Spirit Friday Sale – Campus Bookstore, University Images
Friday, October 20, 2017 is Spirit Friday!
Support the home team and show your Husky pride! Spirit Friday (October 20, 2017) at the Campus Store, University Images and online! Friday only, all Michigan Tech Apparel in school colors (black, gold, grey and white) is 25% off. Celebrate Homecoming by wearing our school colors and save 25%.
Advances in Automotive Steels – Joe Nowosad
Customer Technical Service Manager for NAFTA General Motors, Joe Nowosad, will be on campus today (Oct. 20) from 2-3pm in the Pavlis Honors College Collaboration Space (M&M 722) to talk about automotive steel. He will discuss the automotive industry’s use of steel, how steel advancements have changed the industry over the past decade, and where the industry is headed.
Joe Nowosad has over 30 years of experience in the steel industry working with ArcelorMittal in multiple areas of the organization. Joe has a Bachelor Degree in Materials Science Engineering from Michigan Tech and a Masters of Business Administration and Management from Indiana University South Bend. A long-time advocate for Michigan Tech, Joe received the Distinguished Alumni Award in 2015 for his service on the College of Engineering Advisory Board, the Materials Science Engineering Advisory Board, the Career Services Corporate Advisory Board and a long history of support for the Enterprise Program.
This event is open to everyone on campus!
Deadline to Apply to Pavlis is Sunday, Oct. 22
Pavlis Honors College is now accepting applications for Spring 2018! You are eligible to apply if you have 2-4 years remaining on campus. The Learning Community offers 6 distinct pathways on which students may build their honors program: Global Leadership, Peace Corps Prep, Research Scholars, Enhanced Enterprise Experience (E3 ), New Venture, and Custom Pathway.
Most undergraduate students at Tech are already doing the things that Pavlis requires. We have a team of faculty and staff from various disciplines and backgrounds that foster a rewarding and meaningful education. Want to learn more about how you can join Pavlis? Email us at honors@mtu.edu.
Applications will be accepted through Sunday, Oct. 22. Apply here.
Find out why success means more than GPA: honors.mtu.edu.
Haunted Mine Tour
This year the Visual Performing Arts department is taking over the Quincy Haunted Mine Tour. If any of you are interested in being a tour guide, actor, crew, or host/logistics fill out this form asap! (This does count as volunteer hours, and food will be provided). I will do my best to make sure everyone can be involved and taking your schedules into consideration. If you have any questions you can email me at makozmor@mtu.edu.
Sign up with this link.
Make a Difference Day 2017
Deadline to register is Monday, October 23.

Trick or Treat!!
Campus Bookstore or University Images
Just kidding, no tricks here but, we do have a treat for you guys!
Stop by the campus store on Halloween- Tuesday, October 31st and receive a 31% discount, on one sweatshirt of your choice, if you are dressed in FULL costume. No costume? No Problem! You can still stop by and grab some candy, on us!
We look forward to seeing you!
Nutrition Workshops
Nutrition Workshops are now available through HuskiesFit Programs! (2) four-week sessions, “Eating for Energy” and “Weigh Less & Live More”. Join Kero Tuesdays at 12 pm. Bring your lunch and pick up some health tips to get you on the right track!
ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS GRADUATING IN December 2017: The Michigan Tech Student Foundation (MTSF) and the Student Philanthropy Council invite you to make your upcoming commencement day even more meaningful by participating in the Class Tribute Program. It’s an opportunity for you to recognize someone special to you in the printed commencement program.
Just go to http://www.mtu.edu/classtributes for program and participation details. The deadline for tribute submissions is November 20, Monday.
For questions, contact Adam Portmann at 487-2542 or aportman@mtu.edu.
Entry Deadlines
Ice Hockey: Tuesday, October 24 @ 8:00 am
- Season begins on October 30th
Tennis Singles: Friday, October 27 @ 8:00 am
- Tournament Starts on Friday, October 27 @ 6:00 pm
Racquetball Doubles: Friday, October 27 @ Noon
- Tournament starts October 31st
Register your team at www.imleagues.com/MTU
– For more information: E-mail imsports@mtu.edu
Pumpkin Carving
Is your porch looking less than spooky? Is that pumpkin spice latte not satisfying your cravings? Well come on down to the OAP Backyard Tuesday at 6PM to carve your very own Jack-O-Lantern! Tools, S’Mores, and pumpkins will be provided by MUB Board and OAP. After you’re done carving, stick around and watch the cult classic Hocus Pocus!
