Sunset Cruise on the Isle Royale Queen IV
Student Activities is hosting an evening for students on the Isle Royale Queen IV cruise ship out of Copper Harbor on Friday, July 20. The cost is only $5.00 and includes transportation from the MUB to Copper Harbor and back. What a deal! The buses will leave the MUB bus stop promptly at 6:00 PM, arriving in Copper Harbor at approximately 7:00 PM. There will be a short time to browse the gift shop before boarding the ship at 7:45. The cruise will last about 1 1/2 hours and the bus will be arriving back to Houghton between 10:30 and 11:00 PM.
Sign up opens at 2:00 PM, Thursday, June 28 on Walker Lawn during National Chocolate Pudding Day. After this event, sign up is available at the Outdoor Adventure Program, 207 East Street. Seats are limited so come early!
For more information please contact the Outdoor Adventure Program at 906-487-2290 or the Student Activities office at 906-487-1963.
Summer Programming Series – National Chocolate Pudding Day
Yet another great summer programming event sponsored by Student Activities and Housing and Residential Life, National Chocolate Pudding Day. Come over to Walker Lawn on Thursday, June 28 for pudding sundae’s, lawn games, and an opportunity to get involved with Outdoor Adventure Program.
For more information please contact Student Activities at or call 906-487-1963.

The Outdoor Adventure Program is opening their Challenge course to students and the public on Saturday, June 23 at 3 PM to 6 PM. Bring your sense of adventure and check out the high ropes course and zip-line. There is no charge for this event and there will be a short tutorial before you get started. It is required that you fill out the liability waiver to gain access to the course.
For more information please contact the OAP at 906-487-2290.
Research Volunteers Needed
Are you blood type AB+, AB- or B-?
If so, a research lab on campus is in need of a small donation of blood via the trained personnel at the SDC Portage Health Clinic. If you are interested, please contact Ms. Kaela Leonard at or 906-487-1813 to schedule an appointment. If you have any questions regarding the research please contact Dr. Adrienne Minerick at You will be asked to provide proof of blood type, but other personal information will not be recorded.
You will need to give your consent for the donation and a monetary gift of $5.00 will be given to donors.