Walkers Be Careful
If you are walking to campus in the morning when it is still dark, please use extreme caution. There have been numerous reports of near misses as students are difficult to see in the dark and the rain. Wear reflective clothing and be careful out there.
Film Board Presents: “Crazy Rich Asians”
Friday, October 26 @ 5:30, 8:30, 11:30
Saturday, October 27 @ 2:30, 5:30, 8:30, 11:30
Sunday, October 28 @ 2:30, 5:30
Located on Michigan Tech’s campus in Fisher 135. Tickets are $3 and concessions are $1 each. We hope to see you at the show this weekend and have a great day!
Crazy Rich Asians is rated PG-13 for some suggestive content and language
Want to see what movies we’re playing next? Check out our movies and showtimes at the Film Board website: filmboard.mtu.edu
Fall Gallery Exhibition
The Department of Visual and Performing Arts and the Rozsa Center are excited to announce the fall gallery exhibition, Never Empty, featuring work by artists Dylan Miner (Ann Arbor, MI) and Amanda Breitbach (Nacodoches, TX). The exhibit will run from Friday, October 12 through Saturday, November 10, 2018 in Michigan Tech’s A-Space Gallery, within the Rozsa Center. Gallery hours are M-F 8:00 am – 8:00 pm and 1:00 – 8:00 pm on Saturdays. A reception will be held Saturday, October 27 from 5:30 pm-7:00 pm. Artist Amanda Breitbach will give an artist talk at 6:00 pm that evening.
Come join the fun for food and beer in the MUB Ballroom on Friday, November 2, 2018 from 6 – 8 pm, students are $12 non-students are $18. Purchase tickets at Eventbrite.
Ticket sales open Friday, October 12 and close on Tuesday, October 30th.
You can purchase tickets here mubfandb18.eventbrite.com.
Saudi Night
Come and enjoy Saudi Night on Sunday, October 28, 2018 at the Magnuson Franklin Square Inn, downtown Houghton from 6:00 – 9:00 pm. Make some memories with friends at Saudi Night.
Michigan Tech Emergency Medical Services
Michigan Tech Emergency Medical Services is a student-led first responder agency with the purpose of providing high-quality medical response 24/7 to the Michigan Tech campus and surrounding areas as well as providing on-campus Heartsaver first aid and CPR and Basic Life Support certifications. Our volunteers are licensed as Emergency Medical Technicians through the State of Michigan and National Registry Certified. Each year, a small group of MTU students are accepted to become certified through participation in over 200 hours of education through the class put on by the agency. Further opportunities for members of the organization involve CPR instructor licensure, providing first aid standby at hockey games and other MTU athletic events, and involvement in community outreach events. For information of how to join, become certified, or participate in any of our CPR trainings, please email ems@mtu.edu.
Husky Alpine Run
Are you up for a Halloween challenge? Come join the Michigan Tech Army ROTC program in our inaugural Husky Alpine Run, on Saturday, October 27th, which is a 5 km trail race ON Mont Ripley! Don’t ski? Don’t snowboard? No worries. Many people enjoy skiing and snowboarding the slopes of Ripley and now you get to run them! We encourage everyone to show up and run in their Halloween costume as prizes are awarded to the costume contest winner! All racers will get complementary food and beverages after the event and there will also be raffle prizes. The winners of each age group (male and female) will receive medals, and the overall male and female winners will get their names engraved on a plaque that will be posted in the ROTC building. Sign up now and get a free event t-shirt. Students get an incredible deal of ONLY $15 for registration!
We also want to give back to our community in Houghton and help fund road repairs caused by the devastating Father’s Day flooding. To do so, we will donate part of our proceeds to help fund flood relief efforts. So, come outand have a fun time and help us support our community!
Rocky Horror Picture Show
Join us at the Rozsa Center for a late-night feature of the Rocky Horror Picture Show, where audience participation and costumed debauchery is strictly encouraged. Just in time for Halloween, the Rozsa Center presents the Rocky Horror Picture Show, on Saturday, October 27 at 11:00 pm. Probably the oddest, most off-the-wall cult film ever made, this kinky rock & roll science fiction horror movie is everybody’s favorite midnight show. (Survival kits provided. Please, no hot dogs.) Rated R. And come early, at 9:00 pm, for a pre-show party co-hosted by the Keweenaw Young Professionals, with MC Joey Black!
School of Technology – Makers Competition:
Mary Shelley’s ‘Frankenstein’ Turns 200 Years Old!
The School of Technology is ‘thrilled’ to offer an opportunity for their students (& non-SoT majors) to show off their skills and talents in a Halloween Makers Competition for best costume or decoration. Points will be awarded to teams in the following categories:
1) function of the mechanical component;
2) sensor/actuator functionality;
3) robustness of the supporting code;
4) detail and impact of the costume or decoration;
5) creative use of materials;
6) overall creativity of the design.
Set of Rules:
- Teams of 3 or more are required.
- Budget is limited to $50 for the team, points for creative re-use (upscaling) of materials.
- Teams must be comprised of 2 or more SoT majors. Non-SoT students can also join the team.
- Teams must be comprised of 2 or more class years (e.g. freshmen, sophomores, etc.)
- Costume or decoration must include a mechanical component as well as a programmed sensor/actuator.
Judging will be completed by a panel of faculty and staff with expertise in mechanical, electrical, and computing on Halloween, Wednesday, October 31.
A cash prize of $250.00 will be awarded to the best TEAM!
Questions can be directed to Dean Minerick at: minerick@mtu.edu
School of Technology: Learn. Do. Succeed.
NOSOTROS Latin Dance Party!
NOSOTROS invites you to the next Latin Dance Party Saturday, November 3rd!
Where: MUB Ballroom A
When: Saturday, November 3rd
Time: 8 – 9 pm Salsa Dance Lessons – 9 – 11 pm Open Floor
Cost: FREE!
We will have Latin and international music, free snacks and a lot of fun! So don’t miss out!
Creative Courage at the Rozsa
What does it take to spark innovation in life, art, business, engineering and technology? According to Welby Altidor, former Executive Creative Director of Cirque du Soleil, it takes courage. But not just any courage – it takes creative courage. Please join Michigan Tech Career Services and the Rozsa Center on Tuesday, November 6, at 7:30 pm to hear Welby Altidor speak at the Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts.
Meet Your Major Series
Undergraduate students who are unsure of their major, or are interested in pursuing a dual major, are invited to attend the Meet Your Major series hosted by the School of Business and Economics. This is an opportunity to hear from faculty and current students about internships, courses, career paths, and student organizations. Snacks and refreshments will be served. Please contact Shannon Rinkinen at smrinkin@mtu.edu with questions.
Meet Your Major: Management with concentrations in Supply Chain Operations and Management and Entrepreneurship
4-5 p.m. Wednesday, November 7 in the APMP Trading Lab
Meet Your Major: Accounting
4-5 p.m. Wednesday, November 7 in AOB 101
Triangle Fraternity – 31 Backpacks
Triangle Fraternity would like your help in raising funds for 31 Backpacks! Tuesday, November 6, 2018 from 11 am – 9 pm. Enjoy lunch or dinner, dine in or take out, at Joey’s Seafood & Grill in downtown Houghton and 20% of your bill will be donated to support 31 Backpacks in their efforts to combat childhood hunger in Houghton and Keweenaw Counties. 31 Backpacks sends food home for eligible children who otherwise could go hungry. Remember you must mention 31 Backpacks or Triangle Fraternity before you receive your bill. If you would like more information, please contact Dylan Gaines at triangle-svc@mtu.edu
Five Under Thirty-Five
Five incredible Michigan Tech alumni, under the age of 35 , who are following their dreams will visit campus to inspire and energize the student body and campus community. Hear what they have to say on Wednesday, November 14th at 4:30 pm at the Rozsa Center.
