Comedian Opey Olagbaju
Bring your friends!
This performance is FREE and funded by the Student Activity Fee.
Hosted by Late Night Programming.
12 Days of Christmas
Monday, December 4th – Saturday, December 16th
The holidays are here and that means the 12 Days of Christmas sale is back at the Michigan Tech Campus Store and University Images. Monday, December 4th through Saturday, December 16th, a new sleighful of goodies will be offered each day for you and yours. For that special gift for family and friends that you can’t find anywhere else, stop by University Images or the Campus Store. Discover a great selection of outerwear, sporting apparel, souvenirs, and brand new items just for the holiday season. We look forward to you stopping by for warm smiles, holiday cheer, and great deals. For the current and upcoming specials as well as holiday operating hours, check their social media feeds at
Mexican Cuisine at Fridays Khana Khazana
by Khana Khazana
This week at the Memorial Union North Coast Grill and Deli, we are featuring a menu from Mexico.
- Poblanos Rellenos De Queso
- Arroz Rojo
- Arroz con Leche Cremoso
Serving is from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday. The cost is $7.95 and includes a fountain beverage. Visit Khana Khazana on Facebook.
Donate to Husky FAN
Don’t let a Husky go hungry this holiday season! Help the Fraternity and Sorority community stock the Husky FAN shelves with food and personal hygiene items. The Greek Community wants to get the faculty, staff, and student body involved in making a difference within our Husky Community while spreading the word about Husky FAN.
Come Celebrate with the Big Horns: TUBACHRISTMAS Returns to the Rozsa
While we may not have ‘snow’ by this Sunday, Sunday, Dec. 3, we will have one of the surest signs of the Holiday season: TUBACHRISTMAS! TUBACHRISTMAS (it is always capitalized and connected a’ la rail car, tuba players LOVE TUBACHRISTMAS!) is an annual December event that occurs in honor of the first truly great tuba virtuoso, William “Bill” Bell who was born on Christmas Day.
Tubists gather yearly in mass numbers around the globe to play songs of the season in performances free to the public. We had our first one in many years here in Houghton last year, and we had 37 tubists! In fact, the great state of Michigan ranks 3rd in the US with 17 TUBACHRISTMASES! Anyone who wants to play in the show is welcome! Bring your tuba, euphonium or baritone at 3:30 PM, Sunday, December 3, for rehearsal in the Rozsa Lobby. There is a $10 registration fee.
Want to see the show? Please join us here in Houghton on Sunday, Dec. 3 at 7:30PM in the beautiful Rozsa Center Lobby for the sounds of Christmas and TUBAS! The evening concert is free and open to the public.
Michigan Technological University is an Equal Opportunity Educational Institution/Equal Opportunity Employer, which includes providing equal opportunity for protected veterans and individuals with disability.
Graduation Cap, Gown, & Ticket Pickup at the Campus Bookstore
If you have a Graduation Cap, Gown or Tickets to pick up at the Campus Bookstore please bring a photo ID with you to pick them up.
Monday, December 4th – Friday, December 8th 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Monday, December 11th – Thursday, December 14th 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
*Photo ID is required to pickup Cap, Gown, & Tickets.
Volunteers to Decorate for Christmas in Houghton
The City of Houghton is seeking volunteers to help with their Victorian Inspired Christmas celebration on Saturday, December 9th from 4-7pm (see attached). Volunteers will dress up to match the time period and walk around downtown Houghton to create the feel and ambiance of a Victorian Christmas. There will be sleigh-rides, candle dipping, music, and a tree lighting. Volunteers will also receive free food!
Fighting Hunger with Alpha Gamma Delta:
Ten percent of all sales made at the Library Cafe throughout the entire day on December 6th will go toward fighting hunger locally and nationally!
An anonymous donor will be doubling all sales made that day, including card and cafe sales!
The money the donor is giving us will go to Husky FAN and Little Brother’s Friends of the Elderly, while the other money raised will go to the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation to fight hunger nationally!
Want an AGD discount card? They will be available for purchase in the library on December 6th.
