Thai [K]night Hosted by the Thai Student Association
The Thai Student Association invites you to their very popular annual event, Thai [K]night in the MUB Ballroom on Saturday, January 14, 2017, 6 – 8 p.m.
Thai authentic appetizer, main dish, and dessert will be served:
Sweet Corn Fritters
Chicken Massaman (Peanut Curry)
Steamed Fish Curry
Stir Fried Morning Glory
Thai Jasmine Rice
Coconut Ice-cream
Lemon-iced Tea
Thai Music (Thai Flute)
Thai Dance
Thai Martial Art (Thai Curved Sword).
Only 112 tickets will be available at the promotion table at the MUB Commons on January 9 – 13 2017.
Brewing Creativity – Makerspace Open House
The Alley will be hosting an open house on Thursday, January 12 from 4-6 PM. We are located in the basement of the MUB. Come espresso yourself and create some of our favorite brewing related crafts including custom coffee mugs, bottle openers, drink cozies and more! Maker Coaches will help guide you and answer any questions you have about the Alley!
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/689305724562324/
The Fishing Club Hosting a Winter Tournament
Sign up for a Winter Tournament in Chassell Bay on January 14, 2017 from 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Registration starts @ 7:30 am. Cost is $10/person with an optional $3 Big Fish winner take all! Scoring will consist of total length for three combined legal size fish. All MDNR rules apply. Cash payouts are as follows:
1st 30%
2nd 20%
3rd 10%
Please Pre-Register for this event at the ticeting link above or at https://fishmtuice.eventbrite.com/ More information to come regarding boundaries and other prizes! Feel free to contact the page with any questions.
Social Justice Lecture Series Presents: 28th Annual MLK Banquet
Join the Center for Diversity and Inclusion for Michigan Tech’s 28th annual MLK Banquet Celebration on January 16, doors open at 5:30 p.m. in the MUB Ballroom. This long-standing tradition at Tech shows the strong community we create and that as huskies we can work toward a more equitable future.
This year Dr. Robert Scott will be our keynote speaker. Dr. Scott manages several key projects in support of the diversity and outreach strategy and programs across the Engineering College at the University of Michigan.
Ticket Registration is free and required at the following link: https://goo.gl/forms/vNHp868v7aVH1BHz1
Summer Youth Programs Seeking 2017 Staff
The Center for Pre-College Outreach is welcoming applicants to join the 2017 Summer Youth Programs (SYP) staff. We are hiring a variety of positions, including residence counselors, activity counselor’s, desk staff, chaperones and more. Working for SYP is about more than a summer job: staff members build leadership skills, impact the lives of over 1,000 pre-college students, and contribute to engaging students in the excitement of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM).
More information about the positions can be found on the Summer Youth Programs hiring website.
Interested students are encouraged to attend one of the short information sessions to be offered:
*Tuesday, January 10 (6:00 – 7:00 pm in the MUB Alumni Lounge)
*Wednesday, January 11 (6:00 – 7:00 pm in the DHH Ballroom)
For more information, feel free to contact the CPCO office (906-487-2219 or cpcojobs@mtu.edu) or visit syp.mtu.edu.
Wahtera Center Hiring Student Staff for 2017-18
The Waino Wahtera Center for Student Success is hiring student staff positions for 2017-18. These positions include orientation team leaders (OTLs), academic success coaches, peer teaching assistants, ExSEL peer mentors and a commuter and transfer assistant.
These positions provide students with great opportunities to engage with and encourage their peers and develop their communication and leadership skills.
For position descriptions, visit the Wahtera Center webpage.
New applicants are required to attend one short information session before receiving their link to apply. The next session will be held at 5 and 7 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 11 in Fisher 138.
Applicants are required to have a minimum of a 2.5 cumulative and semester GPA to be considered. Contact the staff of the Waino Wahtera Center for Student Success at success@mtu.edu with any questions.

Try a Fitness Class for Only $2
Want to change up your workout, try out a new class or set some new fitness goals? Several HuskiesFit Programs will offer classes for only two dollars during Dollar Days next week (Jan 9-14).
Semester programs begin Jan. 16. Looking for variety? Try the HuskiesFit Ultimate Session Punch Card.
This premium eight-punch card can be used to attend any of the following Adult Group Fitness Classes:
Spin/Indoor Cycle,
Zumba Step,
Aqua Zumba,
Belly Dance
For more information go to the website.
Upcoming intramural Events
Entry Deadlines:
Wallyball: Friday, January 13@ 8:00 am
– Season begins on Tuesday, January 17
Basketball: Friday, January 13@ 8:00 am
– Season begins on Tuesday, January 17
Bowling: Friday, January 13@ 8:00 am
– Season begins on Tuesday, January 19
Billiards: Firday, January 20@ 8:00 am
– Tournament is on Saturday, January 21 @ 10:00 am
– Tournament will take place at DHH
Table Tennis Singles: Wednesday, January 25@ 8:00 am
– Tournament will be on Friday, January 27 @ 6:00 pm
– Tournament will take place at DHH
Table Tennis Doubles: Wednesday, January 25@ 8:00 am
– Tournament will be on Sunday, January 29 @ 1:00 pm
– Tournament will take place at DHH
CO-REC Racquetball Doubles: Monday, January 30@ 8:00 am
Register your team at www.imleagues.com/MTU
For more information: E-mail imsports@mtu.edu
Medical Careers Week
Join us to learn about a variety of opportunities in the medical field.
January 23 – 26
Consumer Products Day
Consumer Products Day returns for another year! This “Shark-Tank style” event features your team – the entrepreneurs, and the “sharks” – company representatives, who want to challenge you to come up with a re-purposed, re-designed idea for their company-supplied products.
January 26 – 28
Registration is open and limited. Sign your team up today!
Interested in Becoming an RA?
Housing and Residential Life is looking for new staff to join our team in 2017-18! We are hiring Resident Assistants. As a resident assistant, you will be seen a leader within the community, you will help to build a strong, diverse, and inclusive community, and you will promote learning inside and outside of the classroom.
For a more detailed description of the job, please visit the Housing and Residential Life hiring webpage.
New applicants are required to attend one short information session before receiving their link to apply. The final session is being held: January 9 at 9:00 p.m. in Fisher 138.
Applicants are required to have a minimum of a 2.5 cumulative and semester GPA to be considered. Please contact the Housing and Residential Staff at studentleader@mtu.edu if you have any questions.
Design Expo 2017 Registration Now Open
Design Expo 2017 will be held in the MUB Ballroom on Thursday, April 13. Please save the date!
Design Expo highlights hands-on, discovery-based learning at Michigan Tech. More than 600 students on Enterprise and Senior Design teams showcase their work and compete for awards. A panel of judges, made up of distinguished corporate representatives and Michigan Tech staff and faculty members, critique the projects. Many team projects are sponsored by industry, which allows students to gain valuable experience through competition, as well as direct exposure to real industrial problems. Design Expo is co-hosted by the College of Engineering and the Pavlis Honors College.
Registration is now open for Senior Design and Enterprise teams. Visit the Design Expo website to register before the deadline, Monday, February 6, 2017.