Michigan Tech’s Orientation program would like to invite student organizations to help Michigan Tech’s new first-year students move in on Saturday, August 24 and Sunday, August 25. Your group can pledge time for one two hour shift or multiple shifts. This is a great service opportunity for your organization!
Please go to to sign up to volunteer.
Move-in Volunteer Shifts:
Saturday, August 24
9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Sunday, August 25
9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Move-In Volunteer Participation Expectations:
• Remember that you are representing your Student Organization and Michigan Technological University. First impressions are very important to new students and their family members.
• Wear apparel that represents your Student Organization or Michigan Tech only.
• Wear clothing that is neat and appropriate (no holes, no hats, and no sunglasses are permitted).
• Wear comfortable, closed toe shoes (athletic shoes recommended).
• Volunteers may not recruit or pass out invitations/flyers of any kind.
• Volunteers must help everyone, not just the people you might want to get to know.
• Please remember that some students and families may not want your help. Please be considerate and ask if they would like assistance first, before grabbing items.
• Arrive 10-15 minutes early to check in at the Wadsworth Hall Reception Desk in order to get to your assigned location on time for the start of your shift.
• Work with University, Orientation, and Student Life staff whom are also assigned to assist with the move-in process. We are one big team on move-in day.
Thank you in advance for your service to the newest members of the Michigan Tech community!
End of Year Checklist:
Once your organization has had its officer elections for Academic Year 13/14, please update your Involvement Link page so that the new officers will receive important messages from Student Activities and the Undergraduate Student Government beginning immediately.
Please verify with your advisor that they will be able to advise your organization in 13/14. If you choose a new advisor, please update Involvement Link to reflect this change.
If your treasurer is not returning in 13/14, please be sure the new treasurer’s name is added to the organization’s bank account. Organizations should have two active members listed on their account at all times.
Your mailbox in MUB 106 must be emptied out by Friday, May 3, 2013. Any mail received for your organization during the summer months will remain in MUB 106 until fall semester unless you have one of your members available to pick it up.
Your swipe access to the Student Organizations Office, MUB 106, will end by midnight on Friday, May 3, 2013. If you would like swipe access for the summer, please email and Include your name, M number, organization and position.
Please be sure that all outstanding balances with the USG and other University departments are reconciled before the end of the year.
If your organization purchased or acquired new equipment in 12/13, regardless of the funding source, please update your inventory list on Involvement Link. If you received equipment that has a replacement value of $500 or more, contact me for tagging instructions.
Registration for Keweenaw Day (IFC) and F’all Nighter (APO) are open. These are important recruitment events for your organization!
For K-Day, go to
For F’All Nighter, go to