Red Cross Lifeguard Certification Course
HuskiesFit Programs is offering a Red Cross Lifeguard Certification Course and a Lifeguard Renewal Course November 10-12, 2017. Earn your American Red Cross Certification in this 3-day training course located at the Michigan Tech SDC Pool. Certification includes Lifeguard and CPR certification and all training materials. You must be at least 15 years of age by the class start date, able to swim 200-400 yards, tread water for 2 minutes and grab a 10 pound brick from 8-12 feet of water with a feet first surface dive.
Cost of the training is $135, and the deadline to register is November 3.
Red Cross Lifeguard Certification could lead to a job as a lifeguard at the SDC Pool!
For more information, visit Lifeguard.
Afrobeat Fitness
Want to try something different? Join Afrobeat Fitness instructor Stephanie Saturdays from 12 to 12:50 pm in the SDC Studio! This class will leave you feeling successful regardless of your fitness level. Afrobeat Fitness is an energetic dance class associated with West African musical styles (Afrobeat) to create an exciting routine and a great cardio workout.
For more class information, visit Afrobeat Fitness.
- Ethics, Wednesday, November 1 from 4 p.m. – 5 p.m., MUB Ballroom B1 OR Thursday, November 2, 6 p.m. – 7 p.m., Wads G17/19
- Lead with Purpose (CliftonStrengths for Students Part 1), Wednesday, October 25 from 4 p.m. – 5 p.m., MUB B001
- Understanding the Strengths Profile (CliftonStrengths for Students Part 2), Wednesday, November 8, 4 p.m. – 5 p.m., MUB B001 OR Thursday, November 30, 6 p.m. – 7 p.m., Wads G17/19
- Applying StrengthsFinder (CliftonStrengths for Students Part 3), Wednesday, December 6 from 4 p.m. – 5 p.m., MUB B001
Pistol Club Open Shoot
Due to the range at the SDC being temporarily closed, MTU Pistol Club is temporarily operating at the Portage Lake Sportsman Club. Because of this, we have to limit the number of people to 40 per day due to transportation. We are experimenting with this operation but currently we will work on a first come first serve basis.
We are required to provide tech insured transportation via a shuttle. The shuttle will be located at the lot behind OAP by Public Safety. and will run about every 30 minutes from 4-7 pm this Friday, and 1-4 on our Saturday and Sunday events with a final returning van at 8 and five respectively
We are operating on the following days:
Saturday October 21 1-5
Sunday October 29 1-5
We are unable to transport firearms in Tech Vehicles so if you would like to bring your own fire arm please come before the first shuttle and we will transport your firearm in an range safety officers vehicle. If you are not comfortable with that then we encourage you to purchase a year long membership at Portage Lake Sportsman Club. For our event we will only allow pistols and .22 rifles.
If you want to bring a personal firearm, you must preregister as only one vehicle will be bringing firearms out there once each way.
All personal vehicles must be left at the library as the pick up spot is for public safety only.
For those of you who are interested at getting a membership, their yearly student membership fee is only $30 if paid in cash and $32 if paid through Pay Pal.
Here is a link for membership at Portage Lake Sportsman Club if you are interested:
Please tell your friends to sign up as well. We will make sure your time is well spent! Also make sure to bring CASH for ammo and a $6 transportation/PLSC fee. We can not accept credit.
Because we are not hosting at our regular MTU range, there will be no membership fee for pistol club this semester.
Contact austinsm@mtu.edu if you have any questions.
MTSF Awarding Student Leadership Scholarship
This semester, MTSF is awarding the Student Leadership Scholarship. Four $1000 scholarships will be handed out and are open to students from every major. I have attached the scholarship application below. The scholarships are due at 5PM on October 30th.
Student Leadership Scholarship Form
Please email Karry Modolo at kamodolo@mtu.edu with any questions.
The Michigan Tech Student Foundation
203 Alumni House
Ever notice something about Michigan Tech that could be improved? Have you had a great idea that would have a positive effect on other students?
If yes, you are invited and encouraged to join us at the Student Commission meetings. We look to break down the barriers that impede student’s success, and to improve Michigan Tech’s campus environment.
