The 29th Annual MLK Banquet is here!
In our 29th year of MLK celebrations, Michigan Technological University invites you to reflect on Dr. King’s vision of inclusion. 2018 marks 50 years since we lost one of the most influential visionaries and impactful social justice advocates of United States history.
- On January 23, 2018, we will celebrate our 29th banquet in the Rozsa Lobby.
- Please arrive at 5:00 pm
Reserve your space here: https://goo.gl/forms/DhuaMQDrdfDo4yT12
LA Theater Works Presents – The Mountaintop at the Rozsa Center
This year, in conjunction with Michigan Tech’s Martin Luther King Jr. celebration, and the 50th anniversary of the assassination of the Martin Luther King Jr., the Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts and Michigan Tech’s Center for Diversity and Inclusion are proud to present LA Theatre Work’s brand new production of Katori Hall’s play, The Mountaintop. On the evening of April 4, 1968, Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated outside room 306 of The Lorraine Motel in Memphis, TN. What happened inside room 306 the night before the killing is a mystery. In her internationally acclaimed play, playwright Katori Hall imagines what may have transpired in the overnight hours between the legendary civil rights leader and a seemingly inconsequential hotel maid. See The Mountaintop at the Rozsa Center on Tuesday, January 23rd, at 7:30 PM. There will also be a panel discussion and Q & A with student members of Michigan Tech’s National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), L.A. Theatre Works’ The Mountaintop cast, and staff from The Center for Diversity and Inclusion in the Rozsa Lobby, with beverages and dessert served, immediately following the play.
For more details, please see our press release, attached. Also attached is a press release from LA Theatre Works, announcing their national tour.
The cast will be available for interviews in advance by phone. Please contact me or the LA Theatre Works PR contact, Lucy Pollack, to set those up.
The Waino Wahtera Center for Student Success is Hiring for 2018-19!
Are you looking for leadership opportunities where you encourage the success of other Michigan Tech students? Com join the staff of the Wahtera Center in the following positions: OTL (Orientation Team Leader), ExSEL Peer Mentor, Academic Success Coach, Commuter Assistant, Success Course Peer Teaching Assistant, Transfer Student Assistant.
To apply for any of these positions, you must attend one of the following info sessions to obtain an application.
January 19, 2018 — 3:05 pm, Fisher 135
If you have any questions, please email: success@mtu.edu
Join The Meeting for USG Budget Hearing Process
So what is the USG budget hearing process? It’s the process by which Registered Student Organizations can receive funding for the following school year from the Student Activity Fee. The Undergraduate Student Government oversees the disbursement of these funds every year, with the opportunity for organizations to receive this funding happening every spring. If your organization would like to be funded by the Student Activity Fee for the 2018-2019 school year, this email and process pertain to you.
So what is the first step? The first step in the process is the Mandatory SAF Info Session. For your organization to be eligible for SAF funding, a representative from your organization must be present and sign-in to this info session. This info session will take place on Wednesday, January 24, in Fisher 135. The session will start at 6:00PM, and should last 25 – 30 minutes. Please plan to arrive 10 – 15 minutes ahead of time in order to sign in and receive your informational packets at the door.
At this meeting you will be given all the information needed to get started planning a budget and submitting the required documents. At this info session I will be going over a detailed timeline that includes submission deadlines. As a reminder, only open student organizations are eligible for SAF funding. If you are not sure if your organization is eligible, I invite you to attend this information session to see.
(Note: If your organization does not want SAF funding for the 18’ – 19’ school year, it is not required that you attend this info session. SBG’s are also not required to attend this info session.)
Third Annual Consumer Products Challenge
The third annual Consumer Products Challenge has arrived! On January 25-27, bring your team and put your minds together to make the most creative product and win cash! This year, competitors will have an edge: we will be releasing some product information prior to the event to get your creative juices flowing!
The winning team will take home $1,000. The second place prize is $750 and third place is $500. One of the three winning teams will represent Michigan Tech at Make48, a televised national competition in Baltimore, Maryland. This all-expense paid trip will take place August 8-10.
