Spring Fling 2016
Spring is here! Well, not really, but Winter is gone! So this Sprinter (Spring + Winter), start looking forward to Spring Fling! We’ll have inflatables, a balloon artist, and swag galore! Come visit all of our booths and be transported back into the world of your favorite classic cartoons! We’ll see you April 15 from 12-4 PM on campus OR MacInnis Ice Arena if inclement weather.
For more information go to the MUB Board Spring Fling Facebook Page.
Upcoming Events at the Rozsa and McArdle Theater
The Tech Theatre Company presents “The Winter’s Tale,” in the Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts, Thursday- Saturday, April 7 – 9, at 7:30 PM, and Sunday, April 10, at 2:00 PM.
Published in 1623, The Winter’s Tale is one of Shakespeare’s later plays. Considered a comedy, it is also sometimes labeled one of the Bard’s late romances. Providing both intense psychological drama, and comedy, The Winter’s Tale leaves audiences with a romantic and happy ending as it follows a story of two kings, childhood friends: There are violent storms, an insistence to abandon a child, and even 16 years pass; before love reunites the characters in the end and all are redeemed.
General admission is $15, youth tickets (17 and under) are $6.
Khana Khazana Featuring Moroccan Cuisine
Enjoy a taste of Morocco at Friday’s Khana Khazana in the Memorial Union Food Court.
Serving from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. the menu features Moroccan Lamb Tagine with honey and apricots, Moroccan Vegetable Couscous and Moroccan Yogurt with Preserved Lemon Dip, Roasted Aubergine Tomato and Chickpea Tagine and Maghrebi Mint Tea. Cost for the full meal is $7.25 and includes a fountain drink.
Visit the Khana Khazana Facebook page.
Film Board Presents Archer and Mr. Robot
Every Thursday, Film Board Presents:
Film Board Presents The Hateful Eight
This Weekend in Fisher 135:

Come Dance with NOSOTROS
For more information please contact Rachel Hetherington at rmhether@mtu.edu.
Justin Fitch Memorial Ruck
In October, Michigan Tech alumni Justin Fitch lost his battle with cancer. Fitch graduated from Tech in 2005 and was commissioned as an Army Officer via Michigan Tech’s ROTC program.
To honor his memory, the Justin Fitch Memorial Ruck will be held on Saturday, October 8. A ruck is a three, six, 12 or 22-hour march with weighted backpacks to symbolize the burdens veterans suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and other war-related illnesses carry every day.
More information is available on the Facebook page. To create a team or to join one, visit their web page.
ASEM April Membership Meeting
The American Society for Engineering Management will be having their final membership meeting of the semester onWednesday, April 13 at 5 pm in Chem Sci 104b. Anyone who is interested in the area of engineering management is welcome to attend! Pizza and pop will be provided. Please see the attached flyer for more information.
Financial Wellness Seminar
The Michigan Tech Employees Federal Credit Union is offering a free seminar on how to build credit on Tuesday,April 12 from 4-5PM. To register for this free event, follow the link to EventBrite and sign up. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/learn-how-to-build-credit-tickets-24036270131
Kohler to Visit Campus-Job/Internship Opportunties- April 13
Michigan Tech Relay for Life is Saturday
Michigan Tech’s Relay for Life will be held from noon to 8 p.m. Saturday, April 9 in the Wood Gym in the SDC. The event is a fundraiser for the American Cancer Society.
For more information on our event please like our Facebook page. The American Cancer Society Relay For Life movement symbolizes hope and our shared goal to end a disease that threatens the lives of so many people we love.
If cancer has touched your life, participating in a Relay For Life campus event is a way to take action and help finish the fight. This is your opportunity to honor cancer survivors, remember those you have lost, and raise funds and awareness to fight back and help finish the fight against cancer.
Outdoor Adventure Program Silent Auction
The ninth annual Outdoor Adventure Program (OAP) Outdoor Gear Auction will be held on Friday, April 15 in the MUB Ballroom. This silent auction-style event allows OAP to sell some of their gently-used gear to make room for new equipment. Students, faculty and staff can get into the act too.
Beginning Monday, April 11 we will accept items from students, faculty and staff for auction as well. We do not take any commission. What you sell your item for is the amount you will receive. Items can be dropped off from noon to 5 p.m. Monday, April 11 to Thursday, April 14 at the OAP, 207 East St. If you cannot make it during these hours, let us know and we can make plans to meet with you. Because this is done silent auction style, put the lowest price you are willing to take for your items and the bids can go up from there. The highest bid at 1 p.m. will be accepted. We can accept any outdoor silent sports items (skis, bikes, canoes, kayaks, paddleboards, sailboats, backpacks, tents, outdoor clothing, etc.). We cannot accept any hunting gear (guns, bows, etc).
Items need to be picked up and paid for as soon as possible, preferably the same day as the auction. We can make arrangements for some larger items. Bring your items in early so we can help to promote what will be for sale leading up to the event.
Contact the OAP at 7-2290 or oap@mtu.edu with any questions you have.
Upcoming Intramural Events
Entry Deadlines:
Spring Volleyball 2’s: Tuesday, April 12 @ Noon.
– Tournament starts on Wednesday, April 13
Go to the Website to sign up!
Consumer Products Day
Consumer Products Day held on Friday, April 8 & Saturday, April 9, giving students of all majors a chance to participate.
Apply to Become a University Innovation Fellow
The University Innovation Fellows is a 6-week training program administered by Stanford University’s d.school (about the commitment of a 1-2 credit class at Michigan Tech). Through the fellowship, undergraduate and graduate students from across the nation are charged with cultivating a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship at their university. Fellows gain skills, tools and the networks crucial for their mission through online training and video-conferencing sessions. Fellows hone in on their leadership and communication abilities and broaden their understanding of experiential learning, design thinking, interdisciplinary education and, most importantly, student innovation and entrepreneurship.
Upon completion of training, fellows are invited to attend a 4-day retreat at Stanford University and Google. The fellowship is an opportunity to enact meaningful change while being part of a national movement. Current fellows at Michigan Tech have been working on many exciting initiatives and can’t wait to have your help in creating the future here on campus.
To apply, fill out the online form (http://goo.gl/forms/N6zQwMHDVr) by Friday, April 15 at 11:59 pm. The ideal candidates will be current undergraduate or graduate student leaders who have at least 2 more years left on campus, are action-oriented, and looking to inspire strategic change at Michigan Tech. Candidates must be professional, innovative, self-starters who are able to work well in teams. All majors are encouraged to apply.
2nd Annual Drive Away Hunger Food Drive – Donate & WIN
Help Drive Away Hunger in our community!
Starting today, Monday, March 14, 2016 to Friday, April 29, 2016, Michigan Tech Transportation Services will be collecting non-perishable food items to donate to the Husky FAN (Food Access Network) on-campus food pantry.
For every food item donated, you will receive a raffle ticket to be filled out with your MI Tech User ID. These raffle tickets will be placed into a drawing for a Free Parking Permit for the upcoming year. Faculty/Staff and Black Lot parking permits will be given away. Receive a raffle ticket for each item you donate (Black lot raffle tickets require 2 donated food items). The more you donate the more chances you have to WIN.
Needed Foods Include
Canned Chicken Single Serving, Soup, Meals, and Sides that can be microwaved Spices Oatmeal Peanut Butter Breakfast Bars/ Granola Bars Mac and Cheese Vegetarian Foods Ketchup, Mustard, and Mayonnaise/ Miracle Whip/ Salad Dressing Tuna
Drop off your non-perishable food items Monday thru Friday from 8:00am – 5:00pm in Room 100 of the Administration Building or with Cathy Jenich, 3rd floor Lakeshore Center and collect your raffle tickets. Winners will be notified via e-mail and announced in Tech Today.
All food collected will stay within the campus community.
Thank you in advance for your donations! Together, we can Drive Away Hunger!
Annual Charity Ball Hosted by Houghton-Hancock Rotaract Club of Michigan Tech
You don’t want to miss this exciting opportunity to dress up and go to the Ball! The Houghton-Hancock Rotaract Club presents the Phantom of the Opera Charity Ball on Saturday, April 16 from 8:00 – Midnight in the Rosza Lobby. All ticket proceeds go to 31 Backpacks, a local non-profit organization that provides meals to kids from low income families. Kids are getting free breakfasts, lunches and snacks at school during the week, but what happens on the weekends? They go hungry. 31 Backpacks’ goal is to address this issue. They are sending home backpacks full of food every Friday for those students, who have been identified by administrators, as being in need. Event Details:
- Hors d’oeuvres and a cash bar will be available
- DJ, and Photo-booth
- Live performances by the swing dance club and the MTU dance team!
- Awards will be given to best-dressed theme outfits
- Door Prizes
The cost is $10 for students and $15 for the community. Tickets on sale at the Rotaract desk in MUB 106 or online here (fees apply).