Great Lakes Invitational College Hockey

Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Workshop
The Pavlis Honors College will be hosting the first of our annual Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship Workshops this Wednesday, December 6 from 6-7pm in Fisher 131. Workshop will be led by SURF Coordinator, Will Cantrell.
The Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program offers undergraduate students a $4000 stipend to work for 10 weeks on research on campus in the summer. Applications are open to all Tech undergraduates who have at least one semester remaining after the summer. In order to be eligible for SURF, students must submit their applications by 4pm on January 26, 2018. If you know of students interested in participating in a summer fellowship on campus, please encourage them to attend the workshop.
For information on other upcoming undergraduate research workshops click here.
Dancing Through the Snow Holiday Zumba
Dancing Through the Snow Holiday Zumba is being hosted by HOSA Future Health Professionals at Michigan Tech, it will take place on Tuesday, December 5th from 8 – 9 pm in the Superior Ballroom in the basement of the Memorial Union Building. This event is free for Michigan Tech Students.
Come and enjoy the fun of Zumba!
Fires in the Mirror
Tech Theatre presents Fires in the Mirror, a play by American playwright, author, actress and professor Anna Deavere Smith. It chronicles the viewpoints of people from tow different communities, Black and Jewish, connected directly and indirectly to the Crown Heights riot which occurred in Crown Heights, Brooklyn in August 1991.
How can these things happen? A child is hit by a car while playing on the sidewalk. In retaliation, a young man is stabbed to death. A community turns inward upon itself, neighbor set against neighbor. Can an out of balance world be set right? Anna Deavere smith interviewed members of Brooklyn’s Crown Heights community and using their own words assembled a retelling of their solemn road from hate and violence to understanding.
Leading Scholars Competition
We are getting ready for our annual Leading Scholars competition and we’re looking for volunteers to help out with some group process type activities again. We will have about 40 high school seniors visiting on December 3-4 to vie for the chance to receive full scholarships.
The session that we’re in need of volunteers for is called “Leadership in Action,” and the staff volunteers will evaluate students while they participate in the activities. I will touch base with all volunteers as the event gets closer, but we’d need about 25 staff members to be ready to evaluate at 7:45 AM on Monday, December 4. The event will wrap-up just before 10:00 AM. (The events will take place on the ground floor of Wadsworth Hall.)
If folks are willing to lend a hand, just fill out this quick form at
We very much appreciate all your help as we bring these awesome future Huskies to campus!
It’s time to start thinking about Winter Carnival 2018!
The theme this year is “Myths and Tales of the Past, in our Frigid Forecast”.
If you are planning on participating in Winter Carnival, please join our Winter Carnival Email list for any and all updates regarding Winter Carnival.
In order to join follow this link:!forum/wintercarnival-l
- Click the blue button that says “Join group to post”.
- Click “Join this group”.
There are also a few changes we would like to highlight for this year:
Window painting event has been replaced with “Banner Painting”. The banners will then be hung in business windows in downtown Houghton during January and February. A major change with this new event is that banners will need to be completed by December 15th in order for businesses to have adequate time to receive and display the banners. Additional details regarding the event are listed in the rulebook.
Due to declining participation, the interactive statue competition will no longer be a judged event. Organizations wishing to build statues that require participant interaction are encouraged to do so by opting into the category on the month-long statue application. Any questions regarding this change can be directed to
The final Stage Revue event held in the Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts on Thursday, February 7th will be free for all students thanks to a generous sponsorship from the Inter-Residence Housing Council (IRHC). A valid student ID must be brought to the event for student admission.
Lastly, attached is a PDF copy of the Rulebook for Winter Carnival 2018. All relevant dates to events, registrations, and meetings can be found there.
You can also find a copy of the Rulebook on Blue Key’s Involvement Link page, as well as on the Carnival website at:
At this time, here are some upcoming dates and times for the next couple of weeks.
- Entry forms for Month-Long Statues go live November 11 at 8:00am and close on December 6 at 5:00pm.
I hope that everyone is just as excited as we are for Winter Carnival 2018!
