Day: February 5, 2016

Michigan Tech LODE & Student News Briefs, 2/5/16






TONIGHT: Winter Carnival Comedian Judah Friedlander

On the comedy stage, Judah Friedlander is The World Champion. He is the best athlete in the world, greatest martial artist, the sexual desire of every woman, and a role model to children. Let’s face it, Judah is the greatest comedian in the world… And the most humble. Judah is an extra-dark black belt in karate.

You can watch Judah as “Frank Rossitano” on the Emmy-winning “30 Rock” every night in syndication & on Comedy Central. Judah has made multiple hilarious appearances on many late night talk shows including: Letterman, Conan, Fallon & The Daily Show.
Student Tickets are $5 and available for purchase at the Central Ticketing Office in the Student Development Complex with a valid HuskyCard.
Monday – Friday: 8 am – 9 pm
Saturday: 8 am – 7 pm
Sunday: 11 am – 8 pm
Non-Student Tickets are $15 and can be purchased online, by phone at 906-487-2073, or at the Central Ticketing Office in the SDC.


MUB Board Stuff- A-Husky Event

It’s that time of the year again when we become surrounded in a world full of pink and hearts and a tiny baby shooting arrows at people to make them fall in love (which doesn’t sound very safe). Well, we can’t completely ignore the world of Valentine’s Day so let’s make the most of it together. Bring your special someone (or your single friends) to the MUB Commons on Thursday, February 11 at 7:00PM to adopt and stuff a new cuddle buddy. We will provide the animals (huskies, penguins, bears, puppies, and more), and the stuffing. You just need to bring a smile and provide a loving home for your new stuffed animal. 🙂 Oh and make sure to bring your HuskyCard to receive an animal at no cost – while supplies last!

Hunger-GamesFilm Board Showing Mockingjay Part 2

Showtimes in Fisher 135:

FridayFeb 5 @ 5:308:30, and 11:30
SaturdayFeb 6 @ 2:305:308:30, and 11:30
SundayFeb 7 @ 2:30
Tickets are $3, concessions are $1 each for pop, candy, and popcorn.

We hope to see you at the show this weekend, and have a great day!

Phi Delta Chi Homemade Valentine’s Event

Happy early Valentines Day everyone! The sisters of Phi Delta Chi invite you to join them in the spirit of love and appreciation of the meaningful relationships in our lives. Whether it’s for friends, family, or a loved one, come have fun making them a homemade valentine from the heart!
This event is on Wednesday, February 10 from 6:30 – 7:30 PM at 1207 Ruby St in Houghton.Need a ride? Look for a sister wearing Phi Delta Chi Letters in Wadsworth Hall’s front lobby 6:20 pm
(departure time is 6:25 pm)!




HuskyLEAD: Industry Reps – What are they Looking for?

The next HuskyLEAD will be held on Tuesday, February 9 at 6PM in the MUB Alumni Lounge.  Join Career Services and various industry representatives for “Industry Reps – What are They Looking For?”  Find out what you need to be doing now to gain the skills you need for the future.
HuskyLEAD is a series of professional development workshops designed to develop the leadership skills of students.  All Michigan Tech students are welcomed to attend and there is no cost.  The sessions are scheduled to last only an hour.  Any questions, comments or suggestions about HuskyLEAD can be directed to Maryann Wilcox, coordinator for registered student organizations, at 906-487-2402

Railroad Engineering and Activities Club General Business Meeting

The Railroad Engineering and Activities Club will be having February General Business Meeting on Tuesday (2/9) at 7:00 PM in Dillman 214. We have guest speaker, Phil Pasterak from engineering firm, Parsons Brinckerhoff coming in to discuss high speed and light rail operations/projects in the U.S. He has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to railroads and how they operate, so he’ll be able to answer questions on topics beyond what is listed! Come to learn about current job/internship opportunities and our upcoming trips!

Don’t forget about Rail Info Night on the night of career fair! Great opportunity to meet some industry reps! @ DHH Ballroom

All majors are welcome to join us! FREE pizza and pop!



SL Awards Nomination Email-01

Nominations OPEN for the Student Leadership Awards

At Michigan Tech we are blessed with students that are crazy smart, motivated and adventurous.  As faculty and staff we partner with these students to inspire community, scholarship, possibilities, accountability, and tenacity. And we realize how lucky we are to be able to work alongside them in their academic and career pursuits.  Now is the time to recognize these students for their commitment, enthusiasm, and leadership. On behalf of the University, we are seeking nominations for the President’s Award for Leadership, Vice President for Student Affairs and Advancement Award for Service, and various other student leadership awards. The recipient of each award will be honored at the 22nd Annual Student Leadership Awards Ceremony at 6:00 PM, Friday, April 15, 2016, in the Ballroom of the Memorial Union Building.

The nomination process is simple and actually quite easy. All awards and information about each can be found on the web at . For each individual award, simply click on the award title, then complete and submit the nomination form.

Nominations for the President’s Award for Leadership and the Vice President for Student Affairs and Advancement Award for Service are due by 5:00 PM, Friday, March 4, 2016.

Nominations for all other Student Leadership Awards are due by 12:00 PM, Friday, March 18, 2016.

Please take a minute to nominate a student or colleague today.

Questions concerning any of the awards should be directed to Karma Kilpela, Student Activities, at 487-1963 or .

Thank you for recognizing our best and brightest students.  Your support is appreciated.


Winter Carnival Book Sale Saturday, 2/6

The Friends of the Michigan Tech Library (FMTL) will hold a Winter Carnival book sale from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, February 6 in the lobby of the Robert Van Pelt and John and Ruanne Opie Library.

Merchandise will include Michigan Tech heritage souvenir blankets, Copper Country historic photo note cards and selected used books. Free hot chocolate and cookies will be available. All proceeds will go to support the Michigan Tech Library.


Winter Carnival CashKey Special

Transportation Services is running a Winter Carnival special on cash keys:

If you routinely park at the on-campus metered spaces, you may want to consider purchasing a CashKey. A CashKey is a simple round key that can be attached to your car keychain and be used in place of quarters to quickly and conveniently purchase time at a parking meter.

CashKeys may be purchased and reloaded at the Transportation Services office (Admin 100) in amounts of $25, $50, or $100. CashKeys allow parking at a rate of $0.75/hour and may only be used in hour increments. There is a $25 deposit fee that will be refunded upon return of your CashKey.

The Winter Carnival special will run the whole month of February. All CashKey amounts will be discounted 10 percent. That means you can get $25 of parking for $22.50, $50 of parking for $45, or $100 of parking for $90.

Winter Carnival Parking and Extended Shuttle Service

In order to accommodate the many visitors during Winter Carnival, the following lots will be available beginning at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 3rd (Lot 11 opens 4 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 5th), free of charge, no permits required.

     Lot 9 (commuter lot by the Rozsa Center)

     Lot 5 (graduate student lot by the Rozsa)

     Lot 27 (pay lot between the Administration Building and MUB)

     Overnight parking – you may park in Lot 9, the commuter lot by the Rozsa without a permit.

     Lot 11 (near the Administration Building) will be open at 4 pm on Friday.

Lastly, there will be free parking at all metered areas.  However, please be aware that all other areas/lots not listed above will be fully enforced as usual.

Transportation Services will also extend its operations during Winter Carnival.  The MTU shuttle service will run from 1 p.m. to 10 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday.  The City of Houghton shuttle service will run its regular scheduled service.  Please remember that the MTU shuttle bus is not equipped to handle children but you may utilize the on-demand service that the City of Houghton provides.

We hope you enjoy this expanded shuttle service during Winter Carnival and free parking in designated areas.

For any questions or comments regarding Winter Carnival parking regulations or shuttle bus service please call Transportation Services at 487-1441 or Public Safety and Police Services at 487-2216.






Become a Member of the Michigan Tech Nordic Ski Club

A $10 membership gets you free use of skis & snowshoes at the Tech Trails, weekly practices for novice skiers and one free beginner lesson and more!



Use the Buddy System & Get HuskiesFit with Personal Training

Working out with a buddy is a great way to get motivated and stay on track! HuskiesFit Programs now offers two-person partner packages for six sessions. Our personal trainers will customize a health & exercise program specific to your and your partner’s lifestyle & fitness goals.



For more information, visit Personal Training.



COMMIT TO BE HUSKIESFIT with a personal trainer!




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Win $500 at Trivia Night, 2/23/16

Please join the Student Philanthropy Council for a Michigan Tech Trivia Night in the MUB on Tuesday, February 23 from 7:00 – 8:00 PM.  All registered student organizations are invited to participate with a team (3 member maximum).  There will be prizes for each round and a grand prize of $500 for your student org. To register or for more information please email Adam Portmann at


2016BIGFOOT Snowshoe Event 2/6/16

The Bigfoot Snowshoe Event is a chance for folks to get out and enjoy the trails and woods on the Michigan Tech Trail System. Now in it’s 19th year, we continue to offer rental snowshoes for use at no charge with a photo ID. Door prizes will be drawn at 11:15am and you do not need to be present to win. Snacks and light refreshments will be available as well. Trails will be marked for rental snowshoe users to ensure availability for everyone, but participants with their own snowshoes are encouraged to explore more of the trails.

Please dress for the weather and join us for a great event! Registration 8-10:30am Waxing Shed, Michigan Tech Trails.

Go to the website for more info on events and price. CLICK HERE to sign up!