You’ll get the chance to have your ideas heard by staff, faculty, university officials, and most importantly other students. We work together to act on your idea and make changes. Past accomplishments of the Student Commission include:
- Skate Board/Long Board Racks
- Water Bottle Filler Stations
- Prince’s Point Rehab
- Upper Daniell Heights Printer
- Reflectors
- Bus Stop Schedules
- Promotion of Husky Food Access Network (Husky FAN)
- Promotion of Maintenance Direct Work Order
- Value Statement
- Relocation of Broomball Rinks
- Designated Memorial Garden
- Experience Tech Fee Initiative
Anyone is welcome to attend upcoming meetings.
Please check out the Student Commission website for more information. http://www.mtu.edu/student-affairs/administration/vp/committees/student-commission/
2017 Fall Meeting Date
- Thursday, October 26, 2017, 2:00 p.m., MUB, Ballroom A1
- Thursday, November 9, 2017, 2:00 p.m., MUB, Ballroom A1
- Thursday, December 14, 2017, 2:00 p.m., Admin 404
Last night for the show!
Tech Theatre presents Steve Martin’s –Picasso at the Lapin Agile
Art or science, what has more power to change the future? Come, have drinks with Einstein and Picasso, at the Lapin Agile, a bar in 1904 Paris, as delightfully imagined by actor, comic, musician, and yes, playwright, Steve Martin. In his first full-length play, Martin puts Picasso and Einstein on a funny and poignant collision-course to drink, laugh, and debate the genius and imagination that inspires both. Members of the audience can even “drink” at the bar! There will be seats at the café tables for a few lucky audience members each night, with refreshments and snacks served as part of the performance. Tech Theatre, Directed by Christopher Plummer, Professor, Visual and Performing Art, presents Picasso at the Lapin Agile, a thoughtfully comedic look at the power of imagination at the start of the 20th Century, from the perspective of two giants of their time. The show will run Friday, October 20, at 7:30 pm in the McArdle Theatre.
A long-running and popular Off-Broadway play, Picasso at the Lapin Agile began with a first reading of the play at Steve Martin’s home. Tom Hanks read the role of Picasso, and Chris Sarandon read Einstein. Following further development, the play opened at the Steppenwolf Theatre Company in Chicago on October 13, 1993. The show then enjoyed a successful run in Los Angeles and then made its way to New York City. The New York Times wrote, “It’s important to remember that the playwright of Picasso at the Lapin Agile is Steve Martin, stand-up comic, actor, writer, banjo player and something of a genius in his own right. So when big questions are being addressed, you can be sure that a layer of silliness is always in place (and, subversively, a layer of seriousness beneath that).”
According to Alexandra Walker, Tech Theatre’s stage manager for Lapin Agile, “The play explores the question ‘what is the power of genius?’ As Picasso and Einstein argue over who will be able to change the century more with their work, we come to the conclusion: Both art and science are important, summed up in the words of Freddie, the Lapin Agile bartender/owner Freddie, proposing a toast with his patrons: ‘No movement will be as beautiful as the note across the staff, the line across the paper, or the idea across the mind.’”
Tickets are on sale now, $13 for adults, $5 for youth, and no charge for Michigan Tech students with the Experience Tech fee. Tickets are available by phone at (906) 487-2073, online at mtu.edu/rozsa, in person at the Central Ticketing Office in the Student Development Complex, or the night of the show at the McArdle door, which opens one hour prior to performances.
Michigan Technological University is an Equal Opportunity Educational Institution/Equal Opportunity Employer, which includes providing equal opportunity for protected veterans and individuals with disability.
Faculty Present Listening to Parks, an NEA Imagine Your Parks Project
What do you hear when you walk in the woods? What are the natural sounds and rythms of the forest? The lakes? The skies? Christopher Plummer, Elizabeth Meyer, and Kent Cyr, faculty members in the Visual and Performing Arts Department of Michigan Tech, opened a multimedia and soundscape installation at the Duluth Children’s Museum this week, on Monday, September 25, 2017, in Duluth, MN, as a part of their “Listening to Parks” project, to explore those questions. The exhibit will be on display through October 15. The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) and the National Park Service (NPS) announced $1,067,500 in support of 50 grants in 27 states, including an award of $20,000 to Michigan Technological University to support Listening to Parks, an Imagine Your Parks project. Visual and sound artists collaborated to create an immersive multimedia installation based on collected images, video, and audio recordings from the Keweenaw National Historic Park, Isle Royale National Park, and the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore. The installation will tour to sites in the Upper Peninsula region of Michigan, and then will culminate in an exhibition in the Rozsa Gallery A-Space, at the Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts in December. There will be an opening reception on Friday, December 2 from 5:00 -6:30 PM, which is free and open to the public. Gallery hours are M-F 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM and 1:00 PM – 8:00 PM on Fridays. The recorded sounds from this project will also be used for a composition for orchestra by Libby Meyer to be performed by the Keweenaw Symphony Orchestra at the Rozsa Center on Saturday, December 9 at 7:30 PM.
