Student News Briefs – August 4, 2017

Chinese Cuisine today at Khana Khazana
This week at the Memorial Union North Coast Grill and Deli, we are featuring a menu from China.
The menu features:
  • Coca Cola Chicken WingsKhana Khazana Chinese 2
  • Braised Tofu
  • Banana Milk with Sago

Chinese Cuisine is being served from 11 am to 1 pm today at the Khana Khazana at the North Coast Grill and Deli. The cost is $5.95 and includes a fountain beverage.

Visit Khana Khazana on Facebook.

Copper Harbor Sunset Cruise
“Interested in an unforgettable cruise in Lake Superior along the shoreline of Copper Harbor? Join Student Activities and Housing and Residential Life as they cruise with The Isle Royale Line to experience the beauty of a Keweenaw sunset.Sunset Cruise A
Cost is $5 and includes transportation to and from Copper Harbor and a ticket to ride the boat.
In order to sign up, go to the Student Activities office in the Memorial Union Building, Room 112, with your payment, between 8am-4pmMonday through Friday. Space is limited, so sign-up soon!
Any questions can be sent to Student Activities, or  906-487-1963.”


Vote on Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Michigan votes website

School districts and communities in more than 50 counties will hold elections Tuesday, Aug. 8.

Check your registration status at the Michigan Voter Information Center at

You also can view your sample ballot if your community is holding an election as well as find your polling location and track your absentee ballot.

How you can get an absentee ballot

Voters who qualify may choose to cast an absentee ballot. As a registered voter, you may obtain an absentee ballot if you are:

  • Age 60 or older.
  • Physically unable to attend the polls without the assistance of another.
  • Expecting to be absent from the community in which you are registered for the entire time the polls will be open on Election Day.
  • In jail awaiting arraignment or trial.
  • Unable to attend the polls due to religious reasons.
  • Appointed to work as an election inspector in a precinct outside of your precinct of residence.

Those who wish to receive an absentee ballot by mail must submit the application by 2 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 5.

Visit us online to find out more.

Welcoming new students and their families is one of the most exciting times on campus. Student organizations are invited to help welcome in-coming students during move-in on Saturday, August 26. Your group can sign up for one shift or multiple shifts. This is a great service opportunity for your organization!

Please fill out the Google form to sign up to volunteer.
Move-in Volunteer Shifts:
Saturday, August 26
9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
3:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Move-In Volunteer Participation Expectations:

  • Remember that you are representing your Student Organization and Michigan Technological University. First impressions are very important to new students and their family members.
    •    Wear apparel that represents your Student Organization or Michigan Tech only.
    •    Wear clothing that is neat and appropriate (no holes, no hats, and no sunglasses are permitted).
    •    Wear comfortable, closed toe shoes (athletic shoes recommended).
    •    Volunteers may not recruit or pass out invitations/flyers of any kind.
    •    Volunteers must help everyone, not just the people you might want to get to know.
    •    Please remember that some students and families may not want your help. Please be considerate and ask if they would like assistance first, before grabbing items.
    •    Arrive 10-15 minutes early to check in at the Wadsworth Hall Reception Desk in order to get to your assigned location on time for the start of your shift.
    •    Work with University, Orientation, and Housing and Residential Life staffs who are also assigned to assist with the move-in process. We are one big team on move-in day.

Thank you in advance for your service to the newest members of the Michigan Tech community!
