Thai Cuisine at Khana Khazana Today
This week at the Memorial Union North Coast Grill and Deli, we are featuring a menu from Thailand.
- Chicken Green Curry
- Crispy Boiled Eggs with Sweet & Sour Sauce
- Fried Sweet Potato
Come try the Thai Cuisine at today’s Khana Khazana from 11 am to 1 pm. The cost is only $5.95 and includes a fountain beverage.
Visit Khana Khazana on Facebook.
You’re invited to Plant-A-Palooza! Come join Student Activities in the OAP backyard to plant a succulent (and take it home) and decorate a Kindness Rock!
Who: You! Feel free to bring a friend, too!
What: Plant-A-Palooza and Kindness Rocks
Where: OAP Backyard (207 East St, Houghton, Michigan 49931)
When: August 1 at 1:00 PM
Why: Free plant and spreading kindness!
Check out more about #TheKindnessRocksProject here. For questions or more information, email Rochelle at
Copper Harbor Sunset Cruise
“Interested in an unforgettable cruise in Lake Superior along the shoreline of Copper Harbor? Join Student Activities and Housing and Residential Life as they cruise with The Isle Royale Line to experience the beauty o
f a Keweenaw sunset.

Cost is $5 and includes transportation to and from Copper Harbor and a ticket to ride the boat.
In order to sign up, go to the Student Activities office in the Memorial Union Building, Room 112, with your payment, between 8am-4pm Monday through Friday. Space is limited, so sign-up soon!
Any questions can be sent to Student Activities, or 906-487-1963.”