NEA Chairman Jane Chu says “As part of the NEA’s 50th anniversary, this year we are celebrating the magnificence of America’s national cultural treasures through art, the Imagine Your Parks grant program unites our mission with the National Park Service by connecting art projects with the natural, historic and cultural settings of the National Park System and will inspire a new generation to
discover these special places and experience our great heritage.” “The ‘Imagine Your Parks’ grants are really helping us celebrate the NPS Centennial and the NEA’s 50th Anniversary with some incredibly diverse and interesting projects that continue to inspire more Americans of all backgrounds to connect with their national parks,” said National Park Service Director Jonathan B. Jarvis. “The grants already awarded are already demonstrating the success of the program through a variety of inspiring projects. A new generation of artists is connecting to national parks through their work, and motivating others to do the same.”
According to Dr. Jared Anderson, Chair, Department of Visual and Performing Arts, “I am very proud to announce that Christopher Plummer, Elizabeth Meyer, and Kent Cyr, faculty members in the Visual and Performing Arts Department of Michigan Tech, received the first-ever award for Michigan Tech from the National Endowment for the Arts, a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Parks Service as a part of the “Imagine your Parks” initiative. This project will consist of gathering soundscape recordings from Isle Royale National Park and other National Parks in this region. The recorded sounds will then be used for a composition for orchestra by Libby Meyer to be performed by the Keweenaw Symphony Orchestra. The sounds will also be integrated into a traveling multi-media art installation that will be presented at various park visitors centers and the Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts in 2017.”
Please visit the Listening to Parks website for more details. Follow “Imagine Your Parks” on Twitter @NEAarts and @NatlParkService, #ImagineYourParks #NEASpring16.
There’s still time to get your HuskieFit Ultimate Session Punch Card!
Good for fall semester, expires December 22, 2017.
MTU Cross Country 5K Fundraiser
Saturday, October 28, 2017 at 10 am.
Michigan Tech Trails
All procceds benefit the Michigan Tech Men’s and Women’s Cross Country Teams.
For more information email Jake Isaacson at jjisaacs@mtu.edu
Look for these signs around campus and submit your feedback for a chance to win a free coffee!
It is time for the next installment of the Social Justice Lecture Series!
We are excited to welcome Winona LaDuke to the Michigan Tech Campus on October 25th. Winona comes from Ojibwe ancestry in Minnesota and has a background that includes environmental activism, tribal land claims, writing, acting, and being a former vice presidential nominee!
October 25th, MUB Ballroom at 5:30 pm
Cap, Gown, & Ticket Ordering Now Open
Request commencement tickets and place your cap & gown order now. Review cap & gown pricing, ordering deadline, Michigan Tech cap & gown policies and commencement information prior to ordering.
Visit http://www.bookstore.mtu.edu/michtech/
Please contact capandgown@mtu.edu with any questions.
LeaderShape Institute Applications are Open
Applications for the 2018 LeaderShape Institute are now open!
PUSH Physical Theatre
“It’s untheatre. Intense athleticism, gravity-defying acrobatics,and soulful artistry – award-winning PUSH Physical Theatre, the genre-defining masters of physical storytelling, express what it means to be human: the joy and sorrow, humor and tragedy, the big questions and the simple things.”
In an appropriately dark celebration of Halloween, the Rozsa Center is bringing Push Physical Theatre’s production of Dracula to Houghton on October 21, at 7:30 PM. Attached is their press kit which gives a little more background on the ensemble. I will forward more details in a full press release about Dracula in the upcoming weeks, but wanted to send an advance teaser now that we have begun our general publicity for the show. Please contact me for more information or to arrange interviews.
Tickets for the show are $22 for Adult and $10 for Youth.
Here is a video from the show: