1. Khana Khazana Serving Thai Cuisine
Khana Khazana will be serving Thai food today. The main dish is red curry chicken (Gang Ped Ghai), which will be served with corn fritters (Tod Man Khao Pod). A healthy beef salad completes the menu. Tofu will be available for vegetarians.
Khana Khazana is a weekly international lunch cooked and served by international students. It is served in the Memorial Union Food Court from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. A full meal costs $6.95 and includes a free fountain beverage. Individual items are available for $2.50 each.
Khana Khazana is a collaborative effort of international students and Dining Services. It is open to the campus and the community.
2. HuskyLEAD Sessions for Fall 2014
Student Activities is pleased to announce its Fall 2014 HuskyLEAD series. HuskyLEAD is a series of workshops geared toward student organization leaders, however, all students are welcome to attend. The one-hour workshops are held on Tuesday evenings at 6:00 PM and are free of charge. See the schedule along with meeting locations here: HuskyLEAD Fall 2014 Schedule.
If you have any questions about HuskyLEAD, please contact Maryann Wilcox by phone, 906-487-2402, by email, mawilcox@mtu.edu, or stop by Student Activities in MUB 112.
3. Copper Country Track Club Weekly Runs
These runs will continue year-round. The Monday workout is more performance based, but the Tuesday/Thursday group runs are just general easy runs. For the Saturday trail runs, we might go for up to an hour or more. Please feel free to contact Ryan Towles or Eric Miller with questions or to express interest in running with or joining the club. Or, feel free to join the club and get email updates by going to www.involvement.mtu.edu and signing up for Copper Country Track Club there.
Membership is open to all, regardless of any affiliation with Michigan Tech.
4. Film Board Showing Transformers: Age of Extinction
This weekend, Film Board will be showing “Transformers: Age of Extinction” in Fisher 135.
Friday, September 26, at 5:30, 8:30, and 11:30 PM
Saturday, September 27, att 2:30, 5:30, 8:30, and 11:30 PM.
Tickets are $3.00 each and concessions are $1.00 per item.
If you have any questions, please contact Film Board’s Publicity Chair, Casey Finney, at cjfinney@mtu.edu.
5. Alzheimer’s Association Memory Walk
The Alzheimer’s Association Memory Walk is Saturday, October 4 at The Bluffs Senior Community in Houghton. The address is 1000 Bluff View Drive. Registration is at 10:00 AM. The walk starts at 11:00 AM. Cypress Manor will be providing lunch by donation. They will be serving chili dogs, chips and pop. All the money we raise will stay in the local area. If you have any questions please contact Katie Kioski at (906) 483-4404 or email activities@thebluffs.org. We greatly appreciate your help!
6. Come and practice with Husky Tae Kwon Do

7. General Motors Information Session
8. Career Fair – Fall 2014
EMPLOYER INFORMATION EXPO – 13 Companies all in one place, all at one time!
· Sunday, September 28, Fisher Hall, 1st Floor
· 5:00 – 7:00 Information Sessions
· 7:00 – 8:00 Open Networking
Come to this NEW kind of information session. Many, diverse companies will be in one place at one time, and they’re all looking forward to meeting you.
· Monday, September 29
· Career Fest tent in front of the Library, 11:00 am – 2:00 pm.
Enjoy lunch, music, and networking with company representatives.
Mark Your Calendar for the largest Career Fair ever – 341 Companies!
· Tuesday, September 30, 12:00 (noon) – 6:00 pm.
· Student Development Complex (SDC).
Dress professionally and bring your updated resume and your 60-second Info-mercial to meet with company representatives offering internship, co-op, and full-time employment opportunities.
Visit www.mtu.edu/career to find out which companies are coming, who’s offering information sessions, up-to-date news, schedules, and valuable resources for YOUR career development.
View and/or print the 2014 Fall Career Fair Guidebook and Floor Maps, now available on-line.
Company interview schedules and room assignments will be available through HuskyJOBS on our website FOLLOWING the Career Fair at 6:00 pm on Tuesday, September 30.
Free rides from the Memorial Union Building to the Career Fair will be available from the Michigan Tech Transit Bus Service continuously from 11:30 am – 6:00 pm.
Reminder – Look for job postings on HuskyJOBS, and apply on-line BEFORE the Career Fair!
10. Looking to Advertise your Student Organization Events?
Did you know there are other ways to advertise for your student organization events besides the News Briefs?
There are multiple locations on-campus where Registered Student Organizations may hang posters on bulletin boards or drop posters off to be hung by departments. Please see the posting matrix available HERE for more information and a complete list of posting locations. (Copies are also available in the Student Activities Office in room 112 of the Memorial Union Building.)
Posters are not permitted to be hung on trees, in stairwells, fire doors, or any other location that is not specified on the posting matrix or as a designated posting area. (See Board of Control Policy for more information.)
Please be respectful of other organizations and do not post on top of or remove other groups’ posters until their event has occurred.
11. Women’s Leadership Council Meeting
The Women’s Leadership Council will be holding a general meeting on Thursday, October 2 at 6:00 PM in Fisher 126. All students are welcome to attend!
For more information please contact Jackie Horsell at jahorsel@mtu.edu.
12. Intramural Sports – Upcoming Deadlines & Events
Team Sports Entry Deadlines:
Co-Rec Water Polo – Thursday, October 2 @3:00 PM
13. MUB Board Sponsoring Singer Songwriter Jackie Tohn
For more information please contact Austin at ajnyenhu@mtu.edu.
14. Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration
Please join the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers for a cultural celebration, October 3, 2014 at the Magnuson Hotel (7th floor), 6:00-8:00 PM. This event will feature special speaker, Dr. Carlos Amador & Mexica Yolotl, and Aztec dance group from Minnesota. The event cost is $2.00, which will be returned when you arrive at the event.
See Tayloria Adams (tnadams@mtu.edu) in the Center for Diversity and Inclusion to purchase ticket.