This year’s Consumer Products Challenge is sponsored by Kimberly-Clark, 3M and Amway. Register today: https://www.mtu.edu/career/careerfest/#consumer_product
Design Expo 2018 Registration Now Open
Design Expo 2018 will be held in the MUB Ballroom on Thursday, April 19th. Please save the date!
Design Expo highlights hands-on, discovery-based learning at Michigan Tech. More than 600 students on Enterprise and Senior Design teams showcase their work and compete for awards. A panel of judges, made up of distinguished corporate representatives and Michigan Tech staff and faculty members, critique the projects. Many team projects are sponsored by industry, which allows students to gain valuable experience through competition, as well as direct exposure to real industrial problems. Design Expo is co-hosted by the College of Engineering and the Pavlis Honors College.
Registration is now open for Senior Design and Enterprise teams. Students should visit the Design Expo website to review important instructions, deadlines and poster criteria. All Senior Design and Enterprise teams must register by Monday, February 12th, 2018.
Summer Youth Programs Employment Information Session
Anyone interested in working for Summer Youth Programs (SYP) is invited to attend an employment information session. SYP provides exciting and engaging hands-on camps for middle and high school students. If you’re looking for a position that lets you channel your creativity, innovation, enthusiasm, and team spirit, all in a professional environment, we have just the job for you!
We are looking for outstanding individuals who bring awesome experiences and fresh perspectives to the table. Applicants should be positive, forward thinking, innovative, and eager to make a difference in the lives of young people.
We offer a flexible schedule in a casual, fun work environment, and provide valuable professional development experiences.
Interested? Join us at one of the info sessions:
Wednesday 1/24 at 6:00 PM – MUB Ballroom A1
Thursday 1/25 at 5:30 PM – MUB Alumni Lounge
If you have questions or can’t make it, please contact the Center for Pre-College Outreach at cpcojobs@mtu.edu.
Basketball & Wallyball: You may still sign your team up on the waitlist!
Bowling: Deadline on January 22nd @ 8:00 am
Billiards Tournament: Deadline on January 26th @ 8:00 am
Table Tennis Singles Tournament: Deadline on February 2nd @ 8:00 am
Table Tennis Doubles Tournament: Deadline on February 2nd @ 1:00 pm
Co-Rec Doubles Racquetball: Deadline on February 5th @ 5:00 pm
Register your team at www.imleagues.com/MTU
– For more information: E-mail imsports@mtu.edu
Like to mix it up all the time? Try the HuskiesFit Ultimate Session Punch Card – a premium 8-punch card that gets you into several fantastic group fitness classes!
Men’s Volleyball Club Home Tournament
Come cheer us on as we take on UW-Oshkosh 2 & 3 on January 20th in the SDC Wood Gym. We’ll play a match against each team in the morning, take a lunch break, and then play two matches again. Admission is free, so take a break from your first week of classes and come join us for an entertaining day!
January 20th 9:30am – 5:00pm SDC Varsity Wood Gym
Huskies Helping Huskies
The 2018 CopperDog 150 sled dog race is fast approaching, and we need your help! The CopperDog is a 150 mile, 3 day race that traverses the Keweenaw Peninsula March 2nd thru 4th. It takes hundreds of volunteers to put on this unique and exciting event. In the past, MTU students have had a great time working as dog handlers or crossing guards along the trail.
“I can honestly say CopperDog is one of the most exciting volunteering events all year.” Says Devin Leonarduzzi, MTU alum. “Mushers and their dog teams travel to the Keweenaw from all over the world, so the hospitality and support from our community is awesome to see. You’ll feel the energy and know you’re part of something big.”
The first leg of the event, on Friday March 2nd, is a night race from Calumet to Eagle Harbor. Teams then travel to Copper Harbor on Saturday, and all the way back to Calumet on Sunday. All volunteers are encouraged to attend training at Calumet High school from 11am-1pm on February 24th.
You can sign up as just yourself, a small group of friends, or a student organization. The complete list of volunteer opportunities is available at www.copperdog150.com
Make this special event part of your MTU experience. You won’t regret it!
Look for these signs around campus and submit your feedback for a chance to win a free coffee!