DANCE:  The NOSOTROS student organization is holding a Latin dance on Friday, October 28 at the Michigan Tech MUB Ballroom A starting at 8:00 pm with salsa lessons by Dr. Thomas Werner and continuing at 9:00 pm with open floor.  This is a Halloween party, wear your scary costumes!  Light snacks and soft drinks will be provided.  This event is FREE and is sponsored by the Graduate Student Government and the Undergraduate Student Government.  For information contact Alessia Uboni at


BROKEN BREAD MEAL CELEBRATION:  The Intervarsity Christian Fellowship is organizing a Broken Bread Meal Celebration on Friday, October 28 from 9:00 pm – midnight in the Wads Dining Hall.  Come learn about injustices around the world through unique and interactive activities.  We will be serving food that is served to refugees.  Over $500 in fair trade and justice-related prizes will be raffled off.  The more activities you do, the higher your chances of winning.  If you have any questions email Andrea Walvatne at


HUSKYLEAD:  Event Planning and Logistics is the topic of the next HuskyLEAD session to be held on Tuesday, November 1 at 6:00 pm in the MUB Ballroom.  By attending this session, you will have a better understanding of how to plan large and small scale events.  You will learn what resources and opportunities are available to your student organization to enhance its success.  HuskyLEAD session are open to all Michigan Tech students and student organization officers are encouraged to attend.  If you have any questions, email Beth Lunde, Assistant Vice President for Student Life, at

NATIVE AMERICAN MONTH:  November is Native American Month and  the American Indian Society for Engineers and Scientists (AISES) and the Center for Diversity and Inclusion (CDI) are sponsoring the following events to be held next week:
Tuesday, November 1:  History of a People, Doreen Blaker, 5:00-6:00 pm in MUB Ballroom B1
Wednesday, November 2:  Birch Bark Basket Making, 5:00-7:00 pm at Center for Diversity and Inclusion building.  Please RSVP to
Thursday, November 4:  Two Spiritness film & discussion, 7:00-8:30 pm, Fisher 135
All events are free and open to the public.  If you have any questions, contact the Center for Diversity and Inclusion at 487-2920.

GLOBAL CITY PRESENTATION:  Global City registered student organization is sponsoring the presentation, Famine in Eastern Africa,  by members of the African Student Association, Addishiwot Teshome, Ornella Nkurunziza, Regina Baiden, Haki Kiema and Jaime Craig.  The presentation will be held on Tuesday, November 1 from 6:00-7:00 pm in FISHER 139.  Pizza and beverages will be provided.  Please bring your own cup/mug to minimize waste.

The famine in Eastern Africa, affecting northern Kenya, South-Eastern Ethiopia, Southern Somalia and Djibouti has led to the loss of livestock and crop failure, the main assets for the most affected people in the region and, in turn, their migration into increasingly-overcrowded refugee camps.  The human toll that this climate and geopolitical-induced tragedy has taken is estimated to be in the tens of thousands and threatens to grow to nearly a million.  Despite the obstacles faced by relief organizations, strides have been made in mitigating the disaster and the viability of long-term solutions are in the discussion.  This presentation will elaborate these causes, effects, mitigation efforts and outlook for the famine-stricken region, as well as present ways you can help.

Questions about the Global City presentation can be directed to Taile Leswifi at


WINTER CARNIVAL PLANNING:  Winter Carnival dates for 2012 are February 8 – 11.  Applications for Winter Carnival Month Long Statues,  Queens and  Stage Revue will be available in the Blue Key office (Student Org office, MUB 106) starting Tuesday, November 1 at 8:00 am.  Application due dates and other important Winter Carnival dates will be given out with the applications.  Email any questions to

IBV RECRUITMENT EVENT:  The International Business Ventures (IBV) Enterprise will be holding a recruitment event on Tuesday, November 1 at 7:00 pm in U113 in the M&M Building.
IBV offers a unique opportunity for students to learn how to develop new solutions to Bio-medical problems and bring to market new products for which a need has been identified. Current projects include an Infant Heart Annuciator design to detect the weak heartbeat of an infant that would otherwise be declared stillborn in developing countries, a Pandemic Ventilator that would be low-cost so hospitals could easily stockpile them in case of an emergency, like Hurricane Katrina or Haiti, and a anesthesia blower for a German company that develop an anesthesia drive system to allow anesthesia and ventilation to be provided in areas where compressed gas is not readily available. To find out more about IBV, please visit our website:  Looking for Business majors, Electrical engineers, Mechanical engineers, Computer Engineers, Bio-medical engineers and others!  Don’t sign up for spring classes without checking us out!  Pizza and pop will be provided. If you would like to join but are unable to attend, or if you have any other questions, please email, or contact Caitlin Pionke at


VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR BOUNCE-O-RAMA EVENT:  If you are looking for a community service opportunity or something fun to do, the MTU Preschool would like to invite your organization to participate in our upcoming Bounce-O-Rama fundraising event to be held on Saturday, November 12, from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm in the SDC Multi-purpose Room.  This event is open to the entire community, including  high school and college students, and adults.  Bounce-O-Rama is a carnival-type event with many inflatable obstacles and play areas for participants to enjoy. 

Volunteer 1st shift: 9:30am – 12:30pm (includes training time)

Volunteer 2nd shift: 12:00pm – 3:00pm (includes training time)

We need volunteers mainly to supervise the different areas – things like moon walks, inflatable slides, velcro wall – to make sure the participants stay safe, stay in age appropriate groups, and to rotate participants through according to lines, time bouncing, etc.  In return for a 3-hour shift, volunteers will each receive a free bracelet pass for the remainder of the event so you can do some bouncing yourselves during the half hour before the event and in between shifts and training.  This is a $10 value.  A similar event was recently held at the Superior Dome in Marquette.

If your organization can participate, please respond to Ryan Towles, MTU Preschool Board President, at by Monday, October 31.


TIE DYE EVENT:  Green Campus Enterprise will be hosting a tie dying recruitment event on Thursday, November 5 at 5:00 pm in Dow 110.  There will be free pizza  provided!  Green Campus is part of the enterprise program on campus that students can join and use as senior design electives.  The goal of the Green Campus Enterprise is to help the Michigan Tech Administration effectively engage the university community in reducing the carbon footprint.  Some of the projects we’re working on include a carbon calculator, energy reduction in computer labs and buildings, campus awareness, and wind turbine feasibility. If interested in learning more about Green Campus, feel free to attend the tie dying event, attend a weekly meeting at 5:00 pm in Rehki 214 on Thursdays, or contact or Jace Toney at