HuskyFit Has New Programs
Faculty Present Listening to Parks, an NEA Imagine Your Parks Project
What do you hear when you walk in the woods? What are the natural sounds and rhythms of the forest? The lakes? The skies? Christopher Plummer, Libby Meyer, and Kent Cyr, faculty members in the Visual and Performing Arts Department of Michigan Tech, with artist Steve Brimm, and artists from area schools, open a multimedia and soundscape installation as a part of their Listening to Parks project, with a reception on Saturday, December 2, at 5:00 PM in the Rozsa Gallery A-Space, to explore those questions.
Listening to Parks is an Imagine Your Parks project, an immersive installation based on collected images, video, and audio recordings from the Lake Superior National Parks:
Keweenaw National Historic Park
Isle Royale National Park
Apostle Islands National Lake Shore
Pictured Rocks National Lake Shore
Grand Portage National Monument.
In May, the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) and the National Park Service (NPS) announced $1,067,500 in support of 50 Imagine Your Parks grants in 27 states, including an award of $20,000 to Michigan Technological University to support Listening to Parks.
The installation has been touring sites in the Upper Peninsula region, culminating in this exhibition. The reception and exhibition are free and open to the public. The recorded sounds from this project will also be used for a composition for orchestra by Libby Meyer to be performed by the Keweenaw Symphony Orchestra at the Rozsa Center as part of the Sinfonia Antartica concert on Saturday, December 9 at 7:30 PM. Please visit the Listening to Parks website for more details. Follow “Imagine Your Parks” on Twitter @NEAarts and @NatlParkService, #ImagineYourParks #NEASpring16.
The exhibit will be on display December 2 – 22 and Jan. 16 through January 26, 2018. Gallery hours are 8 AM – 8 PM M-F and Sat 1:00 PM – 8:00 PM.
Michigan Technological University is an Equal Opportunity Educational Institution/Equal Opportunity Employer, which includes providing equal opportunity for protected veterans and individuals with disability.
Nutrition Workshops
Nutrition Workshops are now available through HuskiesFit Programs! (2) four-week sessions, “Eating for Energy” and “Weigh Less & Live More”. Join Kero Tuesdays at 12 pm. Bring your lunch and pick up some health tips to get you on the right track!
Want to try something different? Join Afrobeat Fitness instructor Stephanie Saturdays from 12 to 12:50 pm in the SDC Studio! This class will leave you feeling successful regardless of your fitness level. Afrobeat Fitness is an energetic dance class associated with West African musical styles (Afrobeat) to create an exciting routine and a great cardio workout.
For more class information, visit Afrobeat Fitness.
- Applying StrengthsFinder (CliftonStrengths for Students Part 3), Wednesday, December 6 from 4 p.m. – 5 p.m., MUB B001
Ever notice something about Michigan Tech that could be improved? Have you had a great idea that would have a positive effect on other students?
If yes, you are invited and encouraged to join us at the Student Commission meetings. We look to break down the barriers that impede student’s success, and to improve Michigan Tech’s campus environment.
You’ll get the chance to have your ideas heard by staff, faculty, university officials, and most importantly other students. We work together to act on your idea and make changes. Past accomplishments of the Student Commission include:
- Skate Board/Long Board Racks
- Water Bottle Filler Stations
- Prince’s Point Rehab
- Upper Daniell Heights Printer
- Reflectors
- Bus Stop Schedules
- Promotion of Husky Food Access Network (Husky FAN)
- Promotion of Maintenance Direct Work Order
- Value Statement
- Relocation of Broomball Rinks
- Designated Memorial Garden
- Experience Tech Fee Initiative
Anyone is welcome to attend upcoming meetings.
Please check out the Student Commission website for more information.
2017 Fall Meeting Date:
- Thursday, December 14, 2017, 2:00 p.m., Admin 404
There’s still time to get your HuskieFit Ultimate Session Punch Card!
Good for fall semester, expires December 22, 2017.
Look for these signs around campus and submit your feedback for a chance to win a free coffee!
Cap, Gown, & Ticket Ordering Now Open
Request commencement tickets and place your cap & gown order now. Review cap & gown pricing, ordering deadline, Michigan Tech cap & gown policies and commencement information prior to ordering.
Please contact with any questions.