Day: October 24, 2014

Student News Briefs – Friday, October 24, 2014

1. HuskyLEAD Session, Artful Bragging – How to Sell Yourself

This is a reminder to attend the HuskyLEAD session, “Artful Bragging – How to Sell Yourself,” on Tuesday, October 28, 2014 at 6:00 PMin the Memorial Union Building Ballroom B2 & B3.  The presenter is Julie Way, assistant director for career development education, Career Services.
In this workshop, participants will learn how to introduce themselves to people they don’t know, particularly future employers, as well as how to further communicate or re-connect with people they already know.  Buzzword:  Networking!
HuskyLEAD is sponsored by Student Activities and is free of charge.  The sessions are one-hour professional development workshops geared toward student organization leaders, however, all students are welcomed and encouraged to attend.
If you have any questions or comments about HuskyLEAD, contact Maryann Wilcox, coordinator for registered student organizations, by phone, 906-487-2402, or by email,

2. Halloween Flow & Glow Yoga Party

It’s a little less zen and a little more upbeat, but you’re sure to have fun at this special vinyasa yoga class set to Michael Jackson’s Thriller! We’re bringing out the black lights, so wear some white or dress up in your favorite costume!

Tuesday, October 28, 8:30-9:45 PM
SDC Studio
$10/Community members, $8/Michigan Tech students

3. Register Now for Fall Session 2 Adult Specialty Classes

Fall Session 2 Adult Specialty classes in Swimming, Aikido, Skating and Aqua-Fit will begin soon. Register now and beat the rush! Visit the following pages for more information or to register:

For a complete listing of Adult Community Programs classes, visit


4. 5k Muck Run on the Tech Trails

5k Muck Run through mud, muck, and mire, maybe even snow on Saturday, November 1 at 10:00 AM at the Tech Trails. All proceeds to benefit the Michigan Tech Men’s and Women’s Cross Country Teams.

For more details see the Registration Form MuckRun2014.

5. 41 North Film Festival

The 41 North Film Festival (formerly Northern Lights Film Festival) celebrates its 10th anniversary with a name change and an outstanding slate of recent award-winning films and special guests. It will be held Oct. 23-26 in the Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts. The festival is free. Kicking off the festival this year will be director Mark Levinson and his documentary Particle Fever, which follows six scientists involved in the launch of the Large Hadron Collider—the biggest and most expensive experiment in the history of the planet. The film, screened Thursday evening, provides an unprecedented window into this major scientific breakthrough as it happened. Edited by Academy Award–winner Walter Murch, the film celebrates human discovery and raises important questions about the limits of human knowledge. An interesting contrast to Particle Fever is The Circle, a perspective on the Large Hadron Collider from above ground. Director Bram Conjaerts delves into the experiences of the people who live above the LHC along its 27- kilometer path and how they perceive living above this massive project and its lofty goals.

Also on tap is Meet the Patels, a project that started as a family vacation video and turned into the story of actor/director Ravi Patel and his relationship with the woman of his dream and his parents. His father, in fact, is a Tech alumnus, and father and son will participate in a question-and- answer session following the screening.

Additional screenings include The Overnighters and Boyhood on Saturday, and Alive Inside and Born to Fly: Elizabeth Streb vs. Gravity on Sunday. Friday features Coherence and a collection of student Academy Award winners in addition to Meet the Patels.

This year’s festival is sponsored by the Department of Humanities, Visual and Performing Arts, the College of Sciences and Arts, the Office of Institutional Equity, and the Visiting Women & Minority Lecturer/Scholar Series (VWMLS) which is funded by a grant to the Office of Institutional Equity from the State of Michigan’s King-Chavez-Parks Initiative.

Khana Khazana Combo

6. Khana Khazana Serving Combo Meal

Khana Khazana will be serving combo this Friday that will be cooked by Igus Anwar, Ochin and Zainab respectively; students at Michigan Tech.
The main dish is Indonesian Chicken Satay (Chicken skewers) which would be served with peanut sauce and rice.
The second dish is Thai Gluay and Mon Thod (Fried Plantain). This delicious snack is made of plantains and potatoes mixed with coconut and sesame.
A very healthy Syrian Fattoush Salad made of fried pieces of pita bread combined with mixed vegetables, mint and olive oil dressing with a drizzle of lemon juice.
Serving from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM at the MUB Food Court. The whole meal is $6.95 with free fountain soda or $2.50 for each item.

7. Salsa Lessons with NOSOTROS

Our next Nosotros latin dance will be Friday, October 24 at 8:00 PM in the MUB ballroom. We will be celebrating El dia de los muertos (The Day of the Dead) so costumes are encouraged.

Free salsa lesson from 8-9 PM and open floor from 9-11 PM.
Sponsored by USG. For more information please contact Kevin at

8. Rock Your Mocs

In honor of Native American History Month, the Center for Diversity and Inclusion’s Heritage Programming Committee is hosting two workshops to make and decorate moccasins. Workshop days are November 7 6:00-9:00 PM Fisher 130 and/or November 8 1:00-4:00 PM Fisher 130.

Email Tayloria Adams ( by October 24 if you’d like to participate and include your shoe size (5 spaces available). To ensure your moccasins will fit, women subtract two sizes from normal shoe size. We ask that all participants wear their moccasins to campus November 14.

Rock Your Mocs is a national campaign held each year on November 15 to celebrate Native American culture.

9. Film Board Showing, Lucy

This weekend, Film Board will be showing “Lucy” in Fisher 135. It will be shown on: Friday, October 24, at 5:308:30, and 11:30 PM;Saturday, October 25, at 2:305:308:30, and 11:30 PM; and Sunday, October 26, at 2:30 and 5:30 PM. Tickets are $3. Candy, popcorn, and soda are $1 each. Next weekend, we will show “Guardians of the Galaxy”.

Don’t forget that Film Board now shows new TV show episodes in Fisher 135 for FREE! “American Horror Story” is shown on Wednesdays at 10:00 PM. And “The Walking Dead” is shown on Sundays at 9:00 PM, followed by “Talking Dead”. Concessions will be available!

If you have any questions, please contact Film Board’s Publicity Chair, Casey Finney, at

10. Pumpkin Carving Rush with Alpha Delta Alpha

You are invited to carve pumpkins with the sister’s of Alpha Delta Alpha on Wednesday, October 29 at 8:00 PM. Rides will be leaving Wadsworth hall at 7:45 PM.
For questions call (906) 482 – 9674.

11. Women’s Leadership Council General Meeting

The Women’s Leadership Council will be holding a general meeting on Thursday, October 30th at 6pm in Fisher 126. All students are welcome to attend!
If you have any questions, please contact Sara Schellbach at 

pumpkin poster1

12. Pumpkin Carving with Psi

Join the Brothers of Mu Beta Psi as we usher in a weekend of spooky spectacular fun. On October 29, in Fisher 131, from 6-8 PM we will all be carving away. Come make some new friends and create your own spooktacular jack-o-Lantern.
If you have any questions email

