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Topic: Executive Board Blitz
Date of Event: Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Location of Event: MUB Peninsula Room
Time of Event: 6:00 PM
Basketball Skills deadline and competition; 11/5&6 7-8PM
More Information? www.imleagues.com or 487-3556
Leadershape Applications are now open for Student Registration!
Please go to http://www.mtu.edu/student-activities/leadership/LeaderShape/
and click on “Click Here” to proceed to your application.
Student Applications are encouraged until November 22. If you have
any questions please contact Whitney at wmborosk@mtu.edu or
Student Organization and Fraternity/Sorority Leaders and Advisors,
If you are looking for a community service opportunity and/or for something fun to do, the Michigan Tech Preschool would like to invite your organization to participate in our upcoming Bounce-O-Rama fund raising event as event volunteers. This event is open to the entire community – including all ages up to high school and college students and adults. What we are doing is a carnival-type event where we are having many inflatable obstacles and play areas brought in to the Multi-Purpose room in the SDC on Saturday, November 9th.
We need volunteers mainly to supervise the different areas – things like moon walks, inflatable slides, velcro wall, boxing ring, etc – to make sure the participants stay safe, stay in age appropriate groups, and to rotate participants through according to lines, time limits, etc. We will train you and it is a fun and easy event. A large part of our success with past Bounce-O-Ramas has been a great group of volunteers and we hope the campus community can help the Preschool again this year. A summary of the details is below.
If your organization can participate, please get back to me by November 1st with a list of names and/or a number of volunteers your organization can commit to one or more shifts. We will need about 20 total volunteers for each event shift and about 10 each for set-up and tear-down.
Michigan Tech Preschool is a non-profit parent cooperative preschool that has been serving the local community and its children for over 50 years. We hope you will choose to work with us to continue our tradition of affordable early childhood education.
Event Summary
Michigan Tech Preschool Bounce-O-Rama
Saturday, November 9th, 2013
SDC Multi-Purpose Room
Event Time: 10:00am – 4:00pm
Set-Up Shift: 6:30am – 9:00am
Event 1st shift: 9:30am – 12:00pm
Event 2nd shift: 12:00pm – 2:30pm
Event 3rd shift: 2:30pm – 4:00pm
Tear-Down Shift: 4:00pm – approximately 5:30pm
Feel free to come and bounce too. Admission is $8 in advance and $10 at the door.
Again, please let me know if your group can help out and how many people to expect (having names would be even better). Individuals can certainly volunteer on their own also.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
Ryan ( ratowles@mtu.edu )
Michigan Tech Preschool Board Vice President
Ryan A. Towles
Academic Advisor
Department of Mechanical Engineering – Engineering Mechanics
Michigan Technological University
204A (203) R.L. Smith Building (MEEM) – Inside the Engineering Learning Center
1400 Townsend Dr.
Houghton, MI, USA 49931
“Leaders in Continuous Improvement at Michigan Tech

Register Early and Save $15 on your Bus Ticket!
Cost per ticket is only $65 per seat. Tickets sold between November 4 – November 15 will only be $50. Limit two tickets per person. To get your bus ticket, each passenger must print, complete and sign the waiver and return to IPS: http://www.mtu.edu/international/forms-info/pdfs/Waiver.pdf. Passengers under 18 years of age must have a parent or legal guardian sign the waiver form.
Tickets are non-refundable and may be purchased at the IPS Office. Seats are limited, available on first-come, first-served basis.
IPS has secured a block of room at Fairfield Inn & Suites -Mall of America for a special group rate of $75/night plus tax, 1-4 occupants per room. If you wish to stay at this location for the special rate, you must make your reservation before November 11. Unreserved rooms will be released to the public at the regular rate.
Students are responsible for their own securing hotel accommodations. Make your reservation online:http://www.marriott.com/meeting-event-hotels/group-corporate-travel/groupCorp.mi?resLinkData=MTU%20international%20Program%20%26%20Serv^mspbl%60MTUMTUQ%6075%60USD%60false%6011/28/13%6011/30/13%6011/7/13&app=resvlink&stop_mobi=yes or by calling 952-858-8475 and ask for the special group rate for ‘Michigan Tech University’, major credit card required.
Are you looking to share a room? Find a hotel roommate on BarkBoard: barkboard.mtu.edu Discussion Forums/ Discussions – Any Topics/ IPS-hotel roommate for Mall of America bus trip ONLY.
If you have any questions, please contact IPS at 906-487-2160 or ips@mtu.edu.