Business Model Canvas Bootcamp
By Innovation Center for Entrepreneurship
The Innovation Center for Entrepreneurship will be hosting Business Model Canvas Bootcamp, a two-part workshop on Wednesday, November 14 and 28 from 7-9 pm in Rekhi 214. Using the Business Model Canvas, students will work with the Michigan Tech I-Corps Site Program teaching team to develop a business model for their technology or idea. Which customers does your idea or product serve? What value does it create? The I-Corps teaching team will guide students through the process of identifying value propositions and customer segments using customer discovery to develop a winning business model. Registration for this workshop is required.
Business Model Bootcamp is part of Husky Innovate, a series of workshops and events that build on each other with the intention of guiding students through key phases of innovation or business development. Students who participated in the Idea Pitch Competition and/or plan to compete in the upcoming Bob Mark Business Model Competition, are strongly encouraged to register for Business Model Canvas Bootcamp. Husky Innovate is hosted by the Innovation Center for Entrepreneurship, a collaboration between the School of Business & Economics, Pavlis Honors College, and the Vice President for Research Office.

Home for the Holidays Gift Mart: Call for Vendors
Vendor booth applications are now being accepted for the 21st Annual Home for the Holidays Gift Mart, which will be held at the Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts on Saturday, November 24th from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. The annual Home for the Holidays Gift Mart is a juried show, guaranteeing patrons an excellent and varied assortment of quality hand-crafted items to shop. Fifty vendors will be accepted into this year’s Gift Mart, and local crafters and artists are encouraged to apply. Interested vendors, contact the Rozsa Center for a Booth Application by calling (906) 487-2858, or by emailing rozsa@mtu.edu. Early applications will be reviewed on Friday, October 19th, and vendors will be notified of their acceptance during the week of October 22nd. Applications received after October 19th will be reviewed upon receipt, and the application deadline is November 16th.
For applications and complete vendor details please contact Mary Ann Struthers, (906) 487-2858, rozsa@mtu.edu
Join the MTU Racquetball Club
Join the Racquetball Club! Players of all levels are welcome to join us at the SDC courts on
Thursdays 6 – 8 pm and Sundays 1 – 3 pm.
Limitless Leadership: Find Your Drive to Thrive
Tom Healy has worked with thousands of student leaders over the past decade and will share what the best ones do to thrive in everything that they are involved with. For those that embrace leadership, this program will reinforce their drive to be great. And help them reach new heights as a leader. For those who do not view themselves as a leader, they will leave this program with a different view on leadership and be prepared to test their capacity to lead. Everyone who attends this program will leave knowing exactly how they can thrive as a leader.
Michigan Space Grant Consortium Funding Opportunities
The Michigan Space Grant Consortium announces funding opportunities in the following categories: Undergraduate Fellowship, Graduate Fellowship, Pre-College Education, Public Outreach, Teacher Training, and Research Seed Grant. Only U.S. citizens are eligible to apply for fellowship grants.
The internal Michigan Tech deadline is noon on Wednesday, November 7. Click here for instructions detailing proposal submission procedures and requirements.
Note— Proposals must be submitted electronically after being approved by the Office of Sponsored Programs. Proposals exceeding stated page limits or submitted without prior review by Michigan Tech will not be considered for funding. For more information, contact Paige Hackney (phackney@mtu.edu) in the Pavlis Honors College (M&M 722).
Women, underrepresented minorities, and persons with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply to all MSGC funding opportunities.
Study Abroad in Ghana
Come to an information session on studying abroad in Accra, Ghana summer 2019 with Michigan Tech Social Sciences faculty member Kari Henquinet through USAC. Join a team of faculty, students, and community members to learn hands on with support in a beautiful, friendly African city!
Informational meeting on Thursday, November 8th at 7 pm in Fisher 130.
Learn more about:
- Michigan Tech courses you can take abroad
- Financial aid and scholarship opportunities to study abroad
- Program details such as field trips, housing, costs, dates.
Social Justice Series
University Marketing and Communications at Michigan Tech is looking for student groups to run temporary takeovers of its Snapchat account. UMC is seeking your help in identifying responsible and outgoing students in your organization who would be willing to run a Snapchat takeover. The benefit to you? Raising student awareness about Michigan Tech in general and about your organization in particular.
The university Snapchat coordinator, Ben Jaszczak, works with campus groups like yours to organize awareness-raising Snapchat takeovers targeted to current and future Huskies. With over 2,000 followers, our Snapchat account is a great way to reach undergraduate and prospective students.
To run a Snapchat takeover, all you need to do is identify a student(s) who is willing to run the takeover and choose a time slot of 1-3 days where they can highlight your program or event. With that information, contact us at video@mtu.edu to schedule your takeover. You can direct any questions about this event to Ben Jaszczak, Multimedia Specialist and Snapchat Coordinator, at bjjaszcz@mtu.edu. We appreciate your help!
At-Risk for Students Course
College can be stressful at times, and Michigan Tech wants to empower our students with the resources they need to help one another. We’re excited to present the Kognito simulation At-Risk for Students course, which will help in recognizing signs of distress, determining if a friend needs help, how to talk to someone in need of help, or where you or your friend can turn to for resources. It can be difficult to deal with these kinds of issues, but an effective conversation can help more than you think-it can help change someones life. We hope you enjoy this simulation, as we all work together to help one another and build a stronger community.
Kognito is an online training simulation to help students learn how to talk to others in need and help in a crisis situation using role playing.
If you encounter technical issues, please contact Kognito‘s support team at: support@kognito.com
Buti Glow Party
Join instructor Natasha in the SDC Studio for a Boo-ti Yoga Buti Glow Party November 1 – complete with black lights, body paint, glow sticks and a Halloween-inspired playlist! Come between 8:45 and 9:00 p.m. to put on your body paint. Class from 9:15-10:30 pm.
Cost – $15/person (no punch cards accepted)
Off to Buti Glow I go, to lose my mind & find my soul!
To register, visit Boo-ti Yoga Buti Glow Party, call 906-487-2073 or visit the SDC Ticket Office.
Heathly Husky Workshop Series
New HuskiesFit Class
A new and exciting offer in the line-up of adult group fitness classes – Tai Chi!
Tai Chi, an ancient Chinese exercise combining relaxed fluid movements with a calm, alert mental state, is low impact and puts minimal stress on muscles and joints, making it safe for all ages and fitness levels. Join new HuskiesFit instructor Hilary Mondays from 2-2:50 p.m. and Wednesdays from 10:30-11:20 a.m. in the SDC Studio.
Introductory Dollar Days classes will be offered October 29 at 2 pm and 31st at 10:30 am. Try out the class for only $2!
Fall Session: November 5 – December 19 (no class November 19 & 21)
Cost – Michigan Tech Student Session $24, General Public Session $30
(Pay at the SDC Ticket Office.)
For more information or to register, visit Tai Chi.
HuskiesFit Programs
HuskiesFit Programs offers several group fitness classes throughout the week. There’s something to choose from every day! Check out our week at a glance flyer and see what fits your schedule.
Get the most for your money with the HuskiesFit Ultimate Session Punch Card! This premium 8-punch card allows you to experience a variety of HuskiesFit group fitness classes without having to commit to one particular type.
For more information on individual programs, visit HuskiesFit Programs. Commit to be HuskiesFit this Fall!
Michigan Tech Recreation Offers AppAudio
Customers have two WiFi networks to choose from – MichiganTech and MichiganTechGuest.
For more information on how to set up AppAudio on your devices, see HowToAppAudio.