Day: April 29, 2016

Student News Briefs, 4/29/16


Transportation Services Updated Summer Shuttle Schedule

Transportation Services shuttle service will operate 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. during the summer semester beginning Monday, May 2.  The shuttle services the Memorial Union Building to the SDC and through both the Lower and Upper Daniell Heights, stopping at the bus shelters.  Additionally, the shuttle services the Lake Shore Center at the top of the hour.  The summer semester shuttle bus schedule can be viewed at .

For questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Angie Kolehmainen at 7-3288 or

City of Houghton Updated Summer Shuttle Schedule

As of May 2, 2016, the City of Houghton will be operating their summer shuttle schedule.  They will be running the on-demand service MondayFriday from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.  Please call 482-6092 to make a reservation.  They will also be running the downtowner shuttle service MondayFriday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.  Please see the link below for more information and rates.


Testing of Portage Lake Lift Bridge planned to finish week of May 2


Nighttime tests of the Portage Lake Lift Bridge will continue during the week of May 2 as part of ongoing maintenance work. The testing will likely result in brief delays for motorists.


The contractor for the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) will suspend test lifts after 3 p.m. today to avoid traffic impacts during Michigan Technological University graduation weekend. The contractor will resume after 7 p.m. Monday, performing test lifts of the bridge span that require brief closures of the bridge to traffic.


Motorists should expect delays of 10 to 15 minutes, roughly equivalent to a standard bridge lift for marine traffic. Test lifts will be limited to taking place between the hours of 7 p.m. and 6 a.m. Traffic will be allowed to clear and resume normal flow between test lifts.


The $8.4 million project involves upgrades and preventive maintenance on the Portage Lake Lift Bridge between Houghton and Hancock. The project started in mid-December 2014 and was scheduled to be completed by the end of April. Recent weather interfered with project completion; dry weather conditions are needed to conduct bridge span balance testing. The project is now set to be completed the week of May 2.



SDC Summer Building Hours

SDC Summer Building Hours will begin May 1 and continue until August 21.

City of Houghton Dumpsters Available

Dumpsters will be available for students to put their “junk” in starting this week.  The dates are April 27 to May 3rd.  The locations are (2): Lot 21, off of Garnet and under the parking deck downtown.  There will be three separate dumpsters, one for regular junk, one for metal and one for e-waste. Please note that these dumpsters are NOT for regular household garbage.



Student Organization – End of Year Checklist

As we wrap up another great year, please take care of the following items before leaving campus for the summer:

  • Update your organization roster on Involvement Link with new officers if your organization recently held elections.  Officers receive important communications throughout the summer regarding events, volunteer opportunities, funding, training, re-registration and more.  Student Activities uses the titles of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer to create mailing lists, so please make sure your officers are labeled accordingly.
  • If your organization members are graduating and have University keys to rooms or buildings, please have them return the keys to Public Safety and Police Services or to the appropriate departmental coordinator.  If your members have keys to the Memorial Union Building rooms, please return them to the Manager’s Office, MUB 101.
  • It would be a good idea to verify with your organization’s advisor that they are available to be your advisor for next school year.  Be sure to update Involvement Link with any new changes.  Let me know if you need assistance in locating a new advisor.
  • If your organization has elected a new treasurer, be sure to transfer ownership of your banking account to the new officer.  It’s more difficult to do this once your former treasurer leaves campus.
  • Your mailbox in MUB 106 must be emptied out by Friday, April 29. Student Activities staff will be cleaning out the mailboxes the following week.
  • Your swipe access to MUB 106 will expire at the end of the semester.  If you would like access for the summer months, please email your request and include your name, university email address, organization name, and your position within your organization.
  • Please be sure that all outstanding balances with the USG and other university departments are reconciled before you leave for the summer.  USG reimbursement requests were due on April 11.  Your USG allocation must be used by the end of the school year in accordance to the USG constitution.  There will be no reimbursements during the summer months.
  • If your organization purchased or acquired new equipment this academic year, please update your inventory list on Involvement Link.  If you purchased equipment that has a replacement value of $500 or more, contact me for tagging instructions.
  • Start thinking now about your organization’s participation in two great Fall events – K-Day on Friday, September 9, and Parade of Nations on Saturday, September 17.  More information to follow on K-Day in a couple of weeks; and information on the 2016 Parade of Nations can be found at
  • Mark your calendars for the Fall Student Success Summit to be held on Saturday, October 8, 2016!  A day-long conference for students is being planned as a collaborative effort between various campus departments.  The project is lead by the Waino Wahtera Center for Student Success.  

Have a great summer and looking forward to working with you again in the